woody37's picture
  • 24

+ 8 IGF level for Naps Green Top Hyges


I'm 6 weeks off of PCT and have been running Naps Green tops for 4 1/2 weeks coming into these bloods. I ran the gh at 2ius for the first 2 weeks, 3 ius for a week and then 4 ius for a week and a 1/2- which is where I'll stay. The Green tops are .cn and the batch# is 20140304. Any and all input would be appreciated.

Ordered from: 
woody37's picture

No hcg and my all in one pct was bunk or severely under dosed. I had to run my pct again with pharma ancillaries to right the ship.

woody37's picture

I did my hormonal panel again about a month ago and my test was in the mid 500s and my Lh and fsh where both within range. I was happy with the test levels for my age.

woody37's picture

I'm 38. I Was in the low 600s in my early 30's.

woody37's picture

Thanks BK!

padderous's picture

I ordered the Eliteanabolx all-in-one PCT back in March or so. Super worried about seeing all this. Current on a cycle of someone else's products with this PCT at end.

Lot # 54567

woody37's picture

I just looked and my PCT had the same lot #. Hope this helps you.

padderous's picture

Guess it's best to assume it's bunk. That's obnoxious.

MegaT883's picture

Looks like your PCT was a failure. 183 test serum and 1.2 LH. You have a problem... your not recovered. But yes your IGF-1 levels look good.

propkick2's picture

nice +1

KK9111's picture

igf numbers are great +2. sorry about your bad pct products

builtroidtough's picture

Very nice numbers (as far as igf goes) I've got the same coming from naps! +1

killroy's picture

your igf numbers look good. Your GH is legit.

Sorry to hear about your PCT.

Also, wouldn't hurt looking into your abnormal blood count levels

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 2
Doss's picture

I never really understood the igf testing for hgh validation. Igf is really the body's response to gh and is totally subjective. For me, I'd rather see gh serum on a peak to know how strong the product is. But that's just my two pennies.

Test, LH, and FSH are def concerning. Either pct compounds were poor or bogus, or you're hypogonadal.

KK9111's picture

igf is great to see if the hgh is working also if you need to adjust your dose. Also there are other peptides that can raise/mimic growth serum levels but have no affect on your IGF.

Doss's picture

My only thing about that is this:

Peptides half lives won't allow for a peak to be present 3.5 hr late. And, if the igf response isn't optimal but serum levels are, it's your body, not the gear.

Not discounting the importance of igf. Just de-emphasizing it for use in validating hgh.

KK9111's picture

from my understanding 192aa which is used to fake gh will elevate serum but will actually lower igf

Doss's picture

Hmm... Aren't the numbers lower? Like a 10 iu shot instead of mid 20's to 30's would be in the teens? If so, then low gh serum and igf would be pretty indicative of 192aa rather than 191aa.

KK9111's picture

Pharma hgh can test in the teens. All depends on the user and when it peaks

Doss's picture

It shouldn't if the 10 iu protocol is used. Where the user variables come into play is the igf, serotonin, and HSL responses. Serum levels are gauging the current plasma concentration. Injecting subQ or IM and the med is absorbed by the lymphatic system, which is part of the circulatory system. It travels thru these vessels until it reaches a sort of valve near the heart where it dumps into the blood stream. Half life determines duration of concentration. There is no ester attached. Whatever the amount you inject, it has one place to go before becoming into contact with enzymes etc; the blood stream.

Serum levels are 100% dose and time dependent. What's questionable is dose strength; was it dose accurately at factory, or dilution ratio followed correctly. Was timeframe accurate? Things like this play more of a role on accuracy. Biologically, the hormone has no where to go except the blood stream.

covertmind's picture

you could also have a high gh serum of non-bioactive GH, so there are flaws to this protocol as well

KK9111's picture

you know I dont understand all that scientific shit lol.

Doss's picture

I bet if put it in financial terms with an analogy you would, big Baller. Lol

KK9111's picture

Hahahah yes im much better with numbers and uour anologys make it easy for me to understand

woody37's picture

The test levels concern me too. I had a feeling my pct compounds were bunk, but this definitely confirms it.

WaresMyBalls's picture

Did you Order your PCT from Ashop?

woody37's picture

No, my pct was from a domestic source that took off a couple of months ago. I have Balkan ancillaries on hand now from Ashop that I think I'm going to run for a restart.

KK9111's picture

you should add the source you got the pct from so other members know not to use it

woody37's picture

It was from EA. Their all in 1 PCT.

KK9111's picture

thanks members need to know this

WaresMyBalls's picture

Okay Cause I Was Going To Say, Ashop Runs a Tight Ship Over There Man !

Doss's picture

This is why I stress pharma products for pct, AI's, and prolactin control.

KK9111's picture


konig's picture

Well the igf levels look great bro, but did you see your test level? :0 !!

woody37's picture

You're right, I meant to put green. The tops are bluish green.