BillLumbergh's picture
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+ 4 5mons after cycle bloods


Ended up being a 6 week prop cycle. didn't get bloods til now. been off everything for 4 mons and my testosterone came back about 80 points higher than my before cycling bloods from 16 mons before.

Ran a torem/nolva pct w nordis at 2iu ed.

Ordered from: 
Ranga's picture

Why tamoxifen & toremifene rather then 1 of those 2 with clomiphene?

Ranga's picture

I am not doubting the results.

j223's picture

Your levels look pretty good. The low T3 total is only 1 point off, BUT your free T3 is good. Also Your T3 uptake is only 1 point off which is not that bad.

I'd say as long as you feel okay you are fine, but maybe consider getting bloods done in a month or 2. Also check your LH/FSH levels, growth hormone and prolactin. As those are all pituitary hormones. That way you will know if your pituitary is working properly. Anyways doesn't look too bad that's just what I would do to make sure your endocrine system is 100%

Also check your estrogen levels, as high estrogen can possibly alter T3 uptake.

KAM1314's picture

If I hire you for my private MD do you promise not to make notes of my AAS usage in my chart! I can honestly say that I look forward to catching your posts with all the solid advice you give. Definitely +1 you if I could...and on a side note, wouldn't the gh mess with his t3 uptake a bit. Not that his numbers are far off or bad at all but couldn't that be the root of his problem?

Pale's picture


Green Ranger's picture

Nice! +1

manbearpig's picture


Coconut's picture

Your only 1 and haven't stopped developing yet... Lol

Have you ever ran any thyroid meds before?

lion-o's picture

maybe HGH?

lion-o's picture

i dont read well,sorry.