legendinthemaikng's picture
  • 72



Current stats 6'0
I want to add some quality lean mass and cut down on my %BF.
I am concerned about potential sides as this is my first Tren cycle. I am also pretty sure a lot of you guys are probably gonna pick this apart but I am willing to listen and learn. I am here humbly and want advice on this.

WeekTest ETren AceEQArimadex Caber
1600mg30mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
2600mg40mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
3600mg50mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
4600mg60mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
5600mg70mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
6600mg70mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
7600mg70mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
8600mg75mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
9600mg75mg ED600mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
10600mg75mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
11600mg75mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
12600mg75mg ED500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
13600mg500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
14600mg5000mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
15600mg500mg.5mg E3D.25mg E4D
16600mg500mg.5mg E3D
17600mg500mg.5mg E3D
18600mg500mg.5mg E3D
19600mg500mg.5mg E3D
20600mg500mg.5mg E3D
21600mg.5mg E3D
22400mg .5mg E3D
23400mg.5mg E3D
24300mg.25 E3D
legendinthemaikng's picture

Thank you catalyst beast mode and iron game.

Catalyst's picture

What's your cycle history mate?

On face value this looks like a lot of things wrong here. Also don't like cycling at the BF level you're at. Should be reigning in your diet to hit 15% or less before gear is even on your radar.

legendinthemaikng's picture

I have a lot of experience bulking and cutting with diet and supplements. I have currently been eating clean for about 15 months. I do lack in cardio at the moment; probably why my BF is still so high. I have had times in the last ten years where cardio excelled but I hate losing strength

legendinthemaikng's picture

I do HIIT 3 days a week but if I expand it anymore than that I do feel it take away from my strength. Maybe it's just me. I used to do 30 minutes pre and 30 minutes like but it really kicked my ass on my lifts.

cpatc88101's picture

My strength has never been affected by doing cardio. Your not training properly then or that is just a poor excuse to get out of doing cardio.
Listen to the vets on here man, they are only here to help

legendinthemaikng's picture

I may have jumped the gun on you man my bad. I guess I prejudged you.

legendinthemaikng's picture

Thanks troll just checked into you and see that you just got blasted on your cycle and you are only 25 so don't take it out me. Troll somewhere to make yourself feel better. I already discussed this cycle with the older more knowledgeable dudes that posted back to me and I am strongly favoring towards there advice. Really no reason to come in here and throw your inexperienced two cents in. Lmao

Dickkhead's picture

I wasn't even going to comment in here Catalyst and the others have got you covered. But, I was scrolling down just reading. C'mon bro, he wasn't trying to start a fight with you. Try to relax. We all do our best to keep things friendly here. Really we do.

legendinthemaikng's picture

I checked him out first. He got hammered I on a cycle he posted like the 18th. And he is younger than me. I felt like he was trolling to make himself feel better since he got flamed for his cycle. Maybe I am wrong.

cpatc88101's picture

LMAO. Man Im not even going to get mad about this. We all come on here thinking we know more than everyone. For some reason when someone comments on a cycle, the other person immediately takes offense to it and gets defensive. Why does my age have anything to do with it? And what the hell does getting hammered mean? OH you mean the vets on here helped me out with my cycle and also my workout routine? That's not getting "hammered" bro. That's what this site is for. I'm happy they helped me out lol The last thing I am is mad about it. They maximized my cycle, free of charge... what's there to be mad about? lol All love on this site brother. If you cant take advice or a little constructive criticism from anyone even if they are younger than you, you wont last here. Check your pride at the door, we are all here to help.

Dickkhead's picture

No, you are right cause I was one of the people hammering him about the cycle - I remember this. He took advice though and he has good knowledge for such a young man. All that drama is long ago patched up and gone - he's just helping out like he should, bro.

legendinthemaikng's picture

Ok I apologize.

legendinthemaikng's picture

I have ran test only so far. Dbol once when I was younger but just dbol the sides were bad. I was to young also.

Catalyst's picture

And now you want to run tren?

Not appropriate in the slightest. What you've posted is an advanced cycle, sonething you're probably 8-10 cycles away from even considering.

legendinthemaikng's picture

I understand that is the popular consensus and I will not argue with you on it. I do want to ask a question. I have been looking into too ten sources constantly for about a month and if everyone is so down on the use of tren(& again I am not arguing that fact) why is it that when a source restocks that the tren is the first thing to fly off the shelf? Basically over night? It is gone as fast as it is restocked. I understand that doesn't have a lot to do with my post but is a burning question I have had on my mind and you have over 900 karma so you been around awhile.

BeastMode5085's picture

doooood, a gram and a half of gear should not be necessary for anyone but advanced users who have plenty of experience...

tren has a great reputation for the positives but seriously consider the negatives of it. I have posted on a number of other peoples threads about this. just dont do it. Wait, there are better things out there, more basic things that can get you results with out making your life hell. I jumped on tren my 3rd cycle and was no where ready for it. Night terrors, night sweats, hot all the time, reduced cardio capacity, higher BP, moody as hell, lowered my HDL to the point my doc was worried, and who knows what else it may have done. Theres a ton of other sides I didn't get but if you dont know what your doing then you could also have limited kidney funtion, hair loss, harder time having your HPTA axis recover etc. Before you touch tren, or any 19-nor, you need to know how to run it... by looking above, theres no way your ready my friend. Not to mention, your ratio's are way off. You need to do more homework than 1 month.

to your point, and this may sound like beating a dead horse, but if everyone jumped off a bridge would you? Everyone may be jumping on tren but everyone may be a fucking moron... you don't know who is ordering this stuff. You ahve clearly taken the time to ask, so I advise you to listen to the advice given.

Your overall cycle is a little messy man. Your too fresh in the AAS game, like me, to jump to fast. I just had ACL surgery 7 weeks ago and my weight/bf is almost identical and I would never think of jumping on in this shape. Higher bf just amplifies the problems that come with any aas. Cut your weight with a strict diet, lift heavy and do HIIT

My personal opinion, cut your bf down to 15-16% then run a EQ/Test only for 16 weeks. 25 week cycle is long as hell for you. my first long run was my 4th run, went 20 weeks. Not to mention if you run 25 weeks your going to have to take 25 weeks+4weeks= 29 weeks off after you finish pct before you can even think (think* being the key about running another cycle.

legendinthemaikng's picture

That is incredible information thank you man. I don't think I can plus one anything yet but I would if I could. Thanks again for the info.

BeastMode5085's picture

its only good advice if you take it brotha. I know all too well how tempting it is to want to get on tren but this shit is real and on a whole other level. If you have questions just pm me. I am no expert but I can pass on my experience, the good and bad. +1 for the open mind my dood

legendinthemaikng's picture

FR sent

Catalyst's picture

Great advice. I'm +2ing you for that taking you over the 100.

irongame427's picture

Great info right here.+1

Catalyst's picture

Interesting question. My thoughts, people use tren way too early and think it's like the holy grail, especially the young naive guys that think they're going to blow up overnight into Jay Cutler. If you're not stepping on stage, personally I don't believe you need to even consider it. It can be a very rough ride of a cycle, not just physically but psychologically in terms if mood swings etc. I only use it for stage prep as I really don't enjoy tren cycles. They turn me into something I'm not, I can become very difficult and unreasonable and it puts a strain on my job and also my relationship with my wife and daughter that other compounds do not. For me it's kind of a necessary evil, but if the competition aspect goes, so will any tren cycles for me. It's the only cycle I run that I hate being on.

In terms of stocks, don't forget these labs probably produce much lower quantities of tren than they do test etc, and generally a short cycle of tren ace could require 5-8 bottles, whereas a 12 week test e run only 3. All comparative.

legendinthemaikng's picture

Thank you for answering my question and for helping out with useful info and experienced advice. I am pretty sure I am gonna reconsider this cycle now. What's the shelf life on tren since I already ordered it?

Catalyst's picture

It'll be good for at least a couple of years if it's from a decent reputable source.