McMeanie87's picture
  • 224

+ 4 My stash of goodies.


Since being screwed by a source that went on "hiatus" I been lucky enough to get in on a few promos. Goth was kind enough to send me the test e for the e.a bailout. Test prop from bigbear and oxydine test e, Proviron, and 5 ml of genshi sust 250 from S4Y..thank you all for the promo opportunities

Ordered from: 
selfster19's picture

So someone got reimbursed huh! Nice brotha man glad U straight! +1

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
McMeanie87's picture

Yea bro..but goth hooked me up with the test and ashop is sending me some var. And that's what e.a order was for: 20 ml cyp and some var so at least I got my order and then some.

irongame427's picture

Keep building it up bro.+1