gly4197's picture
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novice looking for direction


I am on doc prescribed test cyp a cupple years ago I ran a sust cycle and was listing to a guy that I thought new what he was talking about. Well mot the case probably part of the reasons I'm on hormone replacement. Anyhow I recently ran a 10 week tren e cycle went with tren e because of its 5 day active life not the ace's 24 to 48 hr life. Any how love the results. Was thinking of running a equipoise cycle next. But also thinking about decca but know nothing about decca. I just don't want the bloating like I got with sust. Any advice would be awesome. And how long should I cycle off of the anabolics wile staying on low Doce test?

WeekTestosterone EnanthatePregnylNolvadex
Dickkhead's picture

Anyhow I recently ran a 10 week tren e cycle went with tren e

OK, bro, I know I'm a little late to the party, but let us begin at the beginning. And that is - When is recently and how much Tren E and what else did you run with the Tren E beside your TRT Test? Did you run more than the TRT dose and BTW what is the TRT does and injection schedule? More specifically, when (the exact date) was your last injection of any steroid other than your TRT test dose? What PCT did you or are you running?

gly4197's picture

I ran 1cc of tren e with 1cc 200 mg test cyp. For 9 weeks. And because natural I make test like a chick I'm back on my prescription of.5cc of cyp. Like I was saying I know very little about gear just what little info I find on the net. Going off of other comments on this cycle I'm guessing I should run a few cycles of high test with something to reduce my water retention. But not sure where to start and giving I'm on trt how long should I take off between cycles?

Dickkhead's picture

Ya. Bro. You did not answer all my questions. I can't help you unless you answer a few questions.

Let's try this again.

1) When (Month, day) was your last injection of Tren E? Example: June 30
2) When (Month, day) was your last injection of 200 mg Test Cyp?

3) Are you running (doing) any post cycle therapy medications like Clomid (clomiphene) or Nolva (tamoxifen) right now (at the present time)? I think I know the answer but I want you to tell me.

4) How many mg per ml was the Tren E? Example: 200 mg

Going off of other comments on this cycle I'm guessing I should run a few cycles of high test with something to reduce my water retention. But not sure where to start and giving I'm on trt how long should I take off between cycles?

Do nothing. Please !

gly4197's picture

Last tren e 200 mg was June 27. Last injection of test cyp was July 1/2cc. And no pct kinda why I am asking because I was told by a couple people when you are on hrt there is no need. I understand I'm not trying to get back my test levels because I'm on hrt but still need time for kidneys and liver to go.back. Hope this is all u need thanks for.the info

Dickkhead's picture

You need to take a minimum of 10 weeks off before your next cycle which brings us to September 5th. I would get a blood test around August 22 (8 weeks). No, you should not be taking any PCT meds, just wanted to make sure you were not. I'm on TRT as well.

gly4197's picture

Awesome thanks. So 8 weeks off got it. I want to run a cycle but not sure what to run. Looking for leaner look not bubbly. Diet is good the last time I ran sust my diet wasn't on point. So I.guess what I am asking is what would be a good cycle?

Dickkhead's picture

Your current body fat is 18%?

gly4197's picture

Not positive did the thing you hold up after you put in your info.and it said 15% but not sure how accurate it is.

Dickkhead's picture

You have a picture you want to share? It's not a requirement. 18% and 15% for you is 12 lbs of pure fat. If you were 208 at 18% you would need to loose 12 lbs of fat to get to 15% at 196, which I think is minimum to start a new cycle. We're trying to avoid fat and bloat right? Look, I'm not dogmatic about the 15% like some others are but if you cycle with high BF you are going to have to keep a closer eye on blood pressure and estrogen related side effects. Now would be a good time to diet bro, what do you think? Your TRT dose should help preserve muscle on a diet. You can do cardio and keep your heart rate in the fat burning range.

gly4197's picture

Ya I'm doing the macro. I was 185 when I started the hrt and then 193 when I did the tren. I've got a lot more definition. Veins in my chest all through my arms. So I definitely cut down and my waist is 34 around belly button. From a 38 when.I started smart eating about 8 months ago. Did the no carb thing lost weight but alot of mussel too. But are you saying if I do.the no carb thing with.the hrt I should keep my muscles not shrink up like I did with nothing

Dickkhead's picture

Absolutely. So, what you're calling "the no carb thing" was that actually a ketosis diet where you pissed on the test strips and such?

I just sent you a friend request FR so we can exchange email. And, I can send you a diet.

Then we can talk about cycle.

Bigman111's picture

What's your stats?

Dickkhead's picture

Age: 29
Height: 5 10
Weight: 210

cpatc88101's picture

Stay away from 19 nors! (Deca/tren)
Stay away from EQ unless you want to run a 16 week cycle which would stretch to about 20 weeks before pct.

Id stay simple man. You don't have the experience to be running such harsh gear yet. You can have the results you want and MORE if you diet proper, train intensly with just test and maybe an oral.

I would run TEST E for 12 weeks. Run an AI (aromasin 6.25mg-12.5mg ED) starting 2 weeks in your cycle, that will take away the bloat from the test.
If you want to kick start your cycle with an oral, and you don't want the bloat I suggest T-bol. Run that at 50mg ED for 6 weeks.
Wait 3 weeks after your last TEST E injection to start PCT (nolva 40mg for 2 weeks,20mg following 2 weeks/clomid 100mg first 2 weeks, 50mg following 2 weeks)
In regards to hcg you don't need to run it throughout the cycle. Start on week 9 doing 500iu 2x per week, than last week do 500iu ED ending 5-7 days before pct.

And make sure you run a liver support (milk thistle/ Liv52 etc etc) throughout the cycle and pct

But tell us your goals! What do you want to gain from the cycle?
What's your training like/ how long have you been training?
What's your diet like?

gly4197's picture

I train 1hr weight 6 times a week and 20 to 30 min cardio 6 days a week. I'm currently up to.208 lbs at 5 10 about 18% bf. I take cranberry extract and milk thissel daily. I follow the macro nutrition guide. I have been training hard for the past 3 years but in the gym for.the past 13 years. I took all the oral test boosters out in the past since high school. So I am assuming that is why I am on test therapy. My doctor says I will be on it.for life. Every 3 months I have a kidney and liver check. I really enjoyed the tren. Did what research I could on it that is why I went with tren e. Active life of 5 days. Not the ace that is like 48 hrs. Only ran it 9 weeks. And yes I looked into the negatives of it. That's the reason I went the route I did. I want the.lean look.I got with the tren. I ran a cycle of sustanon and was just bloated. So I'm wondering what would be a good follow up cycle. Not a fan of orals because of how harsh they are on the liver but yall know more than me so I am all ears. Thanks for the advice greatly appreciated

cpatc88101's picture

Oral test boosters? what from supplement companies? lmao there's a money grab if I've ever seen one.

You said you've looked into the negatives of tren? Yet you wont run orals because they are too harsh on the liver? sounds like bs to me man... The side effects of tren are MUCH worse than orals.. Clearly you haven't done the research... Did you run any HCG? Cab? while you ran the tren?

First off I wouldn't run any kind of cycle if you are above 14/15 % BF. To me its just a waste. You said you want a lean look? You can get that with just test. Your gains from a cycle are all dependent on what you eat and how you train. PERIOD. What was your dosing weekly with the sust and how long did you run it for?

If your prone to sides from test like bloat or gyno, take an a.i (aromasin/armidex)
You are not prepared, no matter how much research you do for 19 nors. You shouldn't even be considering them until you have at least 10-20 more cycles under your belt, IMO.
But to me it looks like your diet is not in check neither is your workout routine. You've done tren before and your sitting at 18% BF?? common.......
Fix the basics first man.. Work from the ground up...

kennywheels's picture

Actually, the orals I took in the past (ugl type and "prohormone" otc type) were way harsher then Tren Ace 100mg EOD... for me anyway