Nitti's picture
  • 1.2k

+ 1 What's the best fight you've EVER SEEN?


I'm assuming not too many guys on here were around to see Ali vs Forman so lets say over the last 25 years, what's the best fight you've ever seen? MMA included! I don't follow mma as closely as boxing but I'm
A fan. I have to submit my vote as a tie between Holyfield vs Bowe or any one of the 3 Gatti vs Ward fights! What about you?

superman75's picture

one of the best kickboxing matches of our time was between Joe Lewis and Bill "superfoot" Wallace. Joe is an intellect with his hands and Wallace was a artist with his feet. even Norris had a hard time entertaining like these guys did. many don't know this, because of guys like this kickboxing was almost set to be as big if not bigger than prize fighting in the states. too bad the promoters bastardised the sport and left such a terrible taste in everyone's mouth, once the networks and sponsors pulled out and the organizations disbanded the sport died, only to one day return in the capacity of what we know as mma. my title fight only netted me 10k where it was once primed to bring 6 figures to its fighters title fights. ooh well best of times no regrets fellas...

superman75's picture

great post Nitti, bringing back good memories, as a former kickboxer, my pops never missed one of my fights and was some of the glue that brought us together. kudos brother!

cdyrdes's picture

The end of the bisping henderson fight was awesome. When henderson dropped that last flying blow to the jaw! (I did it to shut him up) as henderson

Nitti's picture

Prince Nasim Hamed was a beast bro! I hated that fucker but he could throw down. He was 0 talent all heart! Fights like Pac man. I used to yell at the tv and call him out. I wanted to fight that cat so bad

MONK's picture

Prince Nas was a legend and my all time favourite fighter. As a kid my parents would wake me up at 3am to let me watch his fights live, good times Biggrin

Weakclumzoof's picture

hello hamed body strength always amazed me but not his fighting skills when in with a master fighter like barrera who simply circled him taking away his most powerful shots and reducing him to throwing a lot of back hands that the referee kept warning him for he was lost and an just my opinion maybe 3 fights sooner and he would not have stood a chances against steve robinson

cdyrdes's picture

Dan henderson and Mauricio rua in ufc 139....25 minutes of nonstop action. And even though I wasnt even an itch on my dads knee when foreman and ali fought I have watched it. Foreman was an animal! I do have one question and I ask this alot.....tyson in his utmost prime and ali in his who would take it?

cdyrdes's picture

Thats what I mean, we all know ali played the "rope adope"when I the ring. Foreman pounded the man and he took it all and tyson well the rope a dope didnt matter. I just think in their prime tyson would have walked away with that one

Weakclumzoof's picture

i was watching ali frazier 1 the other day that was a brutal hard 15 rounds and mike tyson i think would be a perfect candidate for the rope a dope which was not just holding and tying up but like you say ali would play withs there minds speaking to the opponent upsetting them mike tyson was always an emotional bad tempered fighter especially when things were not going his way

TheFlash85's picture

i liked the axe murderer vs the iceman old school ufc.

superman75's picture

historical fight: gotta go with a Ali vs Wepner. no-one thought Wepner would last 3 rounds with Ali including people from his own camp. a true underdog story. modern day: Floyd Mayweather, he's not the most entertaining fighter but damb is this guy smart brother Nitti, a master at exchanging punches and picking you apart at your own game once you tip your hat to him. looking for flash and skills I'll go back just a little to Sugar Ray, great entertaining fighter with hands of lightning. brawler: not picking the obvious, Tyson, gotta give props to the hitman, Tommy Hearns. I'll never forget watching the upset of our time when Douglas beat Tyson it was a shock heard around the world, regardless of what personal issues Tyson was dealing with no-one thought it was possible.

superman75's picture

that eludes my memory brother, ok, as soon as I get a few quiet hrs after the kids and wife go to bed I'm going back to that fight. after all I was a youngster when they fought. pops and two older brothers watched this fight, good memories monster... props, Henderson- Bisping great fight!

Gymjunkie01's picture

Scotty bulldog olsen v/s Rogelio Martinez
In 1990 loved to watch this guy box

Owes a Review × 1
GrowMore's picture

Has anyone mentioned Don Frye vs Yoshihiro Takayama?

May not be the most skilled but wow those guys went at it!

Owes a Review × 1
Nitti's picture

I disagree with that decision. That was bullshit. And I'm a Mayweather fan. But he didn't win. Not that wide a margin anyway. 117-111? Wtf was this guy watching ? The one judge had it a draw. That I can accept. One thing to take from this fight , Mayweather is slowing down slightly and Maidana just laid out a blueprint on how to beat Mayweather. I doubt he will give Chino a rematch but he lost this fight.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

I think if he wants validation he should give a rematch. Like you said his speed is slowing and he doesn't have much power. If you look at punch stats he dominated, but was up against the ropes way to much. Needs to keep things in the center of the ring.

Nitti's picture

He landed the cleaner punches. That's what punch stat shows. He always does. But who was busier? Who landed the harder more effective shots? And most of all, Ring generalship is more telling than any numbers. If a 5 year old watched this fight and you asked him who won, what would he say? The guy who kept pressing forward and driving the other guy back in the ropes

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Very true, could you imagine if they fought in an 18' ring or even 20', Mayweather always gets the 24', and 10oz gloves I'm pretty sure.

MONK's picture

Diego Sanchez v Clay Guida.

Never seen someone dominate so hard while their opponent has full mount. Sanchez with vicious elbow after elbow as he lies on his back splitting Guida's head wide open. Officially made #11 in the top 20 UFC greatest fights, deserved way higher IMO.

jansen's picture

This! You beat me to it ha ha . I remember watching it live and I could not believe what I was seeing! Those two really gave it their all!

MONK's picture

Lol I was the same. At one point it seemed everything Sanchez threw should have been knockout blows, meanwhile the more Guida got opened up, the more he got fired up Biggrin

jansen's picture

Guida took some insane blows and just kept coming back for more! Even in the fights ive seen guida loose he's still a hand full right to the end!

Nitti's picture

I saw this one live! Awesome fight!

WINNING's picture

Mark homnick and Jose aldo
Anderson Silva and Chris weidman

I'm not a boxing fan, its too boring for me and two many rounds. I'm a ufc fan but, back in the day mike Tyson had some damn good fights.

Engineereddisaster's picture

I though Leonard/Duran 1 was pretty awesome. I don't know if it was the hype and being a little kid, but The Leonard/Duran 2 fight aka the No mas Fight wAs even more exciting for me.
This of course dates me and Nitti probably wasn't even born yet. The only Sugar Ray that Nitti is familiar with is a musician. Smile

Nitti's picture

Have to add Lucas Mattysse vs John Molina to the list. Vicious battle

Thor's picture

fight of the year so far. i'm excited about lara vs canelo. to me is a 50/50 fight. canelo can be outboxed by lara easily but lara can also be dropped by canelo easily. arreola vs stiverne rematch should be good. i think stiverne is the best heavyweight right now, aside from the klitschko of course.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Predictions on Mayweather vs Maidana?

Nitti's picture

I have to go with my head. I would love to see Maidana win in dramatic fashion. But I just can't see it. I don't think this is a great match up for Maidana. One good thing is I doubt mayweather can really hurt him so he has a punchers chance for as long as he can hang in there. But prediction ,....long boring fight yet again. Maybe some moment of excitement when Mayweather allows Maidana to force him to the ropes. But the bottom line is Floyd is a technician. He doesn't make mistakes and he executes his game plan with surgical precision. Makes you miss, frustrates you, which makes you make poor choices and take more risks when throwing punches. Floyd Mayweather is The best counter puncher on the planet. You throw punches he will make you pay. I say it goes the distance and is a land slide for Mayweather. My heart says Maidana KO in the 9th from his gritty never give up attitude and hard clean punches bothering Floyd. Maybe,......

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Perfectly said. Mayweather gets a bad rap for being a counter puncher and not being "exciting" but he's boxing in the purest form. Hit and not be hit. Maidana outweighs him tonight by almost 20lbs. Floyd walks around at 147 so he's usually always outweighed. I think he lost his power from the hand injuries he sustained early on. The fight he had against Chico was before the hands became brittle.

cmo25cent's picture

I think Vargas vs dela Hoya is worth mentioning because Vargas raged out during the fight and the commission noticed and gave him a drug test and he was dirty because of roids.

Zadok's picture

Tyson vs Holyfield!

kodiakGRRL's picture

thats what I was thinking...Lol... I ve never seen anyone bite their opponent and fighting with my little sister doesn't count..

cmo25cent's picture

I remember that fight I was just a pup and actually remember saying mike just but his ear.

P4A's picture

Guys have a look at my clip.
I love this one - When Trying To Look Tough Goes Wrong -
what a fight.......
probably mots of you have seen already

NorCelz's picture

i still remember tyson vs. ruddock! both fights were good.

PuroCEO's picture

Shogun vs hendo

Gatti vs ward trilogy

Fedor vs big nog

bpals250's picture

Tyson VS Buster Douglas

LebronJamesJR's picture
