bigb101's picture
  • 37

In the Hospital with Elevated CK levels??


So I got blood work done and they recomended I go to the ER because my ck levels are about 1500. They are keeping me here overnight to monitor me. Not sure why they are like this anyone or have any information for me about this?

bigb101's picture

Appreciate all the kind words and support everyone!

manbearpig's picture

dude mine tested at 1200 last year. its nothing to worry about. my doc wanted me to stop lifting for a week and come back in to see if they would go down, but i decided against going back in because it is unnecessary. the high number just means i lift weights. lol.
i cant believe they hospitalized you for that. lmao. what a waste of time and money. you levels would have to be super high to indicate heart or kidney damage.

bigb101's picture

ya man thats what my friend who is a nurse is saying, gosh i hate hospitals too lol

iFit's picture

First, don't panic. Every time I get a physical my CK levels are high. On cycle, off cycle it doesn't matter. Had all sorts of tests and everything else was normal but levels still high. Months later and still high.

I would say to get fully checked out to see if they find anything but in the end they may not. Also, if you really want to see if its lifting related you should take off a full week prior to the next test.

I would also see if you can find a doc that is familiar with lifting. Most aren't and it makes a big difference.

Again, listen to your doc as its their job to keep you alive and healthy

bigb101's picture

Okay cool thanks bro! its kinda hard to find a doctor familiar with lifting but hope to find one, im just grateful for this forum and the wonderful insight and learning from everyone!

bigb101's picture

Hey thanks bro they arn't really doing much just an iv with saline. Im only 28 so i don't think it's related to the heart but they are really high but they are keeping me here overnight to monitor me.

manalishi7's picture

If they ran an EKG on you, which I'm sure they did, you would know right away if it was the ticker or not. There are a few other conditions which can cause this. There is a condition called rhabdomyolysis which basically means "severe muscle breakdown". I wonder if it's possible you tore the sh** out of your muscle fibers during your workout, and it's reflected in the CK levels. But 1500 seems huge, I think normal range is around 500. Did you workout shortly before the lab draw?

bigb101's picture

Ya they ran an ekg that was normal. I didn't workout right before but i have recently stepped up my cardio quite a bit. Ive also been off cycle for maybe 4 weeks just finishing up pct, i dunno if that plays a role or not. But thank you for your knowledge and information!

manalishi7's picture

Elevated CK levels usually indicate damage to muscle... The test is run all the time on people with suspected heart attack, thus the damage muscle. Hope you ok