bigmazi's picture
  • 74

+ 3 AM Test Prop and Testolic from MD


Had to get some of MD's own line.
and wanted to try some HG prop for a change. Theese amps looks good!

Ordered from: 
cplatty1's picture

just pinned the AM prop. soooo smooth. Felt like pharma grade goin in!

chicoimpala's picture

Nice. I have some coming also. Please update with how it feels tomorrow. Glute inj?
Very interested in the AM tren A and E also. Glad promo lasting a bit longer

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cplatty1's picture

Will do bro. Usually do quad inj. just because its hard for me to keep still doing glute lol but no pip whatsoever yet but ill update. all of the am gear looks sweet so far. im also using the prop to mix in my NTP 350 syringe to minimize the small pip it gives.

bigmazi's picture

Yeah.. I had the same feeling.. those 2ml amps looks very good..

cd1's picture

Testolic is all good and so is the AM Pharma stuff, im using there Sust and Cyp which seems to be all good....cyp still waiting for it cut in..... PROP in there Sust you can feel it kick within about 24 hours, slight flu but nothing major.

Superman1's picture

That's cool I got AMTREN coming so it's good shit AM product is the bomb you said you got the flu. what symptoms ? And if you can keep us updated ..

cd1's picture

Nothing major with the Flu, Id say about 2 days after the jab you get a slight stuffy feeling and a bit of a head cold but nothing to panic may not be from the Prop in the Sust, but its giving all the signs of a good blend as I stopped all other compounds and makes quite a while ago so I would like to think Im somewhat running on just the AM Pharma stuff now.... Im also now starting to feel the long esters....bit of aggression coming from time to time...

Superman1's picture

Cool I'm loving MD !

bigmazi's picture

Any pip from the sust?

cd1's picture

Yea...... Its odd because it got a hell of a PIP in the glutes, but in the rear delts and mixed with there cyp its all good....may be the cyp blunting the PIP?
Seems all good so far tho as I can feel the fast ester with the prop flu, but only slightly

bigmazi's picture

If its as good as everyone says I'll stack it up for my next cycle..