mrlivewire92's picture
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HGH on blood test for the military


Im going to be going to MEPS and getting blood work done for my physical and i need to know if GHRP-6 will show up on the blood test if i start taking it to help reduce fat and gain muscle before basic training, also i will be doing TEST E and i need to know if that will raise to much of an alert for them to talk to me about a raised level in TEST.

Mekanik's picture

My nephew just finished Marine boot camp last summer, and is a skinny small fellow but finished second in his squad? unit? He said the best advice is run, run, run, pull ups, push ups, sit ups... until you are puking then do some more.

bmon1's picture

Before listing this let me state i %100 agree with exercise and diet BEFORE AAS or Pep use. With that being said for informational purposes only......

Based off of this chart he (19 y/o male) has about 8mg per day of testosterone in his body/day. 800ng/dl naturally. Me being 30 years old at 640ng/dl converts to about 6.4mg of testosterone per day naturally.

I was told that i needed to up my testosterone in order for hgh to properly work. Doesn't this mean he would have to up his test to account for the excess hgh being pushed out by the ghrp6?

A second question would be if I currently can handle 2iu's of hgh a day exogenous at (7*6.4=44.8 mg/test per week natural), technically that would mean that i only need about 150mg of exogenous test a week to go on 5 iu's of hgh saying that my natural testosterone production will be shut down and i would be relying purely on the outside source of test.

Does this make sense?

mrlivewire92's picture

i was told i needed the test because taking the ghrp-6 and cjc with dac wouldnt effect as much unless i took testE. if i start this after MEPS and after my blood work, would it be ok to start the 10 week cycle so that way i can be really fit when i leave?

bosunm8's picture

No you'll be fine bro just make sure you PCT prior to basic or you'll be in a world of hurt!

mrlivewire92's picture

thats one of the only problems i would have because my basic date could come as early as three months after meps and the 10 weeks plus PCT wouldnt give me enough time. all i know is that it would lower the TEST levels until they finally regenerate so at basic i would pretty much have a huge amount of estrogen. how long does it take for the TEST to regenerate after those 10 weeks of ghrp-6 and cjc with dac?

bosunm8's picture

Yikes bro just looked at your stats... I wouldn't advise you do any HGH or AAS at your age. Sounds like you need to do quite a bit more research too bud.

mrlivewire92's picture

whats wrong with my stats? like what poses the problem?

bosunm8's picture

Too young bro, take advantage of the natural Test that your body is producing like crazy right now... Just do a lot more research about age/cycle/PCT before you make mistakes you'll regret later on.

bosunm8's picture

I wouldn't recommend doing any cycle w/out PCT... If you're set on a cycle prior to basic, maybe a shorter Test P cycle would work, of course with PCT... Not only could no pct cause some permanent damage, but going to basic shut down would be horrible physically and mentally bro.

mrlivewire92's picture

well i have meps next week so if i start it after that and only do a 10 week cycle before i leave for basic wont they notice a huge difference in me and have that raise a suspicion about a possible use of it?

mrlivewire92's picture

im more worried about them finding a spike in my TEST levels which would raise alert and they would have me tested for other steroids

Mekanik's picture

You are a Marine? dam - now I respect you even more...killer

(mod nut hugging ) no homo

mrlivewire92's picture

i was told that the estrogen would have a huge effect but i didnt know how long it would last. am i able to just do the ghrp-6 and the cjc with dac without testE? and i would be starting all of this after my blood test that way i have no worries going in. im joining the USAF

mrlivewire92's picture

alright thank you for all your help

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