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Planning my future cycle in advance so I can fine tweak it


What's up guys. Just trying to get some solid advice on my next cycle. I won't be running it for another six months or so but I want to start planning now so I can get advice and fine tweak everything with help from all the vets on this forum. If something sounds stupid AF let me know so I can change it. I won't be insulted. Just want some advice.

Let's start with some backround so you guys know a little more. I've done six cycles total. (Including two pro hormone cycles which I'm not proud about). But that's not the point. My first cycle was just test for 14 weeks at 500, second was test at 600 w1-14 and deca for ten weeks. I hated the deca tbh would never run again. Then my next cycle was test prop kick start for four weeks and test cyp for another 12 weeks. So 12 weeks total and then closed it out with some winni for four weeks at 75 mg Ed. And my last cycle was tbol kick start with 650 test cyp with some prop. Every cycle after my pro hormone use has been incorporated with HCG typically 500 iu ew with clomid and nolvadex And I have been running some tropin for five months now and I want to go for a year hopefully.

So here is my cycle idea
Kick start with tbol either 50-75 mg Ed for six weeks
Test cyp at 750 mg ew pinning twice a week for 14 weeks
Equipoise 600mg from week 1-14 (not 100 percent on dose)
Exemestane 12.5 mg Ed
HCG starting at week four at 500 iu every week
And this is the part in stuck on, if to run Anavar towards the end of my cycle
I will also be on HGH and t4 threw out the whole cycle.
And I'm thinking of incorporating some IGF lr3 (if anyone has any reviews on IGF lr3 that'll be awesome)

Post cycle will consist of the normal protocol using nolvadex and clomid. Maybe run some hmg three weeks until I can actually start my post.

Am I over doing it with my doses is my main question
I also weight train six days a week, swim five days a week, and Brazilian jiu jitsu and kick boxing six days a week. I'm eating around 3,400 kcal

Not sure yet about trying to cut down my calories at all or increase. I'm leaning more towards a clean leaner cycle rather than blowing up.

Dacky's picture


Catalyst's picture

100% agree

Dacky's picture

Age: 27
Height: 6'
Weight: 198
BF: around 9 usually

Guys have got you below on most things and a goal clarification would be good but I am assuming you will be going for a slow and steady bulk? 9% BF is pretty low so you should have plenty of room here. Can you lay out your diet and training to complement the cycle and the goal. Will you be doing pre/post/on cycle blood testing? You really need to do this to monitor hematocrit/RBC volume during his cycle s s donate blood as necessary.

Edit: sorry you mention training and diet. So before reading ahead you do need to clarify the goal. If you want to bulk and even more so on EQ you need to eat, eat and then eat some more. So I think this need a big rethink. Also lost of cardio type training in there fella which will need to be cut down if you want to bulk. In fact before you cycle why don't you spend some time on eating up a bit and cutting back on a late portion of that cardio. I think you could make some decent gains that way so long as our HPTA is functioning well.

Other than that I'll mention dosage and esters. My view is 16 weeks minimum for EQ (this has already been mentioned). 600mg is the minimum dose in my view and if you run it there I would drop my test to 250mg per week and add in some Proviron (25mg to 50mg ED split doses) to bind to SHBG and free up test - also act as a mild AI not that you should need one at this dose. Also if you are running test cyp you will need to run this longer than the EQ. I like to keep my test low for most stacks. Let the EQ do most of the work and allow yourself to learn how your body responds to the compound. Personally if I was to run this stack I would use 400mg of Test (with a deconoate ester to match the EQ), Proviron 50mg ED and 800mg EQ for 16 weeks. Split into M/W/F injections. I would drop the tbol. My view is give this is a long and steady and slow cycle there is no real reason for it. I would drop the t4 don't see the point if you're bulking. HCG at 500iu per week is fine. I would keep the HGH and any peptides for PCT and beyond where they will really help you maintain gains. But that is just me.

Darkhorse777's picture

Stats ? Also you really have no goal so how does anyone give you advice? What did you get out of all the previous cycles ? If you had good results before why add so many compounds ? More isnt always better...

In a promo × 2
chc253's picture

Thank you for this....finally somebody did their research and came prepared. Might be helpful to post a self pic with your face edited out so we can see your body composition......some of the guys will jump in here soon, im sure.

I just finished a run with EQ this winter. Loved it i suggest 600mg/week as the minimum effective dose for EQ also it has an extremely long ester attached so I also suggest not running the eq any shorter then 16weeks. Also keep an eye on your blood pressure and donate blood around week 8 or 10 as EQ causes a significant rise in your red blood cell count which donating blood will help reduce. I didnt do this on the past run and had to cut the cycle a lil short due to bp issues.

true grit's picture

Op wants to run tbol, test, eq, anavar, hgh, t4, and Igf1 lr3. Everything here but the kitchen sink.

stang77's picture

There is no need for all of that.smh

true grit's picture

Post a pic like chc suggested. 9% is very very lean. What is your purpose of getting below that. Below that is not very sustainable for walking around weight. If you are self prescribing thyroid drugs you need to stop. You can swirl all of that crap you listed above together and it's still not as dangerous as messing with your thyroid. And belive me, all of that other stuff can have serious consequences as well if that means anything. You can screw yourself up permanently for the rest of your life. I would hope that's not a risk you're willing to take.

true grit's picture

Just google the side effects. The list is as long as your arm. I'll try to post some links tomorrow. Either way, people always have reasons/excuses for what they do. That's why you see conflicting "opinions".You have to have enough common sense to weed through all the bs. If I know that there is a better than average chance that the bookshelf is going to fall and rip my dick off, I'm not standing in front of the bookshelf.

chc253's picture

Did not see the part about the var. Only commenting on the eq but yes i agree there is a lot going on here.

true grit's picture

The t4 is very concerning as well

chc253's picture

Agreed...i know there are reasons people like to run t4 along side of growth but for me personally im not a fan of thyroid drugs

chc253's picture

No problem bro. Can you clarify what your asking in that last line?

chc253's picture

Yea id personally start week 3 myself. Also id suggest getting bloods done pre cycle/mid cycle/post PCT...well help take the guess work out of the equation on your AI dosage as well as how effect you rebound after pct.