Roid Noid's picture
Roid Noid
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+ 10 switching compounds so the receptors dont get over saturated


I read this alot, however im not such a believer. or maybe I might believe it a little bit but feel that it is over rated. I can not honestly say that while cycling I switched some compounds and gained an extra 10 pounds. Has anyone? im not talking estro weight, or weight because of increased calories. Im talking about 8 weeks into a cycle and switching compounds and it be anything close to the beginning when receptors where ready, im talking about running test-e and EQ and at week 8 all of a sudden you gain weight? not like 3 or 4 more pounds till end of cycle I mean like you did in the beginning?

ive read some articles a few years back about receptors and how different steroids adhere to them and sure it all sounded legit, and maybe it is, but my experience is that its hardly worth the effort. once im saturated by any steroid the rest add very little.

Maybe this term is more for guys that compete and what the compound does at the higher levels of building, but for the vast majority of us that do this for enjoyment and personal gains I just dont understand it.

But it is still parroted around so im curious, those of you they say this what is your experience?


Good thread this............. should be a sticky....... gives a deeper insight into what i think is a "Blindfold situation" for most users.

Knowledge is power...... and a lazy mind leads to a crap physique.

Roid Noid's picture

this was right at the end of my last cycle, never got to really try to change anything, havent been in a gym but a few times in this last year, came off everything for a while, back to TRT now. I dont have time to do anything anymore, come on here a couple times a week for a few minutes but thats about all I can do....good to see you stop back in, hope things are well for you...


Good to see you brother, yea im all good thanks and glad to see you are busy, sounds like the business has blasted off big time at last Smile

I just noticed ive got the big G tag back...... feels like being re-born Smile

cd1's picture

Some great info, thanks guys

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Bump. I've seen a couple posts about this. Some good food for thought in here.

cdyrdes's picture

Thanks for the bump pin, just added to my favorites

irongame427's picture

Nice job digging this up bro. Good info in here.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

When you get the big dogs in a thread you soak it up.

irongame427's picture

Hell ya. One day when i have some time I'm gonna go through tons of old threads an copy and paste all the comments from guys like Viking, tread, cat noid etc etc. but together my own bible and seperate it into different sections.


Noid asked me to drag this in here so it can help open this thread up even more......

VIKING POWER 15 minutes ago @warp789
Doesn't work like that bro... pinning sites are not were the receptors are.... Hormones work on a long range transmitter basis... meaning if you pin your leg the signals travel to receptors all over the body, we have millions of them and they repair constantly throughout the day just like skin cells they die off and new ones take their place.... an example here is like the fluid we have in our eyeballs is completely removed and renewed every 3/4 hours.... receptor overload doesn't hold much water with me, i believe we blame receptor saturation for poor or zero gain when we should be blaming ourselves for NOT constantly monitoring and increasing macros to balance with the demand we hit our bodies with and to burst through plateaus .... i no longer cycle and stay on constantly, i dont suffer or blame receptor overload, i blame myself for not being constantly on point with macro balancing if gains cease or weight drops unexpectedly.

Hundreds of theory's regarding receptors but this is my view after 34yrs of AAS use.

IrishMack's picture

I like the sound of this one here.

Roid Noid's picture

Vikes post is a little different from the posted question but still brings in something new to look at. It is somewhat in line with what im saying and thats that switching compounds is not the answer.

But he has a different outlook on receptor saturation that I would like to hear.

and this post is not limited to longs, shorts or orals. its about saturation and the whole process we have taught here about switching compounds to continue growing.


I am so tempted to list an example cycle that uses many compounds to trick or force receptors to keep working on what we would like to call "full blast" but i darn t brother because its way too advanced and open to abuse, you have probably noticed how little i talk steroids lately and have moved direction to nutritional type topics instead .... its a shame really but i cannot allow myself to be dragged down and compared with the SI cycle gurus who are fucking people up daily with their uninformed mindless stacks.

Anyway lets keep the receptor topic going and you yourself know first hand that the macro deal i spoke about up above works.... you were nearing end of cycle then jacked up the cals and gained another what was it? 10/12lbs or so.... that said protein synthesis must still have been taking place or you would have laid down nothing but fat... proving receptors are self repairing/regenerating on an hourly basis i believe.

Jc74s's picture

Will you ever post the blast I know you stated people mig ht abuse it but there many blast on the net .Just want to see how you would lay the cycle out .

Owes a Review × 1
Nitti's picture

Bro you are like a living AAS holy grail. They need to study your mind and body for the advancement of mankind.


lol............. i missed this comment 5mths ago so i will give the BRO FIST right now :)))

IrishMack's picture

With so much test in one room it would be scary.


yeah yeah!... you're on it there bro, very similar theory... its utilising the metabolism to its max potential which in turn will force the body to regenerate cells faster and more efficiently ... our topic here is receptor recovery/cleansing so basically we are forcing the metabolism to do the job for us in real time but faster due to the extra workload we force upon it..... that! and choosing compounds that have a similar binding affinity leads to constant receptor upload and a steady gain curve instead of peaks and troughs. same theory as using half-life tech to keep plasma levels stable! so imagine what happens when we get BOTH protocols spot on....... Boom we hit gain city at 1000mph.

Metabolism Kung Fu + AAs Kung Fu = Big Bad MoFoS roaming the gyms lol

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Binding affinity is something that I have been researching, but is tough to find hard facts on. I've been trying to find which ones have the higher affinity compared to others, kinda like the Tren/Test thing. I'm trying to find the synergistic approach in my future cycles, instead of just mixing shit together in hopes of something. Can you give just a couple examples of ones that have similar binding affinities. It's nice to finally have a thread where we can learn something instead of the usual botched cycles. I'm glad Noid is more involved in the forums now, he's bringing in some fresh air.


Brother i think that topic should be a new separate post then we dont sway too much off noids topic here..... its a great idea leave it with me and let me put something together for the future.

You probably noticed i am trying to lean more towards teaching nutrition and metabolism function instead of having steroids as the paramount tool in our quest for bodily enhancement..... if i can actually get my points across and people take it onboard,experiment, and have confidence and belief in these factors it will bring a whole new dimension to peoples AAs use and results in this community.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Right, I totally understand, and have been focusing more on the nutritional side as well. I know you are hella busy, but if you ever get free time a write up on that would be great.

Back to the topic so we know increasing metabolic rate after cycle will help clear receptors, so you are saying increasing it during cycle could prevent them from being saturated in the first place?


Correct bro............. thats what i mean about consistently increasing cals/macros has the cycle progresses to end the saturation dillema........... thats another reason i am using B12 as my mixing water, its a classic anti-oxidant ........ just another weapon in the regeneration armoury.

Roid Noid's picture

sounds like we are back to diet! I loathe that word! LOL

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Oh and by the way I know you have a responsibility to keep things safe around here, and you don't want to get to deep with things because of the idiots who would try and copy. I say fuck em if they're not smart enough to know the difference between you and them then it's their own fault.Their demise was bound to happen at some point. I like to see how magic tricks are performed, but I'm no magician.

IrishMack's picture

So in theory it would be like hitting a plateau doing heavy curls and not growing; then switching it up and doing less weight and more reps until complete exhaustion and the muscles "burn and pump." And in that sense you are rebuilding and growing new muscles AND receptors which are eager to take in the excess compounds running wild in your system. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Correct bro....... hard pumping is healthy, building up lots of lactic acid that destroys the old and weak cells,, then the fresh amino rich blood arrives to wash out all that dead shit and Hey presto new cells appear... both mitochondria and most importantly the receptors that we yearn for to continue with the assimilation in the anabolic environment we have created.


Thats the magic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for dumping dead or tired cells.

IrishMack's picture

Excellent, Thanks. Always nice to get back to the life blood of what we do.

Roid Noid's picture

many of us have been doing this for years, i know I have. not the mess your talking about doing but the way its supposed to be done. I hope for your sake you spend a few more years getting to know compounds because your idea of switching esters is screwed up. and your understanding of compounds reflects poorly in this post.

Roid Noid's picture

sure there is and im probably one of the stronger outside the box guys on here, but I still dont condone what your wanting to do. one things for sure youll learn what not to do.

Nitti's picture

I've done it in short esters and long but the long was usually there to stay. I can't say that it created a spurt in lean mass as it does when you kick off a run. But it has altered my physique with a sudden shift in the other direction. An example would be at week 5 of test e & npp I switched to Tren a and cut the test dose down to equal the Tren. In a matter of two weeks I lost all the bloat and slimmed down to a solid rock hard frame and proceeded to gain lean mass at a slow steady pace throughout. I have already cycles this way (switching compounds) but other than my test base it's the short esters I switch. As for the receptors being the reason. I can't say that. But I know that certain compounds just have a higher binding affinity than others. It's the reason they say drop the test dose when running Tren because the Tren will win the battle to the receptor and waste all that test. With That said it's possible that the compound with the highest binding affinity is responsible for any changes including sudden mass gains. Good question tho.

The guy who schooled me in my beginning was an advocate of this and swore by it. I made a post about it a year or 2 ago. I think I may have logged that (npp switch to Tren) run with pics. I did away with all my pics but may still have a post with labs from that run.

Roid Noid's picture

so this is the part of my post where I say i kinda believe it but feel its over rated....

So I agree that we can use different compounds in a cycle and get different results, I also believe that going from wet to dry is a given your gonna get results. We know that each compound will do certain things for us. take winstrol, we know it for striations and veins at the end of a cycle, or anavar for hardening at the end of a cycle. Sure they are binding to the receptor, I think its safe to say that all steroids will do that at any point of a cycle. Does that mean that the receptor is fresh? to me it does not, yes it is binding but at what percent? thats a question no-one can answer but lets look at this. How many times over the years have we read guys say that they ran just var or just winny as a cycle and gained 15 pounds in a month? that is what I would consider a fresh receptor.

Nitti's picture

Does that mean the receptor is fresh?

Hell no! The fact is all AAS bind to the androgen receptors which can even be found in fat cells believe it or not. I think where the "fresh" idea comes into play when you have something with a weak binding affinity being changed out for something with a very strong binding affinity. So something like test isn't latching on to the receptors every time. Those receptors are not being used. Then introduce Tren or whatever. Now all those receptor sites are being used up
And you're numbers sky rocket (labs) and your physique suddenly changes. I think that's the key here. Binding affinity. But as for just flat out being fresh mid cycle? I don't think that's even possible bro

Roid Noid's picture

(aside from tren)

So this is what im saying, people keep saying "switching compounds so the receptors dont get over saturated" and I find it to be bullshit. the receptors are saturated from whatever compound(s) you run first. theres no such thing as half way through the cycle switch compounds to keep from over saturation.

tonytulo's picture

I agree if its already saturated by one how will switching help anything as its already saturated.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

That's something I've been researching for a while, but can't seem to find hard facts on is steroids and binding affinities. Which one wins the fight for receptors. We all know Tren wins vs Test, but how oils compare to each other as well as orals. This thread is very deep, well over my head, but I'm creeping on it to see what everyone thinks.

gambit's picture

I dont know about long esters and doing this but ive heard some doing it. i did something like this with npp and EQ sort of. Only reason i did, on accident was my red blood count was creeping after i had given some blood. i did something like 8-9 weeks eq, came off started npp right away for 5 weeks then back on eq for another 8-9 then back on npp for 4-5. but who knows what did what right. lol