ReadyToKillIt's picture
  • 326

+ 2 BPC-157


I got in on the steroidify promo. I grabbed some BPC-157 to help a couple spots of chronic tendinitis. I received the pack in about 5 days. I am 4 days in to using it, and things look promising. Review to follow once I'm done.

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joeeleo3131's picture

I love that stuff! Say goodbye to tendon and joint pain! When I use this stuff I feel like a kid again lol

press1's picture

Make sure you are also drinking 10 to 15 grams of Collagen Peptides ED in with EAA's mate - this will help tendonitis massively. 1g Vitamin C too also helps tendons regenerate.

In a promo × 1
lundgren's picture

Glycine help a lot too 10g before bedtime < 3