gsleepy's picture
  • 331

Letro from


Had a bit of a problem with some gyno and needed some letro FAST! I knew nextday was a good source also and the proof is in the pudding.

Hemacrit level is way high but i gave blood yesterday. any other comments are welcome.

Ordered from: 
Theonslaught's picture

Have my letro coming. This is very helpful

Theonslaught's picture

How was your gyno?

gsleepy's picture

No lumps thankfully, just a crazy itching! No swelling or puffyness but def there was something trying to grow...

Theonslaught's picture

I have some lumps and wanted to use legit letro.
it got rid of them before. Ive gotten free letro twice from someone and it's still crap

gsleepy's picture

There are some good sources around here.

gsleepy's picture

hmmmm didn't notice that :/ Looks like I need to back off the booze.... LOL

Your vote counts just not very much until you reach 50 ;)

gsleepy's picture

thanks bro I am going to start the decent off the letro tomorrow and then take precautions for the bounce back.