robb's picture
  • 556

+ 6 20mls of power.


Been a while since I've used any TNE, great as a preworkout. Not that I need a chemical kick up the ass but it all helps ;)

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Colossus_fit's picture

hi robb,
hope you are ok my friend!
thanks as usual for sharing your experience

robb's picture

I'm good mate thanks! Hope you're good too.

At work right now but I'll catch up with properly later this evening.

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Big Ian's picture

Did you find it worls on your first seasion with it?

robb's picture

Yeah to a degree, more energy and the urge to continue when finished.

This type of compound is more effective used daily, by the end of first the first week the effects will be obvious in the gym and how you feel.

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Big Ian's picture

Ok thanks mate, never tried tne before

robb's picture

Cheers bud, yeah rest assured I always do.

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Livelife76's picture

Nice post up on his si how the workout went bro

robb's picture

Already pinned about an hour ago, off to the gym soon. Pip free, is all about i can say at the moment. Stinks to death, but that's a normal with what they brew TNE with.

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Brbry's picture

Lmao I know what you mean.... I could taste that for hours. But love being focused and strong+1

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robb's picture

I've got a little vac pac tub, the TNE lives in their, dark and air tight.

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Brbry's picture

Yeah that smell is crazy! Everytime I pull the vial out everyone at home can smell it

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