Coconut's picture
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livingstronger's picture

Looking good, brother. Bonus for the ink. +1

Coconut's picture

Haha thanks brotha! Love me some ink!

Coconut's picture

Thanks big homie!!!

ee4's picture

Very nice progress bro. You look great and are very well proportioned!

Coconut's picture

Thank you brotha want to get bigger haha!

ee4's picture

I wish I had the karma to give you a +1

Coconut's picture

U can still thumbs up ;)

ee4's picture

Done - obviously I'm new here haha

bigJOHNstud's picture

chest is getting full coconuts!!

Coconut's picture

Thanks brotha still not as big as you but one day... I'm cumin for you all homo!

Coconut's picture

Thanks big homie with your help I've went far and will be going farther! Your the man