Zalewski's picture
  • 192

+ 21 7-8 weeks out from first comp


7-8 weeks out from first comp

Macros looking like 270g protein, 215g carbs, 30g fat

Gear use looking like: 600mg test e, 300mg Tren a, 300mg mast p, 3IU GH, 80mcg clen

I’m fucking dragging ass and tired so I know I’m hitting that diet wall and gotta push through, it’ll be a bitch

Ordered from: 
LuckierSquare's picture

shaped like a fucking dorito my guy back looking a1

jwhite326's picture

Hey man, looking good!

I sent you a friend request. Wondering if I could PM you about your experience with Metformin on a bulk. I appreciate the help!

wanted's picture

Can you tell me what your last meal is.
I was told to try
1/2 cup egg whites. 2 whole eggs 96 lean beef with walnuts. So a fatty meal.

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HEViX's picture

Casein and almond butter before bed and filet and salad with a little sweet potato for dinner. That's higher-level 10 weeks out physique dinner.

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Zalewski's picture

Right now just chicken

OlympicLats's picture

Good for you guy, keep pushing out there

JhonDoe's picture

Amazing vascularity

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Makwa's picture

Looking good New russian Couple more %bf and dump some water and you should be able to hang with the best of them on stage. You are in a good spot for 7 wks out. Caffeine, albuterol and halo were the only things keeping me going those last few weeks. Good luck.

Zalewski's picture

All the caffeine

Makwa's picture

I would slip in an ECA stack that last month or so which worked perfect with the caffeine.

Zalewski's picture

Since I’m on Tren and GH odds are we will utilize a light amount of T3 due to the availability of ephedrine being difficult to get

Makwa's picture

Careful with the T3. It has a tendency to really flatten you out.

OlympicLats's picture

I've noticed that happening when I take it as well, I like the fact that it makes me thermogenic however it kills my pumps

Zalewski's picture

My coach is very knowledgeable so I trust him, odds are he is going to be using it for a few weeks and then feed me into the show

Makwa's picture


keithkirby90057's picture

Bro looking good. Can’t wait to see you before the comp. nice work with the diet. I know it can be a struggle. +1

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Kévin k's picture

Great shape bro, what's your bodyfat ?

Zalewski's picture

Don’t know, don’t care, just care how I look

wanted's picture

Looking great for being so early. Hey what differences did you see when you added the clen.

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Zalewski's picture

Shakiness, burning through my carbs quicker so I’m hungrier more often, better workouts with more focus

wanted's picture

Thanks for the reply. Goodluck man im rooting for ya

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venooom's picture


maddogg's picture

Looking good, nice quads. +

Pxpxp's picture

Wow looking good bro!! + 4 sure

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Sam I Am's picture


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teamroids's picture

great work!
thanks for sharing Z.

november1's picture

You one serious looking madafaka.
Doing good

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Jonwiggs8's picture

With 2 months left on your prep, you are sitting pretty and in a great position. How do you like the Mast and what do you feel it did for you?

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Zalewski's picture

I use mast during most of the year to keep down estrogen through means other than an AI or SERM so I think it’s the Tren making the difference

Jonwiggs8's picture

Interesting. You use any oral the other part of the year or just stick with injectables? I'm just about to order my next batch and can't decide if I should go with Test E, Deca, and Dianabol with oral Winstrol to keep the SHBG down. I've used tren before but never Mast. Can't decide if it's worth adding or stick with the plan I have. Any ideas? BTW, your physique is awesome and if you stick to your plan you will knock out the competition! Thanks bro for the help.

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Zalewski's picture

Imo oral should only be used as a plateau breaker or for cosmetic changes, injectables are healthier due to stable levels in the body and this is a game of consistency, not speed

Jonwiggs8's picture

I agree that injectables areaways cleaner and safer than oral. Last question would you rather run masteron or deca with test and why and what dose? I've gained great strength from deca before but honestly I'm more into the look that how much I can lift. I know it has A LOT to due with nutrition and diet, I've been in the anabolic game for 21 years now and I'm just curious if Mast would be beneficial now or just to stick with what I've done in the past? I know one is a dht derivative and the other is a nandrolone and they are on opposite side of the spectrum. You are hard and veiny as fuck and still have 2 months to go, but you think it's the trenbolone more than anything?

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Zalewski's picture

I have always used NPP test and mast, that’s my bulking stack, doses being around 300, 600, 300 respectively. Masteron is good for keeping estrogen down, water retention down, and is a synergistic anabolic agent. NPP is more for volumizing the muscle tissue due to 19nor compounds having better nitrogen retention but that is anecdotal tbh, I just feel and look fuller on NPP

Jonwiggs8's picture

Yea I run my test right around the 600mg mark too, and the deca at 300 to 400mg. Knock on wood, I haven't had problems with estrogen in my life, even running deca, dbol, and, don't that it won't happen down the road and I keep pharma arimidex on hand for that reason. I think I might add some Mast to my cycle at 300mg a week. Have you used the Prop and Enanthate mast or just the traditional Mast Prop? Thanks for the info, you def can tell you put in the WORK and don't rely solely on grams upon grams on gear to obtain your physique. You prefer NPP over decanoate just for less bloat than decanoate? You really are making me think about switching to short esters than the traditional long acting. Definitely something to think about.

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Zalewski's picture

I do short esters for anabolics outside of test incase I need to lower them due to side effects

maximusuk's picture

Loolking good brother ----

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Roider007's picture

Solid results +

Halsey's picture

Looking like a pro! Good work Z!

2200 calories, I'd be dead dead, lol

Zalewski's picture

Don’t worry I am

Zalewski's picture

My back is soft and glutes are still not shredded, so I have fat to lose in some places but other I’m sitting pretty

Zalewski's picture

Thank you

Zalewski's picture

Have no idea I was able to be this vascular, this is the leanest I’ve ever been probably, my I body scan said 6% bf but I feel more like 8%