Freak_Accident's picture
  • 90

3rd Cycle (Test-P/E, Bold-Cyp)


187lbs, 5'11", 10-12% BF, +300lbs bench (Sanction meet, no shirt, no elbow wraps). I don't squat heavy because of my knees. Dead lift is over 350. I'm not super strong for my size. I should be stronger at my weight, size and height which is my main goal this cycle.

WeekTestosterone PropionateEquipoise CypionateTestosterone EnanthateAromasinClomidNolvadex
1125mg/eod300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod
2125mg/eod300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod
3125mg/eod300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod
4125mg/eod300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod
575mg/eod300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod
6300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod
7300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod
8300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod
9300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod250iu/2x Week
10300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod250iu/2x Week
11300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod250iu/2x Week
12300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod250iu/2x Week
13300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod250iu/2x Week
14125mg/eod300mg/2x Week300mg/2x Week12.5mg/eod250iu/2x Week
15125mg/eod12.5mg/eod250iu/2x Week
16125mg/eod12.5mg/eod250iu/2x Week
Freak_Accident's picture

I am currently using adex and will quit next week as I begin PCT. This next cycle will have aro so I can run it through plus I heard its just better all around. I decided to use test-e through out and see how it goes. I do like prop better and even though 125 eod does = only 250 in my system at a time I've noticed better results then with enanth at 500mg/wk. But it will be more convenient only injecting 2 times a week.

fast48's picture

The corrections made on your log....much easier on the user. Multipinning can work ....but it just gets to feeling like pin cushion.

fast48's picture


Freak_Accident's picture

I can see my top 2 abs pretty defined no flex and top 4 when flexed. I've got veins on lower stomach (above crotch below belly button) so I think I'm around 10% bf? Love handles is a problem area and my legs are junk.

fast48's picture

Moved your karma back. Grow well

Freak_Accident's picture

I'm not too worried about body fat (I can lose it fairly easy if gained and I'm ok for winter, I'll change my diet at the beginning of summer). So my #1) Strength #2) Muscle Mass. I'm definitely lacking in the strength department (to me it seems that way at least). I liked the idea of Bold because of the appetite increasing abilities I've heard it has.

fast48's picture

For strength competitions....1jackdhippy is the dude to chat with. He can help a lot. Reason goals is important because it has to do with dosing. 150eod is a flat 300 woth prop. It never gets higher. Mixed with 600eq its more of a cutter cycle (300/600). If you need to keep a low comp bodyweight then 150eod/600eq is workable. Not as much mass but very solud gains. 8-12lbs changed on body...fat loss/muscle gained depending on diet. Now, if you're not as worried about contest weight then a 600/600 cycle with prop kicker is a sweet cycle. Lil more mass...lil water gain but mainly lean n hard. So need to know...weight class or mass? As far as flat strength....test is good for that. And again...if its strength and weight class a shorter 8wk cycle of prop/var works great. Var does hinder appetite on me so just gotta know the goal and eat your multi meals.

Another trick is running half the cycle 600/600 with prop kicker then second half 150eod/600 with prop taper. Many variables.

Freak_Accident's picture

And could I lower my Nolva since I'll be running Aro on PCT? maybe 20/20/10/10?

fast48's picture

Yes! The aro on pct has posted bloodtests to show it's working. Use the lowered nolva. Smile

Freak_Accident's picture

I was wondering where my Karma went lol. Thank you for giving them back. How do you take Karma? Do you get that ability once your higher up? And I just like to compete for fun. I don't care to win really that's just a bonus. so weight doesn't matter as long as I don't gain "too much" fat I'll be happy and so far with this cycle and my previous cycle I've only noticed fat loss while stuffing my face but I eat very clean most of the time, may be it... so basically strength and mass don't care about over-all weight. So Ill shoot for 600/600 with the taper on/off prop. Should I bump up to 150/eod prop? This'll be my 3rd cycle. I try to stay away from literally all orals except for pct and anti est. so no var or anything for me (this is my way to convince myself that I'm not hurting my liver) ;)

fast48's picture

Yes you can bump prop to 150eod....600/600 added a Nice 15lbs last time i ran it and finished nice..not fatty. Competing for fun...big high five! Thats why early on i asked your restraints. Keeping in a class is different than adding mass. If you needed to keep light while cutting then 350/600 works great. Small adjustment but holds your class close. Eq is versatile.

Freak_Accident's picture

Why do I seem to get better results from prop when its such a lower amount "per week". Like 150/eod is only 300 max at a time in my system but 250mg/2xweek of Enanthate would be like somewhere around 750 in at one time or even 1000mg at one time. Once I started to taper with prop and in the beginning kick start was when I really noticed a lot.

Freak_Accident's picture

I want to make sure each one of you that I have offended gets a copy of this so I am going to post it here and attach one to one of each of your comments.
I'm am quite the douche for what happened 2 days ago. I don't know what got into me but that is not like me at all. I think it was just one of those days and something that wasn't intended to put me down made me snap and I just wouldn't give up. I am terribly sorry for all of the stupid, self centered, cocky, "knowitall", dickheaded thing I said to you guys or about you guys. None of you deserved a word of what I said. I'm embarrassed and worried. Worried because I not only offended some newer guys on here but also some vets that have so much more know-how and know-how-to then I probably ever will and these guys are here to help everyone on here including myself. And look what I said to them? as if I knew what I was talking about! I don't know what else to say but, I'm sorry. If any of you have it in you to write me back then please do. I'm clear minded now and have a lot of questions. If not, I will not take offence to it one single bit. After what I have said I'm surprised I'm still allowed on this site. Thank you all and again I'm very sorry.
-I don't deserve Karma

gatorbits's picture

Try 500 test e and 600 hold cyp
And it's two ml twice a week
Much more realistic and more results
Prop is a kickstart type thing not a test base
Look for test e or c or sust as a base of test

Owes a Review × 1
Freak_Accident's picture

I want to make sure each one of you that I have offended gets a copy of this so I am going to post it here and attach one to one of each of your comments.
I'm am quite the douche for what happened 2 days ago. I don't know what got into me but that is not like me at all. I think it was just one of those days and something that wasn't intended to put me down made me snap and I just wouldn't give up. I am terribly sorry for all of the stupid, self centered, cocky, "knowitall", dickheaded thing I said to you guys or about you guys. None of you deserved a word of what I said. I'm embarrassed and worried. Worried because I not only offended some newer guys on here but also some vets that have so much more know-how and know-how-to then I probably ever will and these guys are here to help everyone on here including myself. And look what I said to them? as if I knew what I was talking about! I don't know what else to say but, I'm sorry. If any of you have it in you to write me back then please do. I'm clear minded now and have a lot of questions. If not, I will not take offence to it one single bit. After what I have said I'm surprised I'm still allowed on this site. Thank you all and again I'm very sorry.
-I don't deserve Karma

Freak_Accident's picture

I want to make sure each one of you that I have offended gets a copy of this so I am going to post it here and attach one to one of each of your comments.
I'm am quite the douche for what happened 2 days ago. I don't know what got into me but that is not like me at all. I think it was just one of those days and something that wasn't intended to put me down made me snap and I just wouldn't give up. I am terribly sorry for all of the stupid, self centered, cocky, "knowitall", dickheaded thing I said to you guys or about you guys. None of you deserved a word of what I said. I'm embarrassed and worried. Worried because I not only offended some newer guys on here but also some vets that have so much more know-how and know-how-to then I probably ever will and these guys are here to help everyone on here including myself. And look what I said to them? as if I knew what I was talking about! I don't know what else to say but, I'm sorry. If any of you have it in you to write me back then please do. I'm clear minded now and have a lot of questions. If not, I will not take offence to it one single bit. After what I have said I'm surprised I'm still allowed on this site. Thank you all and again I'm very sorry.
-I don't deserve Karma

Freak_Accident's picture

cdaddy7. I see you on here a lot and I can't believe you said that... Estrogen comes from the abundance of estrogen in your body after PCT. Now what could fix that? Um putting an AI in you pct at very low doses to lower your estrogen because nolva and clo DO NOT LOWER YOUR BODYS ESTROGEN LEVEL. I'm seriously done with this. Who are you guys I'm mean seriously... You have so much "karma". Obviously you just buy a lot of shit. This will be the last cycle I post on this site for any intelligent feed back. And you guys can have fun talking to a wall I'm definitely done with this convo. You guys have fun thinking because you have used for so long that you don't need to read. Most of the vets on here are intelligent and do read but I guess I just got caught up in the ones that just like needles.

gatorbits's picture

You must be a whiny flamer or a lil girl that's what I hear when I read this above garbage
You don't know shit your a steriod moron basically this is chemistry not just basic math num num

Owes a Review × 1
alloneword's picture


alloneword's picture

The reason that he said that is based on the difference between Adex and aromasin. Adex will suppress estro but aromasin will eliminate it, it's a suicide inhibitor, which means that there is no estrogen rebound, it carries the estro to it's proverbial grave. There's science behind these statements.

mjunkie's picture

Good fucking riddance! You come in here and ask for opinions and thats what u got. If u don't like it gtfo!

Freak_Accident's picture

I want to make sure each one of you that I have offended gets a copy of this so I am going to post it here and attach one to one of each of your comments.
I'm am quite the douche for what happened 2 days ago. I don't know what got into me but that is not like me at all. I think it was just one of those days and something that wasn't intended to put me down made me snap and I just wouldn't give up. I am terribly sorry for all of the stupid, self centered, cocky, "knowitall", dickheaded thing I said to you guys or about you guys. None of you deserved a word of what I said. I'm embarrassed and worried. Worried because I not only offended some newer guys on here but also some vets that have so much more know-how and know-how-to then I probably ever will and these guys are here to help everyone on here including myself. And look what I said to them? as if I knew what I was talking about! I don't know what else to say but, I'm sorry. If any of you have it in you to write me back then please do. I'm clear minded now and have a lot of questions. If not, I will not take offence to it one single bit. After what I have said I'm surprised I'm still allowed on this site. Thank you all and again I'm very sorry.
-I don't deserve Karma

fast48's picture

Ok Benchanitor troll man

You will NEVER get over 250 on prop at your doses. What an Einstein!

Freak_Accident's picture

I want to make sure each one of you that I have offended gets a copy of this so I am going to post it here and attach one to one of each of your comments.
I'm am quite the douche for what happened 2 days ago. I don't know what got into me but that is not like me at all. I think it was just one of those days and something that wasn't intended to put me down made me snap and I just wouldn't give up. I am terribly sorry for all of the stupid, self centered, cocky, "knowitall", dickheaded thing I said to you guys or about you guys. None of you deserved a word of what I said. I'm embarrassed and worried. Worried because I not only offended some newer guys on here but also some vets that have so much more know-how and know-how-to then I probably ever will and these guys are here to help everyone on here including myself. And look what I said to them? as if I knew what I was talking about! I don't know what else to say but, I'm sorry. If any of you have it in you to write me back then please do. I'm clear minded now and have a lot of questions. If not, I will not take offence to it one single bit. After what I have said I'm surprised I'm still allowed on this site. Thank you all and again I'm very sorry.
-I don't deserve Karma

alloneword's picture

After reading that, I realize why prop is only used as a kick or a taper, doesn't last long enough to add up. Well, this guy may be oblivious to the math but thanks for posting it anyways, I learned something. Hahahaha.

Freak_Accident's picture

I want to make sure each one of you that I have offended gets a copy of this so I am going to post it here and attach one to one of each of your comments.
I'm am quite the douche for what happened 2 days ago. I don't know what got into me but that is not like me at all. I think it was just one of those days and something that wasn't intended to put me down made me snap and I just wouldn't give up. I am terribly sorry for all of the stupid, self centered, cocky, "knowitall", dickheaded thing I said to you guys or about you guys. None of you deserved a word of what I said. I'm embarrassed and worried. Worried because I not only offended some newer guys on here but also some vets that have so much more know-how and know-how-to then I probably ever will and these guys are here to help everyone on here including myself. And look what I said to them? as if I knew what I was talking about! I don't know what else to say but, I'm sorry. If any of you have it in you to write me back then please do. I'm clear minded now and have a lot of questions. If not, I will not take offence to it one single bit. After what I have said I'm surprised I'm still allowed on this site. Thank you all and again I'm very sorry.
-I don't deserve Karma

fast48's picture

This guy is a troll. A ex member that got banned. So he's back to just irritate folks with ignorance.

Glad you learned! Esters set the whole cycle ;)

fast48's picture

And ya know the cycle translates literally to 250test/600eq?

Freak_Accident's picture

You may have more experience with use but you really need to research.