Older School's picture
Older School
  • 168



I'm planning on running this cycle for the EBC. My goal is to lean bulk.
I am 6'1" and 235 pounds at 11% BF.
I want to end the EBC at 255 pounds and about the same BF (maybe a little less).
I have a lot of experience with all of the compounds in this cycle, except EQ. That's the one variable, and I'm hoping it will help me stay lean and vascular while adding muscle mass.

WeekSustanonTest PropDecaNPPEQProviHGHGHRP-6HCGNolvaClomidAromasin
1750mg300mg500mg200mg1000mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED
2750mg300mg500mg200mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED
3750mg200mg500mg100mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
4750mg200mg500mg100mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
5750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
6750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
7750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
8750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
9750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED 12.5mg ED
10750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
11750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
12750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
13750mg500mg8900mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
14750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED12.5mg ED
15750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED500iu EOD12.5mg ED
16750mg500mg800mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED500iu EOD12.5mg ED
17300mg200mg400mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED500iu EOD12.5mg ED
18300mg200mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED500iu EOD12.5mg ED
19300mg200mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED500iu EOD12.5mg ED
20300mg200mg50mg ED7iu ED100mcg ED500iu EOD12.5mg ED
4iu ED12.5mg ED
4iu ED40mg ED100mg ED50mg ED
4iu ED40mg ED100mg ED50mg ED
4iu ED20mg ED50mg ED25mg ED
4iu ED20mg ED50mg ED25mg ED
Older School's picture

Update: I was able to lower my aromasin doses this cycle after increasing the amount of proviron I was taking. My provi was adjusted to 75mgs per day, and my aromasin was adjusted to 12.5 mgs per day. I also increased the length of this cycle to 20 weeks (which includes a taper), based on advice I got about running EQ for at least 16 weeks.

kodiakGRRL's picture

I like what vh has to say about the EQ I have found that for me running higher doses (for women) and full 16 weeks really brings out the full effects. It has become one of my favorite compounds along with sust.. I find that running test e or c just don't really seem to do much for me .. I m interested in your aromasin doses and wonder that it doesn't crash your estro ..

Older School's picture

I'll probably extend this cycle to 20 weeks, considering I'm getting pretty consistent advice in that direction.
I will try to get some bloods done to check my estro, but if I go with lower doses than what you see above, my nips get itchy and puffy. And that freaks me out, so I found that this dose keeps things in check. But I'm always open to advice on that topic - if there is another way to prevent gyno, I'm definitely willing to try it.
Thanks, grrl.

vhman's picture

Looks pretty good, but I have a couple of questions.
1) EQ is usually run at least 16+ weeks, since that's where it really shines. My guess is that this cycle length is due to the EBC. Not sure how much you'll get out of it. Just a thought.
2) What is your experience with Sust? I am not a fan of it due to it's fluctuations (especially in a cycle calculator). You also said below that you're gyno prone and these fluctuations can make the problem more difficult to deal with (again, depends on how you react). If you've used it and it works for you, great; otherwise I would go with your typical E/C.
3) I read what you wrote about your deca/npp ratio. Sounds like you've got that under control.
Wish you the very best of luck with this cycle and the EBC. Will be looking forward on how you're doing!

Older School's picture

I don't like running cycles of more than 16 weeks, so I might be SOL when it comes to EQ. I figured If I stop a couple weeks early, I'd still have EQ in my system through 16 weeks. Hoping to get at least some benefit out of that. And I don't want to wait two more weeks for the EQ to clear my system when I go on PCT.
I really like sustanon. I've used it in almost all of my cycles. I've found that it is actually easier to avoid fluctuations while on sustanon compared to E or C. At least that's my experience. I ran a cycle with E not long ago and had to increase the dosage of my Ai to calm things down. That probably has more to do with the fact that I've sort of dialed in the sustanon dosages over the years, while I'm less experienced running E or C.
Thanks for the advice and the kind words. I will consider extending my cycle a bit if the EQ isn't meeting my expectations.

vhman's picture

I'm not a fan of running cycles that long either. I also don't like the BP raise I get with it (now that I'm older). The best way to learn how you react to it is just to jump in. Just keep an eye on things.
I'm glad that you get along with sust. I don't as far as keeping my levels steady. Again, when I was younger, I did great with it, but now not so much. Oh well...
Sounds like you've got things pretty well situated, so keep us updated on your progress.

Older School's picture

Thanks for giving me a new perspective on the sustanon. And I might just run that EQ longer this time. Game-day decision.

McMeanie87's picture

Good luck in the ebc brother..

Older School's picture

Thanks, Meanie.

irongame427's picture

Why ghrp-2? Most people say that 2 does not have the appetite stimulating benifits of ghrp-6.

Older School's picture

I actually meant GHRP-6. That's what I have on hand.
Last cycle, I was sent some GHRP-2 as part of a promo and used it with limited success. I just got the two confused for a minute. Thanks for setting me straight. And you are right about the GHRP-2 - not as much hunger stimulation.

ReadyToKillIt's picture

You know your body best, but your test:deca ratio seems a little low. I know personally i need atleast 1.5:1 ratio or my libido dips a little. I think the eq with the gh and provi will keep you super lean and hard. But i like eq closer to a gram, maybe the 800-900 range. Do you have prolactin control in place?

Older School's picture

Yeah, I typically run test at 2:1 to deca or close to that. This time, I figured I'd try for higher deca doses and just adjust the test upward if necessary.
Got a bunch of cabaser on hand for prolactin.
Thanks for the advice on the EQ doses. I adjusted the EQ upward and took the deca down a tad.

Older School's picture

I see what you are doing with the prop at the end of the cycle, but why does it go to 300, 300, 800, 700?

If you look at the overall testosterone in my system, and not just the prop, you'll see that it stays relatively even. The fluctuations in prop balance out the long-estered test in Sustanon.

Aromasin dosages seem really hefty....

The aromasin doses are needed because I'm gyno prone. Unless you think I'd look better with boobs.


I have a bunch of Cabaser on hand. But I don't use it until it's necessary.

On a side note I know very little about GHRP and its effects and usage. Have you ran it before? If so could you provide some experience and knowledge about the stuff for the community?

I have used two types of GHRP in some of my previous cycles. It's a peptide that supposedly stimulates your body to release more natural testosterone and growth hormone. But I like GHRP-6 because it also increases appetite. You inject it subcutaneously about 20 minutes before meals. There is plenty of additional information about GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 in the forums section, including dosage info.