supervillian82's picture
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high estro low libido


What do you guys recommend? I'm considering starting .25mg adex EOD. Anyone have any bad sides from adex? I'm currently experiencing soft and minimal erections. Stats: 185, 32yrs old. 400 mg test cypionate/week. (Week four) Lethargic, Moody, breaking out on face, oily skin. No gyno or other complications though. I also have Clomid and Nolvadex on hand. Thought that was a little extreme though. Just had a full lipid panel done, estro is out of wack and fsh and lh are non existent.. But that's common yea? This happened my last test cycle also. Rebounded about a month after stopping last test only cycle. Thinking about seeing an endocrinologist if there's not much help here. After all, these girls aren't gonna F*(K themselves...

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stormuk69's picture

The only time I had a "Side" was when I used 1mg ed. I was sitting watching TV and came over all panicky and my Heart started racing. I had the Adrenaline fight or flight sensation and it was horrible. Since then I reduced to .5 ed and that has been fine. Apart from that isolated incident I have never had any issues with a/dex. Concerning the Erections I get them fine and can maintain when off cycle. When on-cycle usually 500mg Test-E p/w Mr Floppy pays a visit !. Next time I'm prepared though as i'm gonna try out some Proviron and also got some Boner Pills as a fall back ;-)

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skywalker's picture

This may be a long shot, but you may have deca instead of test.

Hit me up with a pm if you need any help. I know exactly what you should do.

irongame427's picture

I personally only use aromasin. 6.25mgs ed would be perfect IMO. But the little I know about adex, .25 eod would be a good starting point. Just watch out for the signs of low estrogen. There basicLly the same as high estrogen lol, with the addition of painful joints, and some experience chapped lips and dry skin. Probably a good idea to start your adex and run it for like 2 weeks and get bold work again. That way you won't be guessing and you can find your sweet spot for future cycles.

supervillian82's picture

Thanks man. Appreciate the input. I always like getting that blood work done on cycle. sometimes something just doesn't feel right and I have to adjust certain dosages. My last test cycle was 500mg/wk and my Dr. told me I dont need to run an AI or and PCT. I think he was a little leery about prescribing female hormone suppressants to a male in fear that the local board of Dr.s will review his charts and see that he's promoting steroid use. Especially since he prescribed me Watson Test C as a TRT and I use it as at anabolic levels once a year. Thats about the extent of my cycles. I enjoy my time off cycle just as much as the time "on"..