Gorillafit's picture
  • 1.3k

+ 3 Generic Yellow Tops


Well another Generic bites the dust! Tested these for GorillaGear, who was approached to carry them. I really thought they were gonna come in good. I got this numb kinda feeling in my tongue similar to when I tested 10 iu of Riptropin. But no! I wonder what the hell they were? Not HGH!

Beaker's picture

FWIW I have several HGH in the pipeline to be tested.... and we will see who has good shit and who has shit.

Gorillafit's picture

Yeah but you do it confidential, unless the people paying for the test want to release the info. I post what it is and who its from!

snuka2012's picture

Still...there's the saying about looking a gift horse in the mouth. There are some people who just "don't feel the love" Smile or any sense o' community and their attitude is they paid for it regardless of result...if other people want to see results then they can pay for it themselves. I get it...it's their dime. They come here just to check out the reviews and get theirs and they don't care about participating or contributing. Believe it...all I can say is it happens. It's their choice. The fact that someone was willing to pay for a test out of their pocket and share test results, like some bros do here is awesome. Personally, I'm always grateful to see any of this stuff...it demonstrates some generosity and lookin' out.

Gorillafit's picture

What gift horse? How does it help anyone to post all the pretty graphs and then not say what lab its from, or who sells it. That's like posting a general warning, "Hey guys just want you to know there is shit gear being sold here, but I'm not gonna say what it is or who's selling it!" That don't help anyone!

snuka2012's picture

I hear ya and can't disagree that part isn't the least bit helpful. I'm just saying what's helpful and has value is getting some good info. That's better than no info. You may not know who the bad guys are, but at least you can see where some good gear is and which sources to go to for them...not all of them but some of them. Some light is better to complete darkness. You can get an indication of who consistently has good gear across their products too. If you've never worked with a source, it's no guarantee but it provides some confidence and reassurance. Some of the compounds lend themselves to blood-work like test, hgh, caber, AI. But some of the other compounds like VAR, dbol, tren, EQ, etc...I'm not sure how you objectively test other than MS tests. Maybe urinalysis? MS tests aren't generally accessible and they're not cheap, so if this info is available...thank you, I'll take it.

Beaker can speak for himself...but he looks like he's in a different position than us in the sense that he's not paying for the tests. I know for quite a few of us, if we take a test and pay for it, we're open to sharing it. No problem..let's help other bros out. It's our choice and a very cool thing to do.

Beaker's picture

PM and lets talk!

UncleYoked's picture

Ive seen a lot of yellow tops around lately. Just one more reason to stick with verifiable rips.

snuka2012's picture

U && GG saved some people frustration and $$ +1

Gorillafit's picture

I don't get how people are selling this stuff that tests ZERO HGH and people keep buying it! Its nuts!

UncleYoked's picture

Not enough people like you running and posting labs. You can think a product works all you want, but the proof comes from the tests.