ref's picture
  • 74

Sorry but this seems important vermodje

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I got this from someone who says its about "Vermodje" Can anyone validate ??

Today morning in eastern europe were many busts and closing of some ilegal laboratories. Were discovered laboratories that were producing steroids underground in dirty placed. The problem appeared when many sportives where internated at emergency rooms with critical health problems.
At the bust they discovered that this laboratory was mixing into the steroid oils a chemical used before 1989 for pigs , chemical that is also a CNS stimulant ( this is why so many sportives into emergency rooms ).

Pale's picture

Hmm, kinda validates the other thread.

TED's picture

I don't have a dog isn't he fight but my question would be the new account posting the video speaks like a certain source. I assume you guys have checked on that already?

Pale's picture

Yea, I probably should look into it to be safe.

TED's picture

Yea that's the only reason the other post made me kind of skeptical

jp82088's picture

Any luck with this stiuation? This is why I only buy Human Grade Pharmaceutical.Shit is scary reading this.Hope someone finds out more on this.After seeing the Balkan on there.I'am worried to even purchase that :(

Dickkhead's picture

For $75, I can send my Vermodje Anavar to the mass spec. Should I? Has anyone ordered a test that got product from the promo? I mean really bros, all this hoopla.'s picture

If you really want to test some vermodje products, we can send you free samples, i think the results will be interesting for everyone.

bakkeboy's picture

Would like to try u guys out

Owes a Review × 1
guitarplayer1's picture

None that I have seen. Yes end the hoopla and test it

Owes a Review × 1
ashop's picture

Get their main dealers public approval for VERMODJE tour and I sure will pay your ticket from where you are guys to Chisinau and back along with all costs.This will end all speculations and close the problem

bakkeboy's picture

So was this true? Would like to try u guys out.

Owes a Review × 1
boots2asses12's picture

im running the vermodje test e and geneza test e, i switched back and forth few weeks on few weeks off from eachother, definately feel its low dosed at the least, no where near geneza anyways, major dips in libido , and it swells and friggin hurts. actually threw 2nd bottle away... still have 3rd if anyone wants to trade ;-)

Dickkhead's picture

Vemodje uses ethyl oleate as the carrier oil. Sounds like you are allergic. Many are.

ashop's picture

Be careful !. EthylOleathe with good chemical data is almost impossible. to find. Also if they put ethyloleathe they should pump into the bottle some inert gas then seal the ampoules with that gas inside. Otherwise all oils will have a oxidation because ethyloleate and will cause serious problems. If you don't believe me I can get more information from specialist about ethyloleate because I am not a expert. But reading what you are saying that many are allergic to EO proves what I have said. But IF VERMODJE is a real factory they should know this technological process.

But what I have saw on TV was nothing about using oxidated carriers. People are busted there with SWAT teams for selling dangerous steroids to people tough. Normally all steroid busts are done normally without SWAT. This was serious one and the information from PROTV is serious.
I hardly wait until they will release a full health waring bulletin.'s picture

Operation against steroids in Romania it's something very rare maybe Smile I'm saw many operations like on hollywood movies,you know better than me, these operations are just for show Smile I don't know why we spend our expensive time to talk about vermodje,you don't saw 'nothing about using oxidated carriers' someone can see they talk about clenbuterol of Balkan and start to talk shits about clenbuterol as all we know it's used for animals,maybe someone was die from overdose clenbuterol or have deca dick from usage of Genesis deca and now is angry about this and send a reports to police? Who know i only saw some 2min report on romanian.

ashop's picture

Yes clenbuterol is used on animals to have a good meat without fat, everyone know . I like a good fillet so doesn't bother me if I shake little after the fillet. I take a viagra after so shaking will be lucrative Smile

Drywallstar's picture

Classic!'s picture

He is our idol, when i grow up, want to be like this guy Smile

Dickkhead's picture

I dunno bro, seems like EO even USP grade is generally available. I just googled it and the first think that poped up was: (

ashop's picture

Allow me to inform me better then I will contact you about EO. I will tell details. But from what I know when you use EO you must pump a inert gas inside the vial or amp otherwise it will go bad. Also the recipient you receive must to be filled with inert gas . I will ask again all details maybe I am wrong, then I will get back to you on this issue.

Dickkhead's picture

Protection from oxidation for EO for over 2 years has been achieved by storage in amber glass bottles with the addition of combinations of propyl gallate, butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene, and citric or ascorbic acid. A concentration of 0.03% w/v of a mixture of propyl gallate (37.5%), butylated hydroxytoluene (37.5%), and butylated hydroxyanisole (25%) was found to be the best antioxidant for ethyl oleate.

No, you don't need inert gas and yes the VERMODJE product comes in amber glass bottles.

Dickkhead's picture

Look, if I pay for the var test I'm not shelling out yet another $75 to have my dark amber bottles of Vermodje Test E mass spec'd as well. Someone besides me is gonna have to spend some money.

ashop's picture

Sound interesting

ashop's picture

Allergic to EO or to one of the phenols they added there, there are safe for food in very small quantities not sure for parental use but I havent read so I cant talk about safety. Just adding more chemicals into body I see no reason.

EO is good because it covers problems with raws. For example testosterone enanthate has a impurity named heptanoic acid. That impurity appears if you handle the enanthate raw at positive temperature (transport). This impurity is very painful but if you add EO then you will not feel then pain. Same thing for each raw.

boots2asses12's picture

Yeah I am I put up with it for good gear but this just isn't my 2 cents anyway

Dickkhead's picture

Like I said below, I've used Vermodje Test E - blood work shows it was properly dosed. Sterile.
But I am a GP customer all the way, only got it cause it was on sale - just a base hormone anyways, really hard tor wreck making a bottle of Test. LOL

boots2asses12's picture

It was prop dosed hmm good to know!

ref's picture

It was difficult but I threw all my Vemodje in the trash last night, Lucky it was all promo but even if I paid I am not taking a chance, As far as a fight between labs that is NOT why I posted this as news but for safety reasons. Sure didn't know it would lead to this, lets keep eroids people safe !!

ashop's picture
  1. Geneza is clean and corectly dosed. Me as a competitor source I tested GP and I know this.

I tested also KALPA from another source is correctly dosed and very clean one of the best UGs. They are my competitors and I have no interest to say they are good but I recognize truth when is there since always truth come to light.

Vermodje is a big lie. If they want to prove they are honest, fair then Vermodje representative come here in public and tell he organize a factory tour inside for 10 people from this forum. We want to see from start how they make tablets from raw till packing plus also for oils how they make oils from raw till packing. Also we want to see THEIR VENTILATION SYSTEM with HEPA filters, also we want to see their laboratory.
If they accept here visit for factory I arrange within a week tickets for 10 members of the board from my pocket plus hotel plus food and all costs. Also I arrange for them to see the CRICOVA winery one of the biggest underground winnery in the world plus some beautiful girls in Chisinau. Everything on my costs. Will be expensive but is worth....

So Vermodje just open the factory for a tour and make a demonstration of your production process from start to end and I will be happy to pay such a great advertising for you . We can do this very fast like in 10 days I can fix everything. My friend travel agency from Moldova will issue tickets I will choose good hotel in city center , wine tasting and girls watching and not only :). Just google for Cricova Moldova winery and for Moldavian girls on google and you will understand that you come here not only for a fake factory but also to see my beautiful country.

I think more transparent that what I propose is not possible...

Lets roll

Dickkhead's picture

I actually would like to swing by and say hello to the team at Naps. Can we put that in the schedule?

UgtaBkdNme's picture

I wanna go too!!

Drywallstar's picture

I think it wouldn't be too much too ask. Just a meet and greet plus 45 seconds to grab what we can

irongame427's picture

Lol until we get arrested trying to bring It all back to the US. Shit I must just stay and try to get a job at the factory. Just pay me in gear.

Drywallstar's picture

Lol ur right. Give me a job and a cot in the corner.

ashop's picture

Get their main dealers public approval for VERMODJE tour and I sure will pay your ticket from where you are to Chisinau and back along with all costs.

irongame427's picture

I'm down 100% i have nothing else to do for the next 2 months

UgtaBkdNme's picture

My passport is ready ;)

Drywallstar's picture

That's his offer.......dht and me are ready to go as well