Roid Noid's picture
Roid Noid
  • 1.1k



Ofcourse ill be your friend even if your new here and dont know shit, even if I dont like you, even if we have had words, even if nobody likes you, even if your funny looking and your shit dont stink! A couple questions here and there about products, suppliers, cycles, is cool, let me know when shit needs to be censored is VERY COOL! just dont pester me everyday with something new, dont ask me for free rep points, dont tell me to go pick on someone cause you dont like them or they are picking on you, dont tell me how the other MODS and BFG treat you like shit cause we are on the same team and I will probably do the same thing, dont send me spam messages! Other than that we are cool!...And I did a name change from juice to Roid Noid in case your trying to figure out who I am.

killinit88's picture

well shit, Juice is now Roid Noid, then Grrrrl is a MOD whats next? I dont think i can take all this confusion, i think i might have to go back to Myspace where shit is............................ well ................. sluttier......

killinit88's picture

WEEEEELLLL last time i checked you wouldnt sign the divorce papers because goth was holding your anavar hostage.... will ya look at that, first person i see on myspace is my supposed future ex wife talking with some 46 year old guy about TRT.... AHHHH the horror.......

killinit88's picture

SHOW ME THE MONNEEEYYYY! in the words of tome cruise

jab's picture

I have found that stupid questions can be answered correctly by one of two answers. When confronted with a stupid question - either "Yes" or "Seven" is the correct answer, whichever you choose. Please use sparingly and at your own discretion.

KMC's picture

So,...........we have a new sheriff in town, and a new deputy if you noticed the tags.

Rumor is the new deputy is a mean one, hair and all.

Congrats guys.

Owes a Review × 1
KMC's picture

Update: Looks like there was a new sheriff and 2 (two) new deputies.

Oh yeah,.............still congrats.

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JOEDIEZ's picture

wow, i whored out much to fast...dont forget me oh great one

JOEDIEZ's picture

my opinion is we are always gonna have the guys that do exactly what you are talking about, WHY? cause they will never read this post and chances are they wont read the rules. BUT they will want to be your friend because you are a mod and feel like they can just ask you instead of doin a little research first. i ask a ton of questions but i do reasaerch as well then compare it all. as far as the points and fights i dont get into that crap and as long as everyone is here for eachother someone will say something. i have seen members tell others to chill and somethings are unnecessary replies etc. etc. if we all do our little part this place will run much better. suggestion. need to make it part of user agreement that the rules get read. like have to check the rules section before account is activated type thing. just a suggestion.

JOEDIEZ's picture

i didnt forget my helmet i have it right here, i just didnt put it on. when i walked into the romm i looked and their are no sharp corners and mommy said i dont have to wear it if their are no sharp corners. see i do know what i am doing. oh and you found my crayon. thanks buddy. i like red, do you like the color red??? hahahaaha it rymes with tread hahahaha.

JOEDIEZ's picture

i dont want to be your friend unless you give me points, let me send you spam messages and pick on people i dont like, and who pick on me. if i cant have all those things from this friendship then it just not worth it Juice. so whatya say??? friends oh and i promise not ask ask any less than 10 stupid questions aday.
what are steriods?
will steroids make my penis bigger?
do i really have to change my diet?
will i get huge if i take steroids and dont work out?
are we there yet?
who's yo daddy?
who's my daddy?
are we there yet?
i like the color red, do you like the color red?
do i have to inject this oil or can i just put it in my salad and get the same result?
will you be my friend?

KMC's picture

Well Joe, I was advised to NOT run the be-friend BFG program I had planned, (750 member appling to be BFG's friend all on the same day).

I was looking for someone else to play the trick on,...........your on the list at #3 at the moment. Smile

Owes a Review × 1
Roid Noid's picture
Roid Noid's picture

I guess nobody caught on that I posted the link to 7Gothic's friend list. Smile

7gothic's picture

Welcome to the site Noid. If you have any questions, please feel free to P.M. me or my wife. She saw you out wandering around the forum and was concerned you may not know what you're doing, and felt kinda sorry for you. She said you looked lonely and out of place, and possibly intoxicated.

Roid Noid's picture

No bro I was just ParaNOID!