abovethelaw92's picture
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Winter Bulking Plans


Gonna finish cutting over the next month then move into a heavy bulk. Weighing around 195 right now. Main goals are packing on strength. Will probably be starting coaching by John Otis Hollywood.

425x5 Squat
495x5 Deadlift
315x5 Bench press

One concern may be extremely excessive water retention.
I'd like to keep my sex drive as high as possible which hasn't been a problem in past blasts.
Haven't had a problem with gyno before, but have Arimidex, Nolvadex, and Clomid lying around.

Definitely open to suggestions and things, let'em rip.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateDeca DurabolinAnadrolTrenbolone Enanthate
vegeta88's picture

I would use the money for deca and get more tren e an a little more anadrol. Deca at that dose I don't think is worth it so let the other two compounds have more room to do the work.

Coconut's picture

Your doctor put you on trt? Or you put yourself on permanently? Hope you never wanna have kids. 2 19nors is not a very good idea either. I would re think your approach but hey that's just me.

abovethelaw92's picture

Put myself on, I wouldn't say that though. There are plenty of pros with kids.
I do hear a lot negative about the dual 19-nors, why do you recommend against and and what would you recommend instead? Looking for suggestions.

vegeta88's picture

I would use the money for deca and get more tren e an a little more anadrol. Deca at that dose I don't think is worth it so let the other two compounds have more room to do the work.

Coconut's picture

Well if u ever want kids I suggest you come off cycle. 19nors are known to shut you down hard 1 19 nor in a cycle is plenty. Should prolly do some research in the forums and come back with a better cycle. I Don't think we should spoon feed you need to research research and then research some more brotha.

abovethelaw92's picture

What is your reasoning against stacking the two?
What would your suggested tren/test dosages be then?
Might do that, either drop the deca or lengthen it, thanks for the suggestion.
Also thanks for the great prolactin prevention suggestions. Never really thought too much about that!

irongame427's picture

How many cycles have you done and what did they consist of?

abovethelaw92's picture

I've done three blasts, consisting of test E+P, tren E+A, deca, what I believed to be faked anadrol that came in a powdered form, and winstrol. Never did anything this heavy.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Where do you guess your BF is at right now? Do you have exp with all the compounds listed above?

abovethelaw92's picture

Visible abs, never bothered calipers because of the terrible inaccuracy.
Everything except anadrol, as I believe the first time I tried it, it turned out to be bunk or very underdosed.

BawsDawg's picture

does 250~ mean that is a cruise dose and you will be staying on that indefinitely?

abovethelaw92's picture

Indeed it does, my friend.

Roid Noid's picture

why are you running TRT at 27?

abovethelaw92's picture

Running " trt " because I simply don't plan on coming off.

Roid Noid's picture

plans change. Goodluck

abovethelaw92's picture


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