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Test E & Endurance/Stamina


So here it is guys. I started off this year running A LOT. I would put in 6 or 7 miles per day, M - Fr, and would do a long 13-15 mile run on the weekends. I was averaging about 45 miles per week. This went on for about 4 months until I ran my half marathon on April 27th. After my race, I cut down on the running primarily due to the fact that I lost a lot of weight. I lost about 20 pounds in 4 months. As a matter of fact, I stopped running completely and focused solely on my lifting, weight training for about 2 hours per day, 5 days per week.

I'm not exactly sure how much weight I've put on since May, but I'm currently on week 9 of a 500mg/wk Test E cycle. I was advised by one of the forum's members that I should reintroduce cardio into my routine, pre workout. So, yesterday I thought I'd hop on the treadmill and run for 3 miles (~30 minutes) pre weight lifting. I got on the treadmill for about 15 minutes and ran just over a mile. I was sweating like a hog (and to all you smartasses, I get it...hogs don't sweat), I could hardly catch my breath, and my calves had the biggest pumps! My heart rate was up for the duration of my workout session, and it felt like my heart was racing for the next 2 hours. Is this normal when on Test? Does stamina on Test go to total shit? Is there something I should be doing?

irongame427's picture

I wouldn't suggest doing high intensity cardio unless it's intervals. Below 130bpm your body will burn primarly fat for energy but once you get above 130 you body starts looking for a quicker source of energy in glycogen. When those stores run out you start to burn muscle. It's more of a concern when you're cutting as your cals and carbs are low so your glycogen stores are gonna be low and on a bulking diet you should have enough to not have to worry about muscle loss assuming you don't over do it.

Assuming you wanna do this just stay in good cardiovascular shape then you do it but keep it in moderaton. 3 30min sessions a week. But remember those calories have to be replaced and bulkings hard enogh for most of us. If your goal is to keep fat gain to a minimum then I would suggest 30-40mins of low intensity long duration cardio where you keep your heart rate below 130bmp or some high intensity interval training. I'm wanna try to keep my heart healty also but I'm probably gonna limit my high intensity cardio to 15mins a few times a week. It's just to difficult to eat enogh as it is and adding cardio means eating even more,