Getsum777's picture
  • 28

-1 first cycle( edited and changed) in need of suggestions.


27 yrs old 5'11 218 lbs BF 17%. hey guys whats going on.. appreciate you dropping in and checking out the thread. been in the gym on and off since highschool got some good size on me and have been in the gym pretty solid for the past year. the idea of getting gear for help has been in my mind for a few years now..just never really had the discipline in the gym like i do now. anyways been doing a lot of research reading tons and tons about different compounds and steroid profiles. two reliable sources now and a good understanding of how to run a proper cycle. doing a lot of thinking and been truly undecided as to whats best for me when it comes to what compounds im gonna cycle with. . ive had a lengthy history with drugs and the gym has saved my life. if im gonna get on gear then i want it to really count.. please give some input, maybe even help tweak this and maybe even add another compound was gonna do tren but have put hard thought in becuse of advice from a little high in body fat i know...would like to put on some strength and build quality lean muscle and maybe lower body fat while on cycle any suggestions would be helpfull

1test e 1000 mgAI 12.5MG EOD
2TEST E 500 AI12.5MG EOD
4TEST E 500AI12.5 EOD
10TEST E 500AI12.5MG EOD
11TEST E 500AI12.5 MG EOD
12TEST E 500AI12.5MG EOD
13TEST E 500AI12.5 EOD
14TEST E 500AI12.5MG EOD
16AI12.5MG EOD

Love it................ this is an eroids success story at its best................. fucking highly impressed!

Thanks fellas you did a great job in here :))

You just made an old horse very proud.

Older School's picture

Yeah, this one was cool. It's all worth it when somebody actually listens to us. LOL

irongame427's picture

If you know how to eat and train you will be absolutely blown away by a test cycle. And you will feel like a fucking king the entire time you're on it. Let me know if you want me to look at your diet/macros or training routine.

Getsum777's picture

So Iron i got a question for you... so when i placed my order of Test e, aromasin, etc. i jokingly left a comment on the comment box for my source saying " if there is anything that yall want me to try feel free throw it in there....especially some dbol or something:)" well they did! which is really cool. its not too much its only 50 10mg tabs of the stuff. what you think...i should do with them? i mean sure i could save them for later but i dont see too much wrong with maybe jump starting a cycle with it huh? any way let me know

jimmie's picture

Save them. Keep saving leftover anything or anything "extra" from promos or whatever. Ai's, pct items and a bunch of orals and a few bottles of oils are just building up in a box in my closet.

Getsum777's picture

lol honestly id rather you not look at my diet...lmao..but i will tell you in a i think is solid. past few weeks ive been slacking though. I believe ill have more drive when gear gets in. start hitting them two a' days. im gonna send you a friend request if thats ok

Getsum777's picture

read your profile big willy... if you dont mind im sending you a friend request bro.. feel like we got a lot in common sir

Catalyst's picture

Well done all of you for getting this guy on the right track and avoiding a clean up job a few weeks down the line.

irongame427's picture

Now this is more like it. +2 for finally listening

Getsum777's picture

still got a question..i see some are suggesting runnin both clomid and nolva or should i just run one for pct?

irongame427's picture

Ya both, they both work towards the same goal of kickstart your test but threw different mechanisms. So running both has proven to give you the best chance of recovery.

Getsum777's picture

k thanks bro had no idea about running that helps a lot...EXCITED GENTELMEN.. fucking package get hear already!

chunkypbnj's picture


Owes a Review × 1
Getsum777's picture

thanks bro ill take before and after pics

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

Well I don't really know if your bsing us now

Why do you think we try to stop you from using tren?

Getsum777's picture

No im serious bro. i changed it up a little fuck it..not like i cant do another cycle after this one..probably could build more of a better foundation with just test...fuck it im too broke to keep up with all the other shit i gotta buy for the tren was gonna go with prop but I intend to be on this for a little while. if things are going real smooth in the middle of it i might throw in a dbol or something who sure ill see a change as this is my 1st cycle

Getsum777's picture

order placed...fucking excited. test E 250mg 10ml X 2 Aromasin 25mg 30 count and Viagra 100mg fucking viagra. next week gonna pick up 1 more bottle test, possible HCG and some clomed or Nolva. ready to get to fuckin and fuckin gettin big lol

miggymig's picture

one last bit of advice
make sure you have everything on hand before you start
but looks like your on right track

Owes a Review × 1
Getsum777's picture

thanks bro will do

Getsum777's picture

I can be hard headed at times. get some knowledge under my belt and I think i know what im talking about. knowledge does not equal experience and everyone I know everyone is different when it comes to how this shit effects bad if i came off like i didnt give a fuck about yalls oppinion. ive read in multiple forums on how they bash the knew dude when he wants to do tren.. thats why I posted going against advice...i just wanna see my body change quicker. training is great, diet could be cleaner but i eat plenty. any advice would be helpful. changed my mind on tren...

miggymig's picture

GRRRRR I can understand that +1 to get you back on track keep learning Bro

Owes a Review × 1
McMeanie87's picture

Glad to see u starting to listen bro..still think u should start with a test e or cyp cycle..ur gonna get sick of the pinning eod real quick..+1 for not being a dick anymore

Getsum777's picture

thanks bro. and im fixing to put my order in on e or c. just reading up on it some more...i dont wanna be feeling it everytime i sit down.

McMeanie87's picture

Ya bro that's exactly how you would be feeling too..prop doesn't tickle that's for sure.+1

Older School's picture

Yeah, brother. Stick with us, and you will see some amazing progress. Take another look at the cycle log that Irongame posted on this thread. That's a winner, right there. If you don't get serious gains from that, then it's because there is something wrong with your diet or exercise.
Here's some karma to get you back on track. +2

Getsum777's picture

thanks headed there now