EagerToLearn's picture
  • 127

+ 2 83iu genotropin from nandro


So, after having a few communication issues I received my package 3 days after it was shipped.

Now they are exactly 12mg/cartridge. CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF THEY CONTAIN 41,5IU/per cartidge and NOT 36iu. It is 36iu/1ml l but the cartridge is 1.15ml.

In case anybody knows greek or wants to google-translate himself: (Στο φυσίγγιο δύο διαμερισμάτων υπάρχει λευκή κόνις στο πρόσθιο διαμέρισμα και διαυγές διάλυμα στο οπίσθιο διαμέρισμα
GENOTROPIN 12 mg (41,4 IU/φυσίγγιο, 36 ΙU/ml).)

That said, my solution is clear but not crystal clear. It is a tiny bit cloudy or at least not as clear as my nordis or hyges. I wonder if I did the reconstitution wrong or they have degraded or something.

dorioli's picture

So, how did these end up resulting for you? Were you happy with the quality/purchase ?

I have 5 boxes of the exact same ones, but am not sure wether I should use them or not..

Thank you for responding!

EagerToLearn's picture

I guess they were the real deal. Didn´t notice a difference from switching from hygetropin to these to nordis

dorioli's picture

Thanks so much for responding!

So you're saying you noticed all of the effects that you were expecting from taking real hgh?

Here's the link to my topic with all of the pics I've taken: https://www.eroids.com/pics/genotropin-12-from-greece-real-or-fake

What would your opinion be, go or no go? (p.s.: my source is a trustable person, not an online webshop)

Thanks again!

EagerToLearn's picture

I stopped investing in growth cuz the cost-benefit ratio is just not worth it for me and most younger guys I think. But if I had to choose some growth I´d never ever choose underground stuff like hyges or something again. Even though the dosage and the increase in IGF1 might be the same, the purity and developmental standards are definitely not and the danger of developing antibodies against it and potentially also your endogenous gh is just not worth it. Geno´s are very high quality I am sure, and if you have the money, you can not go wrong with them I´d say

dorioli's picture

Hey, so I finally took the plunge and started taking these after having received some confirmation from bodybuilders from the Netherlands that these are real!
After mixing the cartridge, my solution comes out cloudy too, just like yours did!

I've been on it for 5 days now and started slow using only 1IU/day. I'll obviously start upping the dose pretty soon once my body has adjusted a little.
Thing is though, on the third day I started feeling a little weak and got sweaty really fast. My nose got all snotty and obstructed at the same time, and I've been sneezing a lot like when I get my hay fever allergy reactions!
Don't know if this is due to the HGH that I'm taking or maybe due to a drastic change in weather recently, but it does concern me a little bit.
Have you had any issues like these while you were on them?


EagerToLearn's picture

No I haven´t. Stop worrying Smile

dorioli's picture

Only question is, though, if these greek Geno's are the real deal (from Pfizer themselves) or not, because I suppose underground labs will also make fake ones using the Pfizer brand.. ?

How many IU's a day where you using? Did you get some tests done at the doctor? Did you have any regrets having used these?


Hashbrown's picture

Hi did u get on with these ok.. i have the same and mine is cloudy.. didnt really want to take i based on all my other GH has been crystal clear.. any feedback on your results would be much appreciated

EagerToLearn's picture

That´s what my leaflet says. And there was a little but clearly more than 1ml of solution so I guess it is indeed 41.5iu.

growthman's picture

Damn beautiful!

DrocktheBody's picture

Looks like it didn't reconstitute very well. Most of my Genos are a bit clouded, but once you roll them around a bit mine usually clear up. Either way, I'm sure you'll be using them for the money you paid.

Good luck!

EagerToLearn's picture

Thanks bro. So do you think it´s potency is less?

DrocktheBody's picture

Hard to say without testing, I had a pen that was a bit cloundy last year, but couldn't really tell if it lost potency.
Without banging 10 IU's and running off for IGF, we are left to guessing.

TheHulk702's picture

r they still clouded ?

EagerToLearn's picture

Yes but not really clouded. the solution is just a tiny bit murky

TheHulk702's picture

how did u decide to take them?

EagerToLearn's picture

1.2mg prebed

TheHulk702's picture

r u doing the generics AM?

EagerToLearn's picture

Yes starting tomorrow. Should I do the other way around?

TheHulk702's picture

how much r u gonna run total, r u looking to build muscle or more concern in fat lost?

EagerToLearn's picture

More fat loss and anti-aging/general well being.

TheHulk702's picture

i just read that u should take your HGH when your insulin levels are low, that will be waking up,postworkout and prebed. never do ur HGH with carbs the insulin lower the effects of the HGH

EagerToLearn's picture

There is so much conflicting stuff bro. Many say you SHOULD take your GH with carbs in order to increase cellular growth factors

TheHulk702's picture

so u should do split during the day. first thing in the morning, post workout and pre bed. try to do 3 times a day

HailRazor's picture

I've had a nordi pen go bad. But it was more "milky" looking. Not sure if that helps

EagerToLearn's picture

Thanks. So it did not look like my second picture?

HailRazor's picture

No....it was like a white milly stringy look to (hope that helps)