561boi's picture
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+ 2 Precontest Cycle for show in March 15'


This is a cycle I put together over all the research I have done. I did a precontest cycle about 2 yrs ago but never got to compete of test prop, tren winny and nolvedex, This is a trial and error thing but I am also open to suggestions. I am running Tren to help with lean mass for any size or weight I lose while off cycle for a couple of months. Dropping 6 wks out so I am not too hard for show. Also dropping test because I was told that's the best time to drop. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!

WeekTest PropTrenMasteron Oral WinnyAromasin
1250mg/ED50mg/EDadjust as needed
razor ramon's picture

doesnt that much test make you hold more water? or am i wrong about it

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

This is one of the first cycles i have ever read about. Your dosage is on point, im sure your focused. Are you splitting the winny every 12?

I want to do this cycle, and i never fucking say that to anyone

561boi's picture

yes focused isn't even then word!! ready to kill it! of coarse splitting the winny always do, but may do anavar instead of winny, not 100% sure though

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levelup's picture

Bro there is not such thing as too hard for a show

561boi's picture

even for physique? because a buddy did a show and they told him he looked too hard

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levelup's picture

Well it kind of depends on what state you are in...you can come in too dry for physique depending on the judges. Remember winny and mast are going to harden too. Honestly I would love for judges to tell me I was too Conditioned

561boi's picture

lol, so what do you think about my propsed cycle? ok? or too much?

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levelup's picture

I mean it's pretty moderate I just not sure it fits with a physique cycle....you've got 3 finishers there which models more of a bb cycle but it's really all about how you react to the compounds and making sure if you see yourself becoming "overconditioned" by physique standards adding some water and salt back in to soften the lines a bit

561boi's picture

it would be the last 2 weeks to help with drying up im starting cycle at 12 wks, the numbers are reversed

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