Origi09's picture
  • 24

+ 1 natural Total T & TSH count


Last years Total T & TSH count. For some reason they didn't give me a Estradiol or LH sheet, although i asked a full hormonal test.

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Origi09's picture

Havent done any cycle yet, Just doing research and hoping to do my first cycle in 1-2 months. I Just posted lab test to see what people have to say about lab results.

BeastMode5085's picture

are these your baseline stats? post cycle, precycle? Test is low for age. TSH results are good +1

Origi09's picture

Through the numerous lab tests i've seen the test range is different from each one. 546ng on a range of 241-827 is that low?

BeastMode5085's picture

U and i are the same age, ur test should be a little higher but not bad at all.

Origi09's picture

genetics are some mean old bitches, at least science is there to help me achieve my goal. how did yours look like before ever cycling?

BeastMode5085's picture

I sit right under 800 when off gear. My last bloods were like 771. Not a huge deal. I would just watch yours going forward. I had a buddys who dipped into the low 400's and he felt like shit

Origi09's picture

what was yours before starting any cycle?

BeastMode5085's picture

i was an eager idiot and didnt run bloods when I first touched gear so I cant give you an answer.