testaholic's picture
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+ 1 Bodybuilding saved my life.


The thread about methadone inspired me to tell a little story about me and my crazy ass life. I was born and raised in a city with an extremely high crime rate. It was always top 3 in the nation for murders and only had a population of 100,000. A year or two ago it was voted the most violent city in the country. The place I was born probably wouldn't have mattered though, I would have most likely became a drug addict/alcoholic regardless of my surroundings. That particular city just made it easier to get hard drugs at a younger age. Ok, so from age 12 I started getting high. Just weed and liquor at first then quickly moved up to lsd, coke and xtc. Around age 16 I started using xtc everyday for weeks on end. That was really the first drug I ever got strung out on, but not the last. I replaced it with prescription pain meds, vicodin, oxy, morphine, right up to the king, heroin. This is where shit got outta control for me. I was about 19. I was heavily into lifting in high school despite the drugs. Once I started fuckin with dope it was a rap, nothing else mattered. It got to the point where noone wanted me around anymore. I did whatever I had to to support my habit, lied cheated, stole, sikhs drugs, robbed people, and took advantage of every situation I thought would get me another fix. I got to where I WANTED to quit using, I just didnt kno how to live without it. Checked into my first rehab at about 20. Little did I kno there would be 6 more rehabs and 5 overdoses still to come.
In between each rehab I would get a few months clean and start getting back into bodybuilding. The feeling of lifting again and my muscles filling with blood was like a new and better high. It really helped me through tines when I wanted to go back out. Helped me to eat healthy, and live a healthier lifestyle. Helped build confidence and self esteem. I came to love it. I've been sober now for almost 8 months and am married with a daughter, own a house and a new truck. I truly believe I owe alot of that to body building. It kept me believing in myself when there wasnt a whole lot to believe in left. I have a new addiction now, its to the iron. Thanks eroids for letting me tell my story. Hope this helps someone who may be going through the same thing.

manbearpig's picture

bro i have seen flint and detroit at its low... it is a different place now. flint is not like it was when my dad was raised there. it is like third world USA in a lot of the down town.
i congratulate you on your accomplishments. keep it up. the clean and healthy life style is worth it Smile

z400csracing's picture

Ive gone through the.same thing my dude. Fucked wot everything until started doom perks. Then oxys. Then blowin dope to puttin the shit right in my arm. I lifted all in highschoolf then shoulder surgery introed me to opiates an never wanted to stop cuse I loved it so much. I went to rehab an all an lived ina halfway in florida. For awhile. Started trying to loose weight then an dropped 40 pounds. Started lifting again an I feel amazing and I.truly do feel I'm addicted to the gym. Addiction runs in my family also. Buy the was.is the city CMD? Youd kno.wat thy is if it was. Thy was my spot lol.

z400csracing's picture

im in NJ an camden is the place for tht shit, idk the number on the list but ikno it used to be number 1 with crime.i was right next to you in delray haha right off atlantic ave.an yeah tht wasnt the end of my run eather but i wasnt using heavy like i was. id use 2-3 times a week, then went to just like friday night, an finally said fuck it why does it have to be one day of the week, it can jus be 0 plus it was hindering my gains in the gym just doing it every once in awhile. shits the devil. i still think about it, but there more important shit in life, i have the opertunity of taking my fathers buisness and jus be a monster in the gym. what more can you ask for , money an ur health and bitches (unitl i find that girlll)

roidrage79's picture

Yea I know what you mean bro. I lost everything to dope. Five years ago I was arrested for possession with intent, was locked up for nine months and had to do drug court when I got out. I had to rebuild everything I'd thrown away. I might of relapsed if it wasn't for lifting. This September 2nd I'll be clean for 5 years. Keep liftin and you'll stay clean bro.

z400csracing's picture

yea man. congrats on that 5. from the grace of god i will get there i will get there eventually.

roidrage79's picture

Your doing well, just keep it up. Stay away from people that still use, they'll try and drag you down. Misery loves company.