Gymjunkie01's picture
  • 916

+ 5 Black labels Test Cyp & Viagra pack


5x Test Cyp 200 mg per ml 10 ml per vial . This stuff tested out on a mass spec at a little over 90% pure!!! That's pretty damn good..

150x 50 mg black label Viagra pills nicely pressed with the skull pressed into one side

bigJOHNstud's picture

thats almost half a year of boners +2

Krazygee5581's picture

I'm on his winny shit is insane pumps all day can't wait to revamp my next cycle with it. +1

WINNING's picture

Never tried Black label, let me know how it goes+1

only1cat's picture

Was really good stuff!!! I have 1.5 TNE left and 1 test enanthate 1 test cyp left. Im running the Test E. for my TRT rite now and I think I need to drop my dosage cause im still breaking out like a teenager.

Gymjunkie01's picture

It's a labs name blacklabel labs

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MusicMan's picture

any word on the potency of the Viagra?

Gymjunkie01's picture

Not yet but knowing him it's good cause he gets all his stuff tested and if it's not up to par he won't use it

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