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Brandon Lilly's cube method?


Anybody ever try it? Thinkin of giving it a go and want some feedback on it. Will be my first realpowerlifting routine. Debating between this and westside. Thanks for the help

aretegainz's picture

Definitely good for a beginner, really anything that implements the main three lifts on a consistent basis will do you good.

Strength studios also has some really great program templates, I'd recommend over cube or 5/3/1.

Other than that, for a monthly fee, Pwrbld reactive and Juggernaut AI are both designed for block to block schedule generators (4 weeks = 1 block). So you'd receive a new personally customized block every 4 weeks based on your new (or current) totals and weaknesses (i.e. out of the hole for squat, lock out bench, lock out deadlift, etc.)

DfromPhilly's picture

Bump. I've been using the updated cube method 2.0 (Cube Kingpin, aka Cube Boss, aka 365 Strong), made some modifications to the heavy days, where I do clusters instead of what he has laid out in the book. It's been going great and I just set some big PRs with it.

Anyone interested in me laying it out?

BJ's picture

Yes... Love trying new methods for muscle confusion

DfromPhilly's picture

Posted a link below responding to Giardap

giardap's picture

please do! Would love to read it

DfromPhilly's picture

Nice. Will do. I’ll work on it this week!

giardap's picture

Nice 1 fella!!

DfromPhilly's picture
HenryRollins's picture

Our team just started our 2nd Cube cycle and we love it. I put 55lbs on my total with the first cycle...1320@192 on 2/2, 1375@202 on 4/28, as well as my first 500+ raw squat. My girl added 60lbs to her total...hit 520@132 last Sunday via 185/105/230. Was running 5/3/1 boring but big before with good results, but The Cube suits me better

raw lifter's picture

Its Brandon lillys. Cube method. So that you don't look for the wrong thing. And as we were talkin tbe other day. As a raw lifter I prefer the cube method. As for geared I prefer louies westside routine. I prefer Lillys for raw cause your not over stressing with overload and max effort. As much as with the westside routine. Makin it a lot less taxing on the central nervous system. Makin it easier for recovery. If you over stress Your central nervous system. It can cause you to regress insteed of progress. Although the westside is still a great routine. I prefer it for lifting with gear.

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raw lifter's picture

I mean bench shirts and squat suits etc.

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