LUCKY_11_30's picture
  • 58

+ 1 BOGO promo from SavageRoids


Ended up with

100xAnavar 50 mgs
100xAnavar 25 mgs
100x proviron
100x Cialis

First time with the Anavar from Homie but everything else is on point I know.

Ordered from: 
jaywall's picture

The Var is potent as shit. I am running the proviron now for first time. How did you like it? What mg did you run and did you split dosage into twice daily? I also am on winny and prop so I take winny twice a day anyways so I've been taking 2 25 caps in the AM and 1 at night...LMK bro....

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LUCKY_11_30's picture

I'm doing the same Winny at 30 mgs and var at 50 mgs. split twice daily. morning and mid day. Already liking that my stomach is lookin flat and arms more vascular

jaywall's picture

Yeah man. Best cutting cycle out there IMO.....

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jaywall's picture

Yeah man. Best cutting cycle out there IMO.....

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LUCKY_11_30's picture

thanks bro. yeah ive used his oils and most his capsules. Dbol blew me the fuck up back when he first hit the scene