jerseyboy81's picture
  • 17

-1 Primo and test Cycle advice anyone??


32 male
bf 18

I have 10 bottles of primo 100mg and 3 bottles of a blend made up of cyp 200mg eq 200mg and test Phenylpropionate 50mg. I also have two bottles of prop 100mg and 100 proviron. I also have AI but don't think its needed since the primo and proviron them selves should be acting as a AI as well. 2 5000iu of hcg and a bottle of cyp. If anybody has any better suggestions of how i could run this cycle i would appreciate the feed back. As liver support i will be taking liv 52 4 tablets a day drinking a gallon of water throughout the day as well.

I have been taking gear on and off since I was 18. Gears taken include deca tren var suspention test cyp test E EQ Prop proviron primo and probably other but can't remember them all off hand.

Goal. Been working on bulking up and have put on 10lb without starting my cycle yet. I want to take off 4 to 8 percent body fat and build a solid and lean frame that i could maintain after the cycle with proper PCT diet and training schedule.

Weekprimohuman grade cypprovironprop clomidnovahcg
5400mg200mg50mg ed
6400mg200mg50mg ed
7400mg200mg50mg ed 500mg
8400mg200mg50mg ed 500mg
9400mg200mg50mg ed 500mg
10400mg200mg50mg ed 500mg
11400mg200mg50mg ed 500mg
12400mg200mg50mg ed 500mg
13400mg 200mg50mg ed 500mg
1450mg ed 100mg eod 500mg
1550mg ed 100mg eod 500mg
1650mg ed 100mg eod 500mg
jerseyboy81's picture

So I just got my blood work done to make sure im healthy before I start my cycle. As you can see my natural test levels are low. They were fine this time last year before I started a 16 week cycle of Test E and EQ at 500mg each. Novadex never came in so took a pct of Clomid for a month. As you can see it did not work. I have been on trt for the past 6 weeks. I get a shoot of 200mg of cyp every 2 weeks. They gave me a shoot on the 1 or 2nd then got my blood work done on the 17 right before I went back for my next shoot. My test levels in January were 284 and now after trt there even lower. I thought it was because the cyp was out of my system already by the time they took blood but some of the bothers on here told me that they still should be at normal range. I'm not sure if I should run hcg throughout my whole cycle or jack up my pct after the cycle. I would like to have the option of having kids in the future and not be stuck on trt the rest of my life. If anyone has any good advice for me I would appreciate it. Thanks brothers

Dickkhead's picture

Bro, from the bottom of my heart, fuck the cycle until you see an endocrinologist that has some experience in HPTA issues / restoration. Your health comes first. You're still a young man. You might end up going through a couple of docs before u get to the right one. You have years ahead of you to enjoy anabolics. Don't put gear first in your life. That certainly is not where it belongs.

cowboy516's picture

You couldnt have put it any better.

jerseyboy81's picture

I appreciate that and your right dude. Unfortunately I'm not taking gear just for the work out side of things. I own a construction company so i deal with a lot of stress so i need my energy levels stable and testosterone as well to keep me aggressive. As you can see i restructured my cycle to 400mg of primo which is probably causes the least suppression to hpta and 200mg of cyp to keep my test levels stable. This is the peak of our season so i can't deal with my body being all fucked up from trying to reboot my natural test levels. Im just running my cycle then doing an aggressive pct afterwords then getting blood work again to check my levels. If I am not able to reboot my test levels at that point i will start going to see different doctors and look for other options.