7gothic's picture
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Steroid addiction is a major concern to some people. It's the main reason why I just use them 24/7/365---that way I don't have to worry about it.
But some people are actually petty enough to be concerned about their health, and are afraid they could become dependent upon these powerful compounds.
So I've compiled a list of warning signs that could indicate that you may have a problem::

***You've made funeral arrangements ahead of time to be buried in a Golds Gym Tank Top, and have instructed the undertaker to embalm you with synthol so you'll still have a pump after your blood is drained. Next to your casket is a video player showing PR lifts in the gym, highlights from your best bar fights, and interviews with family and friends saying how massive you became and what an asshole you were.

***You have a desire to tell EVERYONE you meet that you're on gear and how their fucked-up miserable life would be so much better it they would just grow some balls and get on gear too.

*** you want to experiment with the smallest guy in the gym, just to see how big you can make him by putting him on gear and shooting him with massive doses that are three times higher than yours.

***You smack your wife in the face when she asks if you may possibly be addicted to steroids.

*** You smack your children in the face when they ask if you may possibly be addicted to steroids,

**You'd rather pin *Your ass than nail your wife's ass.

***You develop "roidar"..the ability to instantly detect another guy in a crowd who's also on gear, and automatically puff your lats out to get that little push on your arms so that garden-hose bicep vein increases another inch in diameter.

***You wonder what it would be like to see your dog, cat, or goldfish on steroids, and actually shoot small amounts into them until one day you're sitting at the police station trying explain why your cat just mauled a Pit Bull and an animal control officer to death.

***You sit in Church and PRAY for steroids, being extra careful not to get caught taking money out of the collection plate....for steroids.
You're convinced God is going to provide you with steroids, because even though he may let children starve in Africa, there's no way in Hell he's going to allow you to get small.

***You use steroids to counter every argument with your wife or girlfriend. Whenever she makes a valid point, you simply come back with.."OH, YOU'RE JUST SAYING THAT BECAUSE I'M ON STEROIDS, BITCH"!
.......or, when pulled over by a cop for speeding..."YEAH RIGHT..THE ONLY REASON YOU PULLED ME OVER IS BECAUSE I'M ON STEROIDS--JUST WRITE THE FUCKING TICKET, PATROL BOY". (they hate it when you call them "patrol boy").
.......or, when fired from your job for stealing from the break room refrigerator...."FUCKING ASSHOLES...I NEED TO EAT!!...I'M ON GEAR YOU CUNT"!!!

***You display all of you gear on a specially-built mantle in the living room, right under the plasma T.V., so that anyone visiting can see all 569 vials..all with labels facing forward, and halogen spotlights illuminating them like wedding bands at Kay Jewelers.

Don't be addicted people... There's more to life than anabolic steroids.
I have no idea what it is, but I'm sure there's something.

prolific's picture

"*** you want to experiment with the smallest guy in the gym, just to see how big you can make him by putting him on gear and shooting him with massive doses that are three times higher than yours."

hilarious ------

sandman3698's picture

What if im just addicted to BUYING them.

WamBam's picture

Fucking brilliant! LMAO

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press1's picture

@ForeverFitBod1 - Possibly the funniest post ever??!

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Mac12769's picture

Maybe, had me rolling, but also thinking…..have some goats that could use a little bulking up…. Lol little attitude would hurt….

press1's picture

Do you ever use or eat their cheese / Milk?

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Mac12769's picture

I've tried the milk, very rich and a bit time consuming to harvest. But the lady wants to try out making soaps with it, very popular around the area.....good for skin.

press1's picture

Interesting, never knew you could use it for that ....

'Mac's Original Goat Soap' TM !!!

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Mac12769's picture

<—- Absolutely. Those are perky AND soft Ok

ForeverFitBod1's picture

If I were to name anybody king of eroids it would be him, and Grrrl as the queen. I never got details of what happened but I guess they kind of split off to somewhere else, I tried their gear and I thought it was awesome.

But ohh YES it is!! he sure had a way with words I tell ya.
"Roidar" Lmaooo! Dude was very unique in his own right

Hey what happened with irongame427?? Dude was pretty smart and he was very active. Hasn't been since 2018 though. I see a bunch of OG's up in this thread actually. They used to have contests here I thought that was pretty cool and not the ebc ones. Just ones for the forum guys or gals. I took 1st in one of them. And Ruski I think took 2nd, but they were fun. Especially since we would get a bunch of free gear from the sources that participated for prize winnings

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press1's picture

Yeah I think they were a couple weren't they? He had gone by the time I joined so I never spoke to him, but man pretty much all his posts are hilarious.

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AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture


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press1's picture

'You're convinced God is going to provide you with steroids, because even though he may let children starve in Africa, there's no way in Hell he's going to allow you to get small.'

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Bill1976's picture

I display my gear like Kay jewelers lol.

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press1's picture

This brings tears to my face every time I read it Lol

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press1's picture

The ORIGINAL Classic ..... For the New Guy's to see LMAO

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GrowMore's picture

Still the best post on eroids in my opinion

Owes a Review × 1
Bulkdaddy's picture

For sure I laugh every time

Owes a Review × 2
Bagman's picture


Zalewski's picture

Whenever I need a laugh I just come and read this, classic

RawGonza22's picture

You might be addicted If you keep pinning just after you notice that your testicles have shrunk Into peanut size balls and then keep pinning some more....

press1's picture

I'm definitely addicted then - I can no longer find mine Lol

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RawGonza22's picture

Oh I'm hooked too in regards to the balls. Lol

Dyson87's picture

I have been going through hell and having for the last few days a terrible time, and I have to say this made me genuinely smile!! Loved it. Maybe one in there is true or a few lol

press1's picture

Dude its probably my favourite post on the site :-) It will ALWAYS make you laugh

'and have instructed the undertaker to embalm you with synthol so you'll still have a pump after your blood is drained' ....LMAO

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Protein4breakfast's picture

This is fucking hilarious but I’m not going to lie I’m definitely guilty of a few of those lol

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RawGonza22's picture

Oh man. I was beginning this with a serious mindset, lol. Lolol. This was very real and very well written. I'm not smiling. This is the real shit. ThNks for putting this together AMD sharing.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Lmfao old Gothic sounds like he speaks from experience... Bahahah Best read in a long time!

Owes a Review × 2
press1's picture

"Next to your casket is a video player showing PR lifts in the gym" - Couldn't resist it, this guy is a Legend

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ProjectMayhem_'s picture

Hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing the whole time.

press1's picture

'You'd rather pin *Your ass than nail your wife's ass' - Whenever I need a damn good laugh all I have to do is read a few quotes from this page LMAO Smile

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mlr2199's picture

Funny AF

Brickiemuscle's picture

This is class

Owes a Review × 2
Fangsharp's picture

Funny AZZ hell...God is going to provide you juice but let children starve...I cant stop laughing.

press1's picture

Spoken like a true Warrior of the syringe ....

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press1's picture

This made me LMFAO...

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AUTO51's picture

Is it wrong to feed my Chinese Crested Dbol?

rawmustard's picture

This is genius hahaha

0newheelup's picture

I think alot of us have used the one for the girlfriend or wife before..smh.. Lmao!

SickRick's picture

First time seeing this, laughing my ass off lol

KMC's picture


Owes a Review × 1
JARHEAD2's picture

This is hilarious!!!

You wonder what it would be like to see your dog, cat, or goldfish on steroids, and actually shoot small amounts into them

I actually know a guy who gave his dog dbol.....

Muffins's picture

I’ve seen a few posts about injecting their dogs.

JARHEAD2's picture

Hunting dogs & fighting roosters lol

7gothic's picture

lol... forgot about this

DragonDog's picture

One of my favorite addictions. Just one of those things that I like, and will keep liking until I am finally killed by death.