stekas69's picture
  • 14

test enanthate deca dianabol thinking of hgh


im a hargainer and im now 1 month off from tren ace/prop/winny cyc
and this is plans for my next cycle
ive done until now 5 cycles
im 35 yrs old 5,7ft 180 pounds with 9-10%bf
my goal is to get wider and bigger cause i have a small frame and im thinking of hgh on 4ius a day if it will help
liver and milk thistel will run along too
could someone please help me
i eat 6 meal a day and workout 4 times a day
whatever i eat i hardly gain size
this is my meals everyday
8am 120gr oatmeal with 1 sc whey & 1 sc virtago banana 6 egg whites multivitamin and i cap fish oil
11am 200gr tuna in water 200 gr brown rice salad 1 fish oil
12;30 pm before workout 1 sc whey & 5gr creatine 1 sc super pum gaspari with aminoes aminomaxx 800
during workout 1 shaker with SCIVATION Xtend Intra-Workout Catalyst
2pm post workout 1 sc whey & 1 sc casein & 1 sc virtago & glutamine & 5gr creatine and banana
40 minutes laters 200gr sweet potatoe with 200 gr salmon or red meat & multivitamin
6pm 200gr chicken breast with 200 gr brown rice and salad and 2 tb olive oil
9pm 7 boiled or scramble eggs whites with green salad and half avocado
12 pm 1 sc casein with any fruits
thank you anyone that can help me if im doing something wrong
my goasl is to gain size and get wider
thank you very much

WeekTestosterone Enanthatedecadianabol
Champion Of The Mind's picture

ive done until now 5 cycles
im 35 yrs old 5,7ft 180 pounds with 9-10%bf

there's nothing steroids can do for you, if your diet and training is off... you have to maintain a caloric intake relative to your body weight, and in a surplus of 500 kals to grow...

BTW I see no mention of caber, AI or PCT...

Catalyst's picture

X2 on the number of cycles to reach 180lbs.

Food problems here. Not a lot of real food, a large percentage of your intake is supplements / pills / shakes. Need some food mate! This is what you're getting wrong, you want to get big then eat big. To put that into context, whilst I'm a bit bigger than you I estimate you probably eat 25% of what I do - seriously.

Forget cycling for a while, get yourself over to the diet clinic and we'll get the nutrition ironed out before we do anything else.

Champion Of The Mind's picture

My point exactly bro, I keep reading supplement after supplement. Get rid of that garbage and buy FOOD.

stekas69's picture

a1 img arimidex ed
pct i shot pregnyl a week for 3 weeks and clomid starting with 3 tabs for 3 weeks
so you think i have to eat more on?

Champion Of The Mind's picture

Yeah bro its really about the food, and you didn't keep your gain because your PCT was incorrect. BTW the half life of Adex, dictates it's application on a EOD basis bro. 1 mg is kinda high too, you need some estrogen to grow and produce gains... .25-.5 EOD is more of a standard protocol.

Catalyst's picture

Why do you workout 4 times per day?????

stekas69's picture

sorry 4 times a wekk

Catalyst's picture

Lol - that makes more sense!

allday222's picture

I was thinking the same exact thing. Perhaps your not growing because your overtraining just a tad bit and more gear doesn't always mean better results. You need to find the right gear to health risk ratio. Get your diet plan in check and make sure your consuming enough clean calories like champion of the mind said. Good luck .

legendinthemaikng's picture
There are guys in this thread that will get your diet right for sure.

irongame427's picture

Yes. Post your diet it. It's physically impossible to not gain weight unless you have a medical problem. It's pretty basic, eat more calories then your body burns and you gain weight.

stekas69's picture

i forgot to mention should i add hgh 4 ius a day or isnt it necessary?
havent ever used hgh dont know what the results would be
thank you again
this is my first post so sorry if i writed anything wrong

Champion Of The Mind's picture

havent ever used hgh dont know what the results would be
thank you again

I would suggest researching it before attempting to use it...