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+ 26 First Bulk on Gear Results


So I have been on gear now for 3 years. First year was getting my test dose dialed in with my Urologist. I actually needed medical test…well maybe not “need” because I was getting through life without it but I certainly qualified for it medically and figured what the hell. I’ve achieved what I wanted to achieve naturally, had my family, and have a very stable life. Might as well see just how high the ceiling can be doing things as safely as possible.
Year 2 was playing with higher levels of test up to 400mg/wk solo for a short stint. Then played with DHB, var, and tbol when trying to recover from an ACL surgery in my 30s. Maybe not the smartest thing but I can honestly say I was battling some depression because I had a 40+ inch vert and was extremely athletic still in my 30s prior to tearing it and I felt like I just ruined everything. Well the DHB got me back to 38”, so worth it in my eyes.
Now year 3 I decided to run a real bulk while on gear. Decided on test/NPP/primo. Dosage at 425/200/200. I don’t aromatize much and figured the primo could add a little anabolism while giving me the AI properties people tout. The NPP same thing with the anabolism but also making my knee feel a little better. Bulk was planned for 20 weeks and I started using DC Pharma gear. The 425 test E got me to 1300 total test when I went for bloods at week 8. So I threw all that shit away and switched over to Gorillakingz quick bulk and primo. Dosage changed to 280/280/200 test/NPP/primo simply due to oil amounts I can fit in my 1ml barrels. I like to inject daily and keep volume to under 1ml per shot. This put my test at 1440.

Three pics. First is the start at 195 lbs and bf I normally walk around at on my 140mg/wk trt dose. I’d say pretty lean.
Pic 2 is peak bulk at 228.4 lbs (calipers said ~14% bf but I felt like I was higher)
Pic 3 is 222.2 lbs after dropping back to trt dose to let some water/glycogen fall off to see how much lean vs fat I gained. (Calipers saying ~12-13% also seems too low)
I’m a solid 6’ without shoes on. All pics taken fasted in the morning before my daily cardio.

The bulk changed drastically after switching to GK gear. I was blowing my progressive overload metrics that I had developed during the first 8 weeks out of the water. Was needing to add additional weight and reps each week to reach the same effort level as the previous week. No telling what I could have accomplished running GK the entire time. Did have to buy new clothes though which sucked. I got pretty thick and my jeans turned to skinny jeans…All the clothes cost more than the damn gear and still had to get some shit tailored to fit.

Best lift during this bulk was 180kg x10 squat at the end of a leg session. Always do my squats pre-fatigued so I can use less weight for the same stimulus to cut back on axial fatigue. High bar only as I was an oly lifter in my younger days. Vert dropped to 34” because I turned into a fridge but could still dunk pretty easily. Gonna cut now and get that back up to ~38”+ while being ~210 lbs.

Hopefully this puts some context to advice I’ve been offering around here lately about how important diet and training is vs drug usage. Total test levels in the 1300-1500 range the entire bulk and these were the results. You don’t need 3000+ total test to make real gains.

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Teeeethreee's picture

What’s your OnlyFans

daksmack's picture

Huge and ripped at the same time. Good stuff!!

Are you taking any GH?

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TayBoog91's picture

Good shit bro. Keep up the work! I was using DC too until he went ghost and now im trying to workout options for another source hopefully GK can help me get things going.

SeeOhShow's picture

Can’t go wrong with GK. I’ve got quite the collection of purple tops building up in my stash. Couple of small foam bananas randomly strewn out throughout my house too since my kid likes stealing them

press1's picture

Those bananas have the ability to keep everyone happy! Lmao

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23Sparta's picture

Hard work pays off

Bill1976's picture

Your diet must be really on point.

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SeeOhShow's picture

I suppose so. I eat the same things every day just the quantities change depending on goal. My wife says I’m OCD….I say I’m just very routine oriented. But I do weigh out every glass of milk I drink (and that’s roughly half a gallon a day)….so maybe she has a point. Unknw

Notmelgibson's picture

Looking awesome

Makwa's picture

Great work Good

Beach13's picture

Just wondering how much cardio do you do to get that lean, diet is obviously on point

SeeOhShow's picture

I run a 5k five days a week in the early morning. Then I also play basketball for ~3 hours another day in the week. So cardio six days a week. I do this whether I’m bulking or cutting. I lift five days a week, have a dedicated plyo day where I do power cleans then work on my dunking for about ~2 hours. So to break that down:
Monday basketball
Tuesday am cardio and pm lift
Wednesday am cardio and pm lift
Thursday am cardio and pm plyo day
Friday pm lift
Saturday am cardio and pm lift
Sunday am cardio and pm lift

press1's picture

You are INSANE Bro - 5k 5 days a week THEN you train later on??!!!!

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SeeOhShow's picture

Yea but it’s a really easy slow pace. 30 min 5k. That’s basically walking. There’s a big gap between to get a few meals in and be ready to hit the weights hard.

press1's picture

You see a big difference in your training when you get fitter don't you - mind you I suspect you have been fit all your life! How come you stopped the Olympic lifting out of interest?

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SeeOhShow's picture

I’m a big advocate of general physical preparedness. You can’t get the most out of training if your lungs fail before your muscles.
I stopped because I no longer had the time to maintain technical proficiency in the lifts. Majority of oly training is working on technical proficiency not actually building muscle/strength for lifting. You gotta execute the movement so often to maintain proper bar path/technique that I just couldn’t keep up with that and work, take care of my family, etc. Now my mobility is shit, and I couldn’t get back in to it even if I wanted to. No way in hell I could receive a bar overhead in a full squat at the moment. I still do power cleans as part of my jump training though.

press1's picture

Very, very true on the fitness side bud. I must admit watching Olympic lifting has always scared me, there seem to be so many things that could potentially go wrong during the lift, my biggest fear would be that the bar comes down from overhead and hits me on the back and faceplants me into the floor with the barbell stuck on the back of my neck!! Not sure if thats even possible though Lol There looks to be a lot of balance involved in it too!

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Beach13's picture

Thats phenomenal, god bless , i wish i had the time . I really have to work on my cardio, I tried to run recently my hips are super tight and I was totally winded within a minute. My pulmonologist said there's nothing wrong with me other than being weak cardio-wise

Bearded_muscle's picture

When hard work meets great gear it’s a lethal combo.

Big plus one from the Beard

Gymrat3CC's picture

Hell Yeah man great work. Definitely crushed it keep killing it.

Stokes500's picture

Impressive mate … keep doing what you do it clearly working wonders

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officer34's picture

Great physique !

Sackbird's picture

Normally dudes think they’re 10% when they’re easily 20%+. You, my humble friend, are doing the opposite haha. You are an absolute unit, brother.

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SeeOhShow's picture

Thanks for the comments fellas.
Just fyi the leg I put forward in all the photos is the leg I had ACL surgery on. Allograft of a tibialis anterior all arthroscopic. So I just have 3 tiny little scars instead of that big one down the knee and no donor site morbidity. I used to think a torn ACL is the end of the world, but it’s not. Modern medicine is a true miracle. Anyone going through that hell though is more than welcome to PM me.

Drexyl's picture

Awesome real world results! Congrats on getting the progress from your efforts, nice job man!

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Jrblh2's picture

Great progress

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

great shape (Y)

FJB's picture

Solid AF brother

creatinehcl's picture

You look great! I thought I'd post my pictures, but now I've definitely given up on that LOL

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alekaras's picture

Great results buddy!!

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press1's picture

In some serious shape there mate! I reckon you are playing down your max bench too like you are bodyfat levels!! LMAO Lol

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anvil's picture

Looking great , hate to be the one to tell you but you are sub 10% BF. I am not guessing here, I am sure.

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Gorillakingz's picture

I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years I would get a hard from eroids. Yet here we are

Banjokid2020's picture

Nice cycle, nice progress, nice write up. Looking great bro! --

NWApatches's picture

Goals! Looking fucking great! Proof is in the pics.

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DeeMan's picture

Ok I see ya. Nice. Is that some type of filter on these pics? And I see you like dhb. No pip? It's definitely too pippy for me.

SeeOhShow's picture

No filter. Just the shitty lighting in my basement early morning before the sun is up. All pics taken in the exact same conditions to make comparison fair.

It gave me pip but it was manageable

KonstantViktory's picture

Very lean. I'd call that more like 7-8% tops though lol.

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