Freak_Accident's picture
  • 90



198lbs, bf ?, 5'10", 26yo. I was 193lbs, 9%bf but recently went to a bad place for a few months. I put on a little fat from fucked up hormones. I did what I could while in my "bad place". I plan to cut a little fat down and get strength back then back on cruise for a little then test/deca/dbol bulk starting in the end of fall. Adex/Aro on hand but surely not needed. Started cruising 7 months ago and will never go back. Bloods done regularly. Cruise at 250mg cyp starting week 8 of this cycle.

WeekTest PropWinstrol
colombiankid1234's picture

I'm 22 years old 5"7 180 and really need to cut down for summer vacation to cancun and wanted to know how many mgs should I take a day of Winnie?

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Winny thT long at that dose is to much to long. Less is more youngin

Freak_Accident's picture

100mg/day 4 weeks?

Billy Goat's picture

I won't chime in on how long to run orals, as I'll get assaulted. But I've ran Winny at 30, 50, 75 and 100mg/day. What I've noticed at 100mg/day is that I drop water almost over night. It really reduces the bloat in my face. If you've never run Winny before, you'll see some nice gains in strength. However, for some people, it can really dry out your joints, and cause significant pain and possibly injury. My wife ran 15mg/day for about 3 months, and towards the end, her joints were really bothering her. Other than that, I do like the hardness and fullness that I get from it. I just recently ran it at 50-75mg/day with Var at 60mg/day, and along with tightening up my diet, it really helped shrink down my waist.

Billy Goat's picture

That's a great question. I have a very light frame, and I don't have the genetics to carry that much weight without using GH/Slin. When I started lifting, I was 5'10" and 120lbs. Even though I eat 5-6 meals a day, my metabolism is still high enough that I'd have to make eating more of a full time job than it already feels like. I've always run low to moderate test, and that probably doesn't help, either. A lot of the mass monsters run large amounts of test year round. I'm going to play with larger amounts of test down the line, but there's limits to the amount of test you can run without Gh. Once the kids are grown, I'll add in the Gh. In the mean time, I'll just keep trying to improve my physique, and avoid adding unwanted bloat/fat.

rolltide3's picture

Why are u young guys so irresponsible about your health. Cruising at 26 smh have fun

Freak_Accident's picture

I don't handle pct well. I did start young period which was a bad decision but I will never stop loving and living this lifestyle so I had a choice to make. Balls deep or stop. I've tried multiple forms of pct and they just don't sit well. My body hates clomid with a passion and nolva alone doesn't cut it. I've tried peps too with no avail. I understand concern but I don't see any regrets in my future. Thanks bro

Pale's picture

Awe, you don't feel right on PCT so to hell with it, right? I feel sorry for you.....

Freak_Accident's picture

Mental I'm fine. Physical it really smacks me around.

Freak_Accident's picture

Blood work done for sure

Freak_Accident's picture

I might do 100mg/day last 4 weeks instead of ruining it 8. Yeah?

Billy Goat's picture

I'm 47. I've been running gear since I was 20. I'm still breathing. If I'd had the consistent access to gear that's available today, I'd have never come off completely. The up and down PCT roller coaster sucks. I get worse sides going through PCT than I do on gear. If heath is such a concern for bodybuilders (which it never has been), then no one should ever inject gear, much less inject gear bought from some website. Just my 2 cents. :-)

Freak_Accident's picture

If I hit health problems cruising then I'll just have to stop but I agree with you. PCT causes more blood level concerns then cruising so far. Test compared to multiple pct meds that are harsh...

Billy Goat's picture

So are you saying that I should suppress sharing my life experience because it doesn't align with the cycle protocols that are preached here? The cycle on/cycle off protocols that are encouraged here are fine, but I take exception to the use of scare tactics (health, death, infertility) that are used to get users to fall in line. This is a 26 year old man. He's not a "kid". Once you make the jump to gear, you're never going to be the same again, homonally speaking. What is done is done. He's going to be fine, he's still going to be able to have kids (if he doesn't already). Gear or no gear, as you head into your 30's, your T levels and Gh levels are going to begin to tank. Most of my friends and colleagues are on TRT, they've never used gear, and I haven't attended any of their funerals Should he wait until he's 30? 40? What difference is it going to make? Also, his blast looks fine, if not a bit conservative. I'm not sure what you see that's wrong with what he laid out. This is just a discussion, not an attack. Ok?

Billy Goat's picture

Ok, you make some very valid points. And yes, I'm currently running test/tren/eq/npp, so I'm edgy! I laughed at the picture you drew of the 35+ crowd. I just got back from a Disney cruise to the Bahamas. Most of the passengers were so fat, I don't know how they even made the children they had with them! I was way out of place, and felt like a circus freak among all the fatties. A lot were Southerners, but I'm sure they represent the country as a whole. Most of my friends from high school are fat, and on meds to control BP and other fatty problems. I am pretty much the only gym rat left. Regardless of my gear abuse, I have a feeling that I'll be outliving most of my contemporaries. We'll see how I compare at my 30 year reunion next year!

Freak_Accident's picture

Thanks for looking out for us. I weighed my options and tested my body. Maybe it's a mistake. But let me make it but know that it wasn't impulsive on my part. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone, it's not my place to persuade anyone to make a life decision.

Pale's picture

You keep running two 19 nor's at the same time you may find yourself in a worse condition than them "southerners" bro..

Billy Goat's picture

Pale Rider, why do we need to have this discussion? I'm 47 years old. I've been running gear since I was 20. I've run Deca and Tren together many times without issue. Are you just parroting what you've read? Anyone on here with years of gear experience knows that only a small percentage of gearheads run into problems with two 19 nor's. It's practically an urban legend now, kept alive by people who have never ran them together, or have seen someone they know get leaky nips. Maybe you know the truth, and just brought it up as warning to others? If so that's cool. Truthfully, you should have many separate tren runs and deca runs before you combine the two. By then, you'll know how they effect you, and can make the decision to run them together. I certainly would never advise it for most Eroids members, as most are just starting out. So thanks for the warning, whether it was directed at me, or indirectly at the rest of the fold, but I'm gtg.....bro. :-)

rolltide3's picture

Are u fucking serious right now u are cosigning trt for a young man that's 26. Stop giving advice there buddy before u kill someone

Billy Goat's picture

With the utmost respect, who dies from TRT (other than fat people in Alabama)? Is there an optimal age for TRT that doesn't result in death? I'm not advising him to stay on, I'm just going to politely suggest to the OP that anyone that tells you cruising at any age results in bad health and death, might not be someone that has enough real-world or book knowledge to go about fear mongering. Now, go take a chill-pill, and quit worrying about saving the world from the horrors of TRT.