lordoftheoctagon's picture
  • 189

+ 1 Gear Depot Gear.....(you judge)


Test Prop x16
Mast Prop x6
Winny Deopt x6
Test Cyp x3
HCG x7,000 iu
Adex x2
Var x1

You judge! It seems very shady to me.
1.Prop- Different levels of compound inside. usually they are all different but if you look closely some of the levels are WAY OFF. PLUS the last one on the right has no label, WTF?!?!?
2. Cyp- The labels are to big for the bottles and appear to be off set
3. Mast appears to be some what legit?
4. the HCG also appears to be legit as well as the Winny.
6. the var is legit my GH used it and made good gains from it!
7. Im sure that the ADEX is legit if the var was.....

Thats why I post these, for you guys. ESP. with this guys gear!!!
This is why im having the prop, winny, mast tested this week!

lordoftheoctagon's picture

well I got the test back. All was GTG execpt for the Mast prop. I will get them posted soon! Just gotta figure out out to do it, they are a PDF file.

MAC's picture

Ya these are "underground labs" bro, they don't have expensive machinery to accurately fill each individual vial to the same exact height as the last lol. Def keep us posted on quality

lordoftheoctagon's picture

Yes homie, im gona have it mailed out this week hopfully!

lordoftheoctagon's picture

This is true but have you read the reviews from this guy. If not I sugest you do so. Im not calling anybody anything, Im just simply stating what has been put on the review boards, thats all. Im still having it tested tho.