txgymrat's picture
  • 12

+ 3 Legs...Work in progress


I been posting upper body pics which on me i think is more impressive than my lower body...But im working on that. i dont get it i can have abs all year long but no cuts in my quads unless im a couple weeks out from a show. If you guys have any tips to define the front quads let me know cus it just aint happening lol...Well anyway heres the legs. Sorry bout quality but i tried w flash without flash best i could do.

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levelup's picture

try pre exhausting them before you move to compound movements...the fatigue should allow you to concentrate on the contraction rather than powering thru the movement. with that being said ill trade you some thickness for a little definition

txgymrat's picture

haha thnks

Mr.Feathers's picture

Im sure you have, but what about high volume, high reps, drop sets, strips sets, sets in the 20+ range? Also you may just hold fat in your quads, more than rest of your body.

txgymrat's picture

I think your right about the fat thing i think my upper holds less than my lower but im gna keep switchin up tecniques and rep ranges and keep at it i def need to try that 20 + i usually always pyramid like a 15-10 but i havnt done awhole highrep wrkout in a good while...ill try it thnks