Mrs.Fit's picture
  • 70

+ 3 EBC 2 Week Update


Preacher Curl 55lbs 12 x on my second set. (After Back Work)
Here are week 2 #s:
Weight 116.5
BF % 17.2
Waist-28 1/8"
Hips-33 1/8"
Left Arm(it's bigger)-12"

Iron-warrior's picture

Someone aint playin around!!! great job

Mrs.Fit's picture

Thank you. sounds like you have been working out for a long time.keep up the good work

Iron-warrior's picture

Why thank you.

kodiakGRRL's picture

Looking good Ms. Fit ;-) keep up the hard work ..!!!

Mrs.Fit's picture

Thanks. I'm trying miss my bread and pasta.It is getting easier though.

fast48's picture

Woo hoo! On the road to success!

Mrs.Fit's picture

it's a success already i feel stronger and its just the beginning.thanks for the vote of confidence.

Gorillafit's picture

This girl is on fire! I had to blur out her face cause the determination is scary! +1

Mrs.Fit's picture

O he is. and i was on him at the gym today and he lost his breakfast.