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-1 My Restart PCT


My expectations are to keep the gains ive made over the last year. I have just ended a very long run and hope to normalize my system . This is simply a log for people who are interested to follow. Im posting this cuase I think it may help some people and to keep track and log my progress if I can im new to the site so im not sure if it allows updates to these tables and logs . This is also a log to show people new to the game the addictive nature if roids and how u dont want to find urself in my shoes to remember one thing take it slow dont rush results and try to think of it as borrowed muscle cause it kinda is.I will be gettin bloods at the end and hope this works for me as if not ill just stay on. My diet is strict consisting of 6 or mor meals a day most meals include chiken veggies and healthy fats. Some also consist of egges oatmeal protien shakes and meal replacment bars. I will be switching up the protien when possable each week from chicken to beef to fish. Daily calric intake will be around 3000 cals and about 200 grams if carbs and 250 grams of protien. On days where insulin is taken my carbs cals ext will increase alot as more sugar will be needed. .

12000iu/75iu every other day2 to 6iu post workout1.25mg on monday and thursday2iu
22000iu/75iu every other day2to6iu post workout1.25mg on monday and thursday2iu
32000iu/75iu every other day2 to 6iu post workout1.25mg on monday and thursday2iu
42 to 6iu post workout1.25mg on monday and thursday100mg 40mg2iu
51.25mg on monday and thursday100mg40mg2iu
61.25mg on monday and thursday100mg40mg2iu
71.25mg on monday and thursday100mg40mg2iu
81.25mg on monday and thursday20mg2iu
92 to 6iu post workout1.25mg on monday and thursday20mg2iu
102 to 6iu pistworkout1.25mg on monday and thursday2iu
112 to 6iu post workout1.25mg on monday and thursday2iu
fast48's picture

I cant believe this is even posted!

ac89's picture

Why so much letro?

levelup's picture

im curious why the insulin is needed? i wouldnt think you would want anymore hormonal response other than the increase in lh,fsh resulting in increased endo test

dico's picture

Hey luke have u started your pct yet im trying a hpta restart due to long shutdown after last cycle im doing a power pct by dr micheal scally its very similar to your protocol. Im going to be starting hcg tonight im curious to see how you get on with your pct good luck!

dico's picture

ive only got aromasin for ai will it be fine or do you think i would be better with letro?

dico's picture

Ive decided to do the hcg blast with aromasin for 3 week, then wait 3-4 days then start clomid tamox and letro! Im supplementing daa, zma, Vit E vit D