codnvoid's picture
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-1 First cycle Test E. Plz suggest changes.


Hey guys. This is my first cycle and i would like you to critique it. I will begin the cycle in the first week of November as i am currently cutting using clen.

My stats:

Height- 6'2
Weight- 203lbs

I have been lifting fir last 1 year. Consistent and dedicated. I have lost around 88lbs in the past year with lifting alone (Well a lil cardio sometimes to be honest). I know how to diet so it isnt a very big deal to look for what i am putting in my mouth.

I would like you people to look at the cycle i am thinking. I welcome any suggestions. I ahve called my guy for aromasin and will know its status in a day or two probably. I am looking to gain some muscle as i have been cutting for too long.

These are my gym stats which says i am 13% BF whereas i believe i am somewhere around 17-18%. I know its a bad idea to use roids before cutting down to 15% but i want to bulk.

I will use Dbol for kick start and will be injecting 250mg twice a week.

WeekTest E (250x2/W) Dbol (ED)Clomid/Nolva
1500mg /30mg
2500mg /30mg
3500mg /30mg
4500mg /30mg
15100mg / 40mg
1650mg / 20mg
1750mg / 20mg
codnvoid's picture

Thanks everyone, and i do mean everyone. I am going to bulk naturally. BTW can anyone give me an approximation of my BF from my profile picture?


konig's picture

You will be so happy if you wait brother,. And you are smart too.. +1 and lets see some natty gains brother.. up the glutamine, creatine, arginine etc get a training partner eat clean and crack that fkn whip!!!

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

To young.
Research diet, training, workouts
At you age I was training 3x a day and slaying everyone in sight with a bad bunch of killers. No drugs need.
Try doing am and pm cardio and heavy weights once a day. You should hit you natural peak in a year or two if you don't quit

irongame427's picture

Shoot me a friend request and a message and I'll get you big naturally.

dj460's picture

Eat train sleep repeat your 22 bro cmon

Getsum777's picture

oops thought this was my thread my bad

McMeanie87's picture

Bro u could blow up with proper eating And hard training..ur body is producing so much test right now it would be worthless to strain ur endocrin system being so young..ur endocrin isn't fully developed till ur 25..and I see that u stated ur friends run oral only cycles and all I can say is that is a terrible idea and to not follow in their footsteps and do it natty for a few more years..ur health is more important bro

IrishMack's picture

Age: 22
Height: 6'2
Weight: 203

Best advice you will get is its too early for you to even think about aas honestly. You haven't even hit your genetic potential at your age and also you have quite a bit of natty test that haltering it is not a good idea. Best thing to research is a good bulking diet and a powerful training routine otherwise your current idea will fall on deaf ears. Cut your face out of your picture as well; not a good idea to be flaunting it.

codnvoid's picture

Thank you fir your suggestion mate. I just want to do a 3 month clean bulk thats it. I take you advice pretty seriously as you are obviously more experienced than me in these scenarios. by the way can you explain that what did you mean with " you have quite a bit of natty test that haltering it is not a good idea.". Removed the pic though. Appreciated.

IrishMack's picture

What I meant was you are still producing a lot of natural test because you are under 25 years old; you are peaking right now so its a better idea to stay natural and get a really good diet and training routine in place to take advantage of it. Working out in getting in shape is not a race and if you treat it like one you end up getting hurt or even worse destroying your natural test production and becoming a slave to a needle for the rest of your life; do you want to have to jab yourself every week for the rest of your life? I am on trt and I will be honest and tell you I wish I had even half of what you produce naturally so I didn;t have to. Check out some of the other forums here on diet and training. Viking put together some very good bulking foods and so did a few others that you can use to bulk up quick. Trust me you will be happy as shit that you waited because then when your ready for a cycle you will be armed with so much knowledge your 1st cycle will be a fkn killer one.

codnvoid's picture

I can understand what you are saying. I have a few friends (21 and 22 years old) that did oral only cycles and they had some good progress. I dont want to look bulky or any like a pro. I just want to get into good shape. I respect your experience honstly and i dont want to defy or offend you in any way. This will most probably be my first and only roid cycle with the next 5 year frame. Can you please help me with the cycle?

Catalyst's picture

These guys know they can't help you at your age, it's against site policy to give cycle advice to under 25's. If they do, they'll be leaving eroids.

IrishMack's picture

No, and no one else here will either. I am trying to be nice and let you know that you are too young and your friends are idiots for taking oral only cycles; that is a bad idea. Accept what I let you know for the truth it is.