kingzchrist's picture
  • 42

+ 5 First Cycle/ Test E400


Going to be going for a lean bulk/recomp. Would be satisfied to gain 10-15lbs. Looking to lean out a bit so will do some post w/o treadmill.

Not too many concerns. Going to play with and adjust the Adex as it goes.

Going for a longer and lower PCT dosage. Heard it helps.

Throwing in the HCG at the end of cycle to plump up the boys ; )

Eating will be similr to now with some increased carbs.

6 x ed.
around 2800-3000 kcal

WeekTestosterone EAdexPregnylNolvaClomid
3400mg.25 M/W/F
4400mg.25 M/W/F
5400mg.25 EOD
6400mg.25 Mon/Thur
7400mg.25 Mon/Thur
8400mg.25 Mon/Thur
9400mg.25 Mon/Thur500iu 2x EW
10400mg.25 Mon/Thur500iu 2x EW
11.25 Mon/Thur500iu 2x EW
12.25 Mon/Thur500iu 2x EW
13.25 Mon/Thur500iu 2x EWNolva 50mg edClom 100mg ed
14.25 Mon/ThurNolva 50mg edClom 100mg ed
15.25 Mon/ThurNolva 25mg edClom 50mg ed
16.25 Mon/ThurNolva 25mg ed Clom 50mg ed
kingzchrist's picture

Yeah. Too late. That's what I have on hand. Quad pip was brutal with a 25g. Kicked in 12 hours later and lasted 3 days. Right glute was not as bad but used a 22g needle.

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vhman's picture

Why are you tapering/ramping up on the front end? Normally you would want to go with your normal dosage to get your blood levels up (or even front load, which I'm NOT recommending here).

thepullmanator's picture

I fat thumb neg'd you my apologies, It should be fixed now

Heavyweight's picture

Its looking good for a first cycle.
What Ill say is, only use the Adex when you start to notice water or itchy nips.

kingzchrist's picture

Agree. I just assumed I would add it in around 5th week, but definitely as needed.

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Heavyweight's picture

Some people are sensitive to estro-sides, some guys aint.
For example you might be able to run 500mg Test E per week and not suffer any bloat, whereas a mere 250mg for me will have me bloated and acne ridden and hi-BP haha.... bros will one day learn, that NOTHING is written in concrete on how to run cycles, there is only advice. Good advice, and bad advice. Its all down to experiences. Those who give advice based on "what someone said" is not advice at all. So dont mind other people mate. Like when I ran 1G Tren and 1G EQ.... I had descent libido, good strength gains and a good recomp effect. For me, thats what Im after, and it was pretty much side effect free. It may not be the same for others, may be the opposite effect. But some folks here will SCREAM how XYZ will happen if you run my cycle, even though Ive done it and tried it and reported my findings LOL funny place....

vhman's picture

Wow. Out of all the comments, you pick up and agree with the worst advice. Good luck with that.

vhman's picture

What Ill say is, only use the Adex when you start to notice water or itchy nips.

What horrible advice. Stop dishing out information until you actually know what you're talking about.

Heavyweight's picture

Thats what Ive always done.
I believe that you dont need to treat/cure a problem until its present.
I only ever used Adex when I started getting estro negative sides. Whats bad about that?

vhman's picture

You're trying to treat a problems after it's become symptomatic. You're already behind the game. Bloods are the only real way to tell what's going on and that is what needs to be recommended. Also there are many other signs of high estro, before you get to the gyno stage. A small dose schedule of AI, then bloods is the only way to know what's going on.

Heavyweight's picture

Not using pharmaceuticals outside of medical guidance "really" what needs to be reccomended, lets not play ignorant behind the massive "I am" like your some sort of Guru because you spend copious time online. I respect you may have experience in these matters, but it doesnt make your word or protocols gospel. There are many ways to go about doing things. I dont post or parrot what other say, everything I say is based off my own experience. In MY experience, I dont use an AI until I start getting bloat, gyno or libido issues. What gives you the right to tell me Im wrong? I dont call anyone wrong, because everyone has there own way of doing things (providing its safe). Thats my 0.2c..... I dont even care if all the fraggles come out the woodwork to Negative me now. Thats my opinion. Hate me.

rolltide3's picture

Not using pharmaceuticals outside of medical guidance "really" what needs to be reccomended,

"Really"so your advising him on steroids last I knew don't they fall into the pharmaceuticals department lol.

First cycle blood work is the only way to go. No waiting till u have issues. Why u may ask. Bc the Op has no experience in treating sides little lone leaving them till there out of control. He has no experience he has no idea how his body works. Telling someone don't take an ai till they start experiencing sides is dumb as hell. By that time it's a lot harder to get under control than it is to simply start at a low dose and adjust with blood work but we're no guru like u lol.
Ps hate u bro no way I bet u have an amazing set of boobs prolly the nicest on the site all us juice heads love big boobies Smile

McMeanie87's picture

+1 man..I was always advised to begin a.i from day one..better to stop issues before it even starts..

tonytulo's picture

whats safe about waiting for irreversible sides like gyno to set in or any sides irreversible or not I don't know just my two sense. this is this mans first cycle we don't want it to be hell for him its a standard first cycle with standard ai and pct period . no need to confuse him.

Heavyweight's picture

Get a grip. If I can reverse pea sized lumps with Letro.... Im sure others can?

tonytulo's picture

Ok whatever you say but not everyones the same we have standered first cycle protocol here and if you dont agree then get to fuck ok. And not everyone has pharma letro on hand and the idea is prevent gyno not wait untill its there then figure out how to get rid of it cause there are many success stories with letro just as there are many who it didnt work for .an if you dont agree its ok you will nit be here long with the shity advice and your attitude.

vhman's picture

Instead of getting your panties in a bunch, how about looking at the bigger picture. Thousands of people read these threads and with that comes responsibility to give proper advice, not "this worked for me" bull-shit. You're welcome to not do any research and not to follow successful AI protocols all you want, but you will be called out when you post it as advice.
Folks do need to learn how they react to AI's, but telling them to wait until gyno sets in is just plain stupid and unnecessary.
Eroids is full of knowledgeable folks that we all can learn from. Spend some time using the search function and see what you come up with. Just because we have all don't things wrong in the past, doesn't mean you have to keep repeating those mistakes.

Heavyweight's picture

Putting all that aside, Id trust someone's experience over "the dog next door told me...." any day.
Thats just who I am. It doesnt mean Im right, it doesnt mean Im wrong - its just my personal findings. Might not be the same for you, so I dont force my protocols on you. Thats is how we learn, through trial and error. I have researched and researched, and done things my way - my way works best for me. Your in no position to tell me whats right for me. Your in no position to say whats "stupid". You only know whats right for you, like I only know whats right for me.

A lot of people hold themselves tooooo highly up here.
Steroid Gurus.... make me laugh

McMeanie87's picture


vhman's picture

Then dont jump in here flexing your ignorance!

Statement of the Day!!!


Heavyweight's picture

Errrrrm.... no I dont thank you. Rather than spending your internet time watching me, why dont you post a valuable reply with your concerns to the OP?
I dont think the ramp up is of any consequence, its his first cycle. My first injectable cycle was 8 weeks, and I gained just fine off it. Plus its not like he is doing low dose for the most part then ramping up last minute, its pretty early.

McMeanie87's picture

Can't comment on adex or hcg cause I have ran neither. I ran aromasin and will be doing a ten day hcg blast before I pct..but u need to watch those high dosage test, fck around and get test flu and u should run a proper pct protocol clomid nolva 100/40 first two weeks and 50/20 last two..pct isn't something to take lightly bro..and that's a very weird looking pct so maybe u should do more research on it before you start brother.I'm not a vet but I know when something doesn't look right and you being 39 don't want to chance not being able to revive your natural test, the older u are the harder it is to get back after being shut down so long. And if u want to gain you had better up your calories to between 4-5000 ed..3000 is not nearly enough, that's almost what a normal daily intake is suppose to be.

irongame427's picture

X2. Don't fuck with pct the normal 100/100/50/50 has proven to be successful time and time again. And definitely up your calories. Unless you have a terrible metabolism you'll need atleast 3500 from the start and need to up them as your weight progresses. Steroids don't just magically build muscle, it's still build from food. Gear just makes it happen faster .

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