kul75's picture
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+ 1 New 2nd cycle critique.


I have amended my 2nd cycle. Age 39 Body fat 15% Height 5ft 7 " Weight 177lbs. Goals are to put on muscle and maintain it. Will not be increasing dbol dosage as Im a first time user. Partial front load with extra test in week 1, switching to prop in week 11/12. Using Adex throughout and tapering off in pct to limit estrogen rebound, would have liked aromasin but want to try adex only in this cycle to see how it compares. AlphaPharma for everything. Your thoughts and opinions greatly appreciated!

Testosterone EnanthateHCGDianabolTestosterone PropionateNolvadexClomidArimidex
1750mg Test E 25mg Dbol ED0.5mg Adex E3D
2500mg25mg ED0.5mg E3D
3500mg500UI25mg ED0.5mg E3D
4500mg500UI25mg ED0.5mg E3D
5500mg500UI0.5mg E3D
6500mg500UI0.5mg E3D
7500mg500UI0.5mg E3D
8500mg500UI0.5mg E3D
9500mg500UI0.5mg E3D
10500mg500UI0.5mg E3D
11500UI100mg Prop EOD0.5mg E3D
12100mg Prop EOD0.5mg E3D
13Start PCT after 4 daysClomid/Nolva100/40Adex 0.5mg E3D
14100/400.5mg E3D
1550/200.25mg E3D
1650/200.25mg E3D
BeastMode5085's picture

Couple suggestions:

  1. Drop the HCG. This is a mild cycle so unless you had a hard time recovering last time I would ditch it. If you notice your balls shrinking then maybe pop it in. Just my thoughts, I only use it on long cycles (16+ weeks) or if I am dosing over a gram of total gear (note total gear not a gram of test).
    2.Add a prop kicker rather then a partial front load. That won't do much for you. If you do the prop kick then you get the effects right away rather than week 3/4.
  2. push your Adex use back to week 3 if you are sticking with this cycle. You have a good chance at crashing your estro since the enanth ester hasnt kicked in yet. I would also suggest starting with .25 e3d and adjust up as needed.

Otherwise, this was well thought out. Glad you are moving slowly. If you eat well then you will see some nice gains from this! good work dood! +1

kul75's picture

Thank you beast mode.

kul75's picture

Thanks pal. Appreciate your thoughts. Of course, youre right; the standard frontload should have been 1000mg of test to shoot my levels right up from day one, but the thought of taking that much in one week doesnt sit well with me, especially as its only my second cycle and dont wanna get arrested for humping the milf next door whilst beating my chest (well..not in the first week anyway) None the less there is also the dbol kicker in play to hopefully trigger some early gains while my test levels climb.