irongame427's picture
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+ 26 Bloods on balkan test e


Currently running 900mgs of balkan test e, 50mgs of balkan proviron and .25mg balkan adex eod, and 500mgs of npp from another source. Been on for 7 weeks now. Not thrilled at all with total test of 3700 when ive tested higher on 500mgs ew. 4000 seems to be pretty common on 500mgs a week and I'm on almost double and not even there. Only been on the proviron for about 7 days before the test so maybe if i had been on for longer it would have brought my e2 down. Gonna up my adex dose to .5mg eod now and probably up my test dose. Atleast all the rest of my bloods look great.

Ordered from: 
eastcoastmuscle's picture

your free test is pretty high though

ashop's picture


I have a answer from a specialist that does not give me some clear answers but he gave me on paper so I asked him to send me on electronic format and I will post.
I do not expect to win such a debate when scientific studies does not exist for such dosages and combination of drugs.

The only way to have a idea about reality is the one that specialist gave me "Regarding plasma concentration levels discussions. I have verbal confirmation that we will have a study on rabbits for huge doses. It will be a witness group with a international brand name bought from official importer and two groups of rabbits that will have dosages ( dunno per kg of rabbit ) but same like a bodybuilder is doing 500 mg and other group 1000 mg. Maybe a third group to have a cycle including proviron and adex. Study will be for a period of 4 months. It will take 3 weeks to get it started and will be conducted by UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE. Just a verbal confirmation that they can do it ( costs are quite big) but if this helps out us is good to go."

I will do my best to push this study to start and end. It will published in international specialty literature etc.This guy said that would be a SUPER DOCTOR LICENSE much more when someone fund this research.

BP is like a BMW in a parking with chinese cars. You can say chineze care are better, look almost the same etc but BMW is BMW. The same stupid debate we have here and I do not want to continue arguing.

I am VERY INTERESTED OF TRUTH because when you have a quality product truth it will help you.

I like the board, I love when people bring critics but if you could keep lower your negative posts that has no support ( like I KNOW ashop is crock or shit like this that was NEVER proved ). ( reps or fan-boys of other sources, competition who knows because 1 from milion is someone who is my customer to say something bad about me )

99.9% of my customers are very wise and smart and I get very wise advices from them by email. Nobody wants to interfere here ( maybe not to be called FAN-BOYS ) and I respect this. I managed really bad situations and I will prove one more time that I am right. If would be proved I was wrong I would give a free order to each customer and get out of business.

Thank you and have patience for the study. I really hope they will start and get it going

I will do my best my friends,

levelup's picture

At any research facility you CANNOT go straight into an in vivo study. It must be a theoretical model(prove that it is worthy of further study), in vitro, then in vivo. NOONE is going to use their hard earned research grants on a atudy that will not benefit them. Don't know what shit you are trying to pull out of your ass but this isn't cutting it. I AM NOT SAYING YOU AR A CROCK OF SHIT OR TRYING TO PERSONALLY ATTACK YOU SO SAVE YOUR WOE IS ME "they are attscking me" BS. Do you think we are all a bunch of idiots?

ashop's picture

Since you write a lot without knowing nothing you can be how you say. I said and I think it will be. Are you a doctor in any science or just a shit stirrer ?

levelup's picture

Yea my background is in science and you know I'm right. You know how long it takes to write a research grant and to get it accepted...who would waste it on something that wouldn't advance their career

Trapsquatch's picture

There is no point arguing with this guy man he is just a bullshitter trying to push his sub par product onto people here who truly believe his Lies...Btw so we meet again LoL

levelup's picture

Lol at least we are on the same page here

irongame427's picture

Lol yes, a study on rabbits will be very accurate. Just like how clen is anabolic in rats and not in humans.You can't compare animals to humans.

ashop's picture

All drugs are tested on rats and rabbits my friends before going on humans for so many years. Also there are some formula so you can extrapolate data. I did not talked with university guardian. We will see why I should have arguments with you when we will see ?

Trapsquatch's picture

Truth spoken right here ^^^^^

Trapsquatch's picture

Now No offense This is my opinion,But you have your BMW roles reversed.See Balkan is the cheap chinese Car dressed up like a bmw and Pfzier,Watson,Upjohn are the real BMW's and they never have to excuse low numbers I have never seen someone debate AUTHENTIC Watson Cyp or doubt the numbers unlike Balkan and that is a fact.

ashop's picture

watson is compounding pharmacy my friend. I heard in USA lots of people died from compounding pharmacies. In EU such things are not allowed .

KAM1314's picture

Watson is a major pharmaceutical company that was just purchased by an even bigger pharmaceutical company. The only Watson's compounding pharmacy I can find is a family owned store in Ottawa, Canada. The USA Watson produces many of the generic meds in the USA.'s very far from a compounding pharmacy....and even compounding pharmacies in the US are inspected by the FDA which is a far more stringent then the EUROPEAN standards.

KAM1314's picture

That's why CVS, Walgreen, and many other drug stores stock Watson products (not just test cyp) and nowhere near a small compounding operation

irongame427's picture

I was about to say Watson is def a huge pharm company not a compounding pharmacy.

Trapsquatch's picture

You heard?Well guess what I heard that balkan is nothing more than a UNDER GROUND LAB and the numbers speak for themselves.I really don't know how foolish people can be, think about it Does a real Pharma Brand sell by the pallet to black market dealers almost exclusively Now please stop your making yourself look foolish if anyone has any doubt all they have to do is scroll up and see 900mg test a week=3700=Pathetic Under dosed=Balkan=Ashop

ashop's picture

Just nut-huggers of domestic guys business who attack me because I have faster service cheaper and really quality .

Trapsquatch's picture

OMG Balkan is not pharma but iron you told me they make their products in a 10 million dollar lab....Serious does not surprise me at all I wish people would have listened to me instead of flaming me for saying balkan is Not the cream of the crop and is just standard product.....Low numbers are low numbers Ashop can spin doctor it as much as he wants I love that everybody who has posted a bunk product he tries to claim they are a liar and then Say "oh my english is not that good" LoL Cmon who falls for that

ashop's picture

not 10 million from what I read in a newspaper is 30 million at EU standards that are higher than US standards. Compounding pharmacies for example in europe have no right to produce more than creams for hemoroids, in US they produce steriles. So EU standards are much higher.

ashop's picture

So many variables to look for before you say : xx is not good.

If fat men are to use testosterone-esters as a form of contraception, they will need higher doses, the >researchers speculate. The testosterone injections may also take longer to become effective in fatter >males. And the same will apply to chemical athletes.

levelup's picture

I am sorry for the utterly ridiculous responses you are receiving iron...the numbers don't lie

ashop's picture

We will see who is liar soon. I am getting members from this forum and from other forums also to have blood tests.

levelup's picture

dont come at me like that. i gave my opinion on the post and in no way did i personally address you. IMO (IN MY OPINION) it doesnt matter that his e2 is slightly elevated or he has taken a weeks worth of proviron...the serum level is low for TOTAL test IN MY OPINION the raws in this batch are underdosed. see how ive made an objective observation that has nothing to do with the source????

irongame427's picture

So the debate right now is if I'm a liar or you're a liar? Pleasae choose your words wisely my friend, ive been very quiet on this post for the last few days and that will change very quickly if you disrespect me one more time.

ashop's picture

You just interpret my english or my english is really bad. He said numbers do not lie. Maybe numbers lie because could be factors that influence your plasmatic levels. I do not talk about your integrity.

How I should say you are a liar you will not be only one who will do cycles with blood tests. I already have asked many members here and other forums to have their blood done. Not to prove you are wrong but is good to see how variable are the plasma levels, how much proviron influence test levels and how much estrogen influence test levels plus what are the error from one person to another

Stop thinking I blame you or I think you BS. I am not even thinking to this right now

irongame427's picture

ok bine , poate că ar trebui să vorbim romanesc atunci.

irongame427's picture

Ei bine , cel puțin am putut comunica cu Alin

ashop's picture

ha ha ha thats better than my english

ashop's picture

What kind of ester ? How many kg are you ? Did you took also PROVIRON and ADEX ? How are you balls, small or normal or how are LH and FSH ( endogenous testosterone is there or no ). What is your aromatization speed ?

For moment specialist I told them asked me those questions.

Have trust in me, I never disappointed anyone we will clear up this

ashop's picture

This guy who is endocrinologist told me that your estradiol is at the lowest limit ( 26 ) so you have SLOW aromatization speed. IronGame427 has 76 and his aromatization speed higher. Higher aromatization speed means higher rate of testosterone destruction .

You do not take proviron also. From what I understand this make also testosterone lower but he will get documentation on this.

Also he mentioned that plasmatic concentration is not increasing linear with the dosage. For example from 250 to 600 is only 80% increase ( he will write me more because telling those things through phone could make me post some stupid things and look like a idiot )

But your cycle is different and your estradiol is low that mean you have lower speed of test distruction

Trapsquatch's picture

I love how you always have a "friend" to make and excuse as to why your products FAIL to live up to the claims you make...Balkan=Very Nice UGL simple as that and the numbers Prove It

ashop's picture

Without any hard feelings from anyone ( BIG A is little cocky but he win the right to be cocky IMO) as I promised I asked few specialist and also a IFBB bodybuilder ( real IFBB he is owner of ) who when was competing he had doctors checking
him all the time and advising him. I know him for years but I asked him to give his opinion no matter if is good bad for me. His conclusion is to stop arguing with people that does not have some level of knowledge. But I think even I do not have that level but I can learn. Same we together understood how random results of mass-specs are, I think we can see variables that can make testosterone higher or lower in plasma and be able to interpret test results without drama.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: irongame
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 00:26:52 -0800
From: B A

I looked over everything. You are dealing with xxxxx. And you can't
win because of that.

These people don't understand that results vary MASSIVELY due to a huge
number or variables within the body.

On prescription sustanon 250, I had blood tests results 5 times higher
on 500mg than on 1,500mg! Go figure.
And this is on Organon Sustanon 250 that I personally picked up from the
pharmacy with a prescription.

You will never win with these xxxx. They are too xxxx to
understand how the body works.

Here's an example - if you inject in scar tissue, the oil sits there so
it won't release the drug, so a blood test will show low drug levels.
When you lose fat, some of that oil will dissipate, and the drug will
get released and it will register in your blood tests, even if you took
nothing else for months. That's just a small example of things that can

On Sat, 22/11/14, wrote:

Subject: irongame
To: "B A" >
Received: Saturday, 22 November, 2014, 6:08 AM


So that guy say he done 300 mg x 3 times a week plus
proviron and adex and he expected to 7000 test levels.

Thats study show he has good test levels but he say in the
study the injection was done monday and blood tests done after 7

He say calculating after half life product is 50%
underdosed. For sure is not underdosed and raw is from Bayer mexico

What do you think there is a explanation a interpretation or..... ?

Please take a look over this thread if you can

Please tell me your honest opinion so I can post as it is. I will say is
coming from you if you allow me.

Thank you very much and sorry for such stupid problems

Big Ian's picture

Everybodys got to admit that the scar tissue point is a valid one really, not sure about the getting released when you lose fat but it would definitely lower/slow down absorbtion.......

ashop's picture

If you guys read what BIG A said here:

On prescription sustanon 250, I had blood tests results 5 times higher
on 500mg than on 1,500mg! Go figure.

Then go one post down where one endocrinologist told me that some people do not get shutdown from 250 mg then this make a sense no ?

I think we more research we will understand is BEST that each one of you when want to do a cycle MUST do his blood test to see how hes body reacts. Possible many of you to get lower dosages make work for you better or the same like higher dosages and without the side effects of higher dosages.

So when you plan a cycle plan at least one blood test during it and one during PCT or after.

Also do not freak out and do not take one guy values from blood as standard for you. Everyone is different.

ashop's picture

I already had some opinions from specialist. It will take 2-3 days to have them in english with graphs. One endocrinologist told me that for 900 mg (ENANTHATE OR CYPIONATE - another ester different story) ( 3 x 300 times per week ) maximum spike IDEALLY ( if body would be machine) could be 4900 ( he will make a graph so we understand why. Sure more than this guy get.
But he told me that counts PROVIRON ADEX that he takes also told me that IRONGAME AROMATIZATON speed is very high and this will lower also ( not sure why because he told me those over phone ) .

Also he pointed one thing. For 250 mg ( someone gave a example with 250mg with high value ) the user will have also endogenous and exogenous testosterone so the value could be much higher depending on the week the injection is done. He worked with sportive but he never worked with more than 250mg dosages. He told me that were trying to keep lower dosages. Said some people got shutdown from 100 mg other from 250 mg do not get shutdown for a while.

He also pointed that this is not mathematic and body is not machine.

He said absolutely body mass counts, and lots of factors also

Big Ian's picture

I look at a site called ergo log fairly regularly which shows various studies and by chance i came across this today which they put on therea day or two ago........

Seems that the higher bodyfat you have, the lower the concentration of test in your blood for a given amount injected.....

ashop's picture

BIG IAN you should PIN UP this article. Also other two articles I posted should be pinned up.

Big Ian's picture

I would do Alin but I have no idea how to? Lol

ashop's picture

I put into my bookmarks but no ideea how to pin up. Maybe post in special forum like a NEW THREAD and mods will PIN UP because you found something very interesting and usefull

ashop's picture

Seems that different people give different results.

I think we should find out where in the process the difference is appearing like : size of impact of the diet during testing on bloods, age, gym time, genetics, years activity of sports/gym etc, other drugs used in the combo also weight maybe ? ....since bigger guys has higher volume of blood.

Also we should find out if the lab use analogic or computerized method and what is the error for range WAY out of their range. ( labs could have low error between xx and yy, values out of the range are determined with a higher error because such numbers doesnt appear in normal life )

I am sure blood testing is very good method but we should clear up why there are differences between peoples, not easy task

( what i wrote here are assumptions only )

dudebro's picture

how is this possible with their $25 million lab and bayer raws?