r4b11's picture
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+ 1 Second Cycle - Test E/Deca


This will be my second cycle, first was a test e and dbol (which I stopped) cycle.I won't be started this for 2 months but I'd just like to get it down in the logs here and make sure I'm not missing something stupid.

I'm not 100% on if i'll go Aromasin or Arimidex. I'm leaning towards Aromasin so I'll include that in the table above.

Age: 28
Weight: 89kg
Height: 5'9"
I wont bore you with my diet, its fairly in check for a cycle. I'll make sure to update macros through the cycle which I didn't quiet get right on my first cycle. (Still made solid gains).

My two concerns are:

I can't get HCG, I would like to and I know its benefits but I cannot get it. Will this PCT nolva/clomid get me through it?

I ran dbol and got very high blood pressure, I thought about anadrol but its sides are stronger. I'm prone to mild acne and gyno so If you guys think its best I will skip all together.

Please be gentle.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateDecaAromasinNolvadexClomid
1500mg400mg0.5 EOD
2500mg400mg0.5 EOD
3500mg400mg0.5 EOD
4500mg400mg0.5 EOD
5500mg400mg0.5 EOD
6500mg400mg0.5 EOD
7500mg400mg0.5 EOD
8500mg400mg0.5 EOD
9500mg400mg0.5 EOD
10500mg400mg0.5 EOD
11500mg0.5 EOD
12500mg0.5 EOD
1540mg ED100mg ED
1640mg ED100mg ED
1720mg ED50mg ED
1820mg ED50mg ED
r4b11's picture

Yeah I'm starting to regret following advice from all those forum threads.
It can be hard sometimes to do proper research when there's so many threads of "Test/Deca 2nd cycle went great!" everywhere.

If anyone else reads this, listening to more experienced people is always the way to go. I will not be running deca for a 2nd cycle after reading replies/input.

Thanks guys.

Catalyst's picture

Good attitude. Let's try and build something more suitable. What's the goal here?

r4b11's picture

Sorry for the late reply, I've been out of town.

Honestly I think people are right here in saying I should just stick with Test E at the moment (Or another test if thats a good idea?) Maybe run that at 600mg per week, I dont think any higher would be wise.

My concern is with orals, last time I ran Dbol my BP shot up, I got nose bleeds so I stopped. I'm open to running it again with modifications to maybe my diet (really watch sodium and eat better for low BP). Perhaps even Anadrol instead of Dbol?


jimmie's picture

How about turinobol? It's a little more expensive but it's pretty good, slow steady gains with little sides. Or you could do a test prop kicker/taper. I just read about you can't get HCG...bullshit. Look through the top sources, you can get anything. No need to up to 600 if you've got legit test. But if you do it e3d it's slightly higher anyway, which I how I do it just to be anal about timing.

Wk 1-12 test e 250 e3d or 2 x week
Wk 1-5 80mg Tbol ed
Wk 14 test p 50mg eod
Wk 15 test p 25mg eod
Wk 5,6,7... 9,10,11 ..13,14,15 hcg 250iu e3d or 2 x week

r4b11's picture

Great idea I completely forgot about Tbol, that is definitely top of my list to run for an oral now. It sounds like it doesn't give me high BP or gyno like dbol does so that is excellent thanks.

Can I ask what the Test P does? So i'd be taking a 2 week break after Test E, 2 weeks of Test P and then 2 weeks off till PCT?

EDIT: You weren't wrong about being more expensive, to use at 80mg a day for 5 weeks would cost more than Test E + Dbol + PCT combined.

jimmie's picture

You could use test p for a kicker instead of an oral. Shorter ester- quicker release for the kick and out of the system quicker at the end so you can go right into pct without as much of a crash.

wks 1, 2 test p 100 eod
wks 3, 4 test p 50 eod
wks 1-12 test e 250 e3d
5-7 days after last e pin start week 14 test p 50 eod to keep test levels up as the enanthate ends

r4b11's picture

I've been chatting with my supplier and can get enough tbol for:
wks 1-5 Tbol 60mg ED
wks 1-12 Test E (250mg E3D)

I don't mean to sound cheap but its very expensive down in Australia for legit stuff.
I could run 500mg Test E or even bump it up to 600 if thats something that could work. I'll have enough left over to run at 600.

jimmie's picture

There's plenty of suppliers here on eroids. I realize there is an issue shipping to australia tho. If you run it e3d it will be more than 500 per week. It will be 2-3 shots per week instead of always 2. So just stick to that 250 e3d schedule and you'll be over the 500 mark. Tbol is expensive , you don't sound cheap, I'm fkn broke.

r4b11's picture

People don't know the half of it with finding a source in Aus.
Sure the sources say they ship to Aus but tbh it's very risky and when you fork out all this money, its not worth the risk IMO.

I've got a stable local source but im limited to what he has and his prices, I got ripped off my some bike gang dickheads so I try and still with who i've dealt with before.

Thanks for the advice.

Catalyst's picture

Completely inappropriate for a second cycle.

gymjunkie12's picture

Aromasin at .5 eod? I don't think that is possible i think you mean adex

IrishMack's picture

If you have any plans 1 day to have kids; you need HCG. It will keep your leg smackers nice and plump and stimulate natural test. Also go with Iron and say no to deca; get back to a 1 compound cycle. have you thought of lowering it to 400? How much BF do you have? I personally believe the lower your fat and higher your muscle while being within a certain range you benefit more from lower amounts vs high.

irongame427's picture

No 19-nors (deca) for your second cycle, or third or 4th for that matter. doenst even sound like you completed one cycle yet. The first cycle we advise on here is 500mgs of test e or c for 10-12 weeks with an AI and standard nolva/clomid pct, nothing more nothing less. No dbol or anything. Then maybe the cycle after that you add an oral like dbol. But you dont go right to the drug with the hardest recovery for basically your first cycle. Have you gotten blood work after this last cycle or whatever it was to make sure your recoveed? And what do you mean you cant get hcg? Theres over 1000 sources on here hcg is readily availabe. Its not mandatory but I personally like to run it.

BenightedBodybuilder's picture

What is the negative effect of taking a 19 nor compound on your 10th cycle vs your 2nd?

Owes a Review × 1
Arexon's picture
