thenewguy1's picture
  • 46

splitting a triangle pill into four doses please help


The pills i am looking to split into fourths are 1mg adex, i only need .25mg at a time and they are triangular so splitting into fourths wont be an option. Is it possible to dissolve the pill into water and evenly distribute into a syringe? Or is using a scale the only way?

ashop's picture

Get a sharp razor (BE CAREFUL!!) Lightly score then snap.

oldhead73's picture

Lmao!! I just spit up my drink

thenewguy1's picture

yea ill just buy a drug scale and do it this way i guess Biggrin

TheFlash85's picture


thenewguy1's picture

Are my stats really needed for a general question like this? forgive me i am New.

TheFlash85's picture

yes you do, no stats, no info.

thenewguy1's picture

well you have seen my stats a couple times in the last 3 days judging by your comments in my threads.I will just put them in my profile.

dudebro's picture

those pills are a pain in the ass. i had some like that a couple years ago. its almost impossible but it can be done with a pill cutter. i ended up cutting mine into thirds because it was just easier and spaced out my doses accordingly. wouldn't recommend using water.