HailRazor's picture
  • 555

Martin County Steroid Bust


daredevil's picture

Sorry,what source were they?

androq's picture

Wow..total bummer..i will miss him.....

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awagz's picture

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but when his last promo started, didn't he have a problem with his shipper (loose bottles in pack, packs looking like shit). Could have been either:

a-The shipper got popped and ratted or

b-Someone else gave LE a tip and they checked the packs to see what it was, repacked and sent so he would think it was business as usual and be comfortable, follow him around and nail him?

all speculation here, just a guess, but it seems the most logical thing I can think of....

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irongame427's picture

Damn this sucks. I ran his gear for my very first cycle and gained 28lbs. He's the reason I'm addicted to steroids lol.

speed4goal's picture

Thus does suck I gained 30lbs a year and half ago on his test deca and anadrol shit was good. He was one of my go to people for a long time.

Oldsoreguy's picture

Those poor crackers lol..

KK9111's picture


only1cat's picture

Did I understand that they was riding around with all of that in their car?

only1cat's picture

They have space ships? Man they was doing big things!

cmo25cent's picture

Around the same age as that yellow guy that got busted. Crazy

stang77's picture

Seems like a lot of sources these days are young,and also end up busted .

stang77's picture

Very well said Carlos!!

stang77's picture

I don't know about you guys but I'd like to find out who snitched and the motherf?cker!!!

jmac2mill's picture

Fucking Benedict Arnold ass rat snitches them out

juiceball8082's picture

Andro boy?

manbearpig's picture

Damn! I hope these boys can higher a decent attorney

philly72387's picture

That's crazy! This is literally like two towns over from me.

manbearpig's picture

Why are you waiting for. Go break them out of jail! Jk

wimpy1's picture

Daaammnnn! Sucks

lp_chops's picture

Oh shit. Bye bye andro

keepliftingit's picture


guitarplayer1's picture

Nice find Pinhead

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