whitechocolate's picture
  • 276

abcess or just a bruise?


Did my normal hcg injection thus morning and just noticed this tonight it's close to where I injected.. any thoughts?

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johnmarshall12's picture

An abscess would be red...looks more like a vessel burst and that's a coagulated blood. It should fade gradually.

whitechocolate's picture

yeah all the times I use hcg and this never happened lol was a lil weird..

flacidego's picture

Hit a vessel like hump said. Happened to me when I was pinning sermorelin. Looked the same.

whitechocolate's picture

Weird I always thought u were supposed to go a lil under and to either side of it..

whitechocolate's picture

I'll give that a try next but I never really feel anything when pinning it. Appreciate it!

Pale's picture

^^ What he said. If you get real good there is a couple sweet spots to the sides of the belly button where you won't even feel a thing.

Looks to me like you hit a vein and now its bruised. It will raise up a little while that vein is pissed off at you.

whitechocolate's picture

Good to know thanks man!

Pale's picture

Try in the areas about 1" to either side.

whitechocolate's picture

Will do!

whitechocolate's picture


humpnpump's picture

Looks like you hit a vessel is all.

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whitechocolate's picture

That's some good news! Hope ur right..