grinch12's picture
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first cycle

WeekTestosterone EnanthatePregnylNolvadexD-bol
1500mg500UI40mg ed
2500mg500UI40mg ed
3500mg500UI40mg ed
4500mg500UI40 mg ed
www's picture

Listen to all the comments. When you get so many people saying the same things, time to listen. !st cycle Test only. That's too long of a first cycle for me. Just my opinion. All you need is 8 wks Test only 400-500 wkly. then post therapy. No need for HCG during the cycle either especially if you cut it back to 8 wks. Save the dbol for later.

Owes a Review × 1
grinch12's picture

im saving the dbol and the HCG for a later cycle

www's picture

good to see your open to listening. +1 you'll get glad later.

Owes a Review × 1
Coconut's picture

325lbs??? What body fat are you? What is your training history? First cycle should be one compound only test e at 500mg a week. No need for HCG IMHO. Save that stuff for heavier cycles but you can keep it on hand in case your nuts shrink up. What ai you plan to have on hand. Cycle should be 12 weeks long 2 week wait between last pin and start of pct. Your pct is fucked too it should look something like this, clomid 100/100/50/50 nolvadex 40/50/20/20.

Coconut's picture

Nolva should be 40/40/20/20 Sry brotha.

vhman's picture

Good to see that folks are looking and evaluating stats before giving advice!


Coconut's picture

I always peep stats they're there to help us better assist guys. Not enough members check stats before handing out advice and this could really fuck somebody up.

McMeanie87's picture

I been more focused on age anymore and let body stats slip my mind..been to many 20 years on here lately running crazy cycles..good catch

Coconut's picture

I feel Ya homie shit your good your always floating around helping out ;)

McMeanie87's picture

I try my best with what little knowledge of aas that I do have..

McMeanie87's picture

Holy shit..325? Didn't even see that..yea bro don't even think about cycling until ur down to 15% bf..u will have way to many sides and can get gyno very easily being the weight that you are.

McMeanie87's picture

Listen bro cause ur gonna have a lot of people say the same thing I'm bout to tell you. The eroids first cycle is a simple test dbol. run 500mg(600 is unnecessary for a beginner) test every week for 10-12 weeks, not 14.that's to long to be shut down for a first cycle. Also ur pct is incorrect.pct protocol is clomid for 4 weeks at 100/100/50/50 an nolvadex for 4 weeks at 40/40/20/20 which u start two weeks after ur last test shot.u also need an a.i such as aromasin or adex and start it week 3 or 4 and run it everyday for the duration of the cycle, hcg is a great compound to run during the cycle but still need an a.i...train hard to eat smart and you will blow up on test alone..leave the dbol alone for down the road..and once u run the pct protocol make sure to get bloods to make sure ur levels are back to normal.

grinch12's picture

I did blood work before even thinking about doing this my test level are at 119 I have armidex on hand. my test levels are far below normal for a 35 year old. I am doing blood work every 4 or so weeks for my e2 levels I am doing an hour of cardio when I wake up fasted. and do my weight training at night. I figured dbol would help jump start everything.

Catalyst's picture

Part of the reason your test levels are where they are is your weight. Should considering dropping your BF first then retesting to see where you're at before using AAS.

McMeanie87's picture

Nah test is what u want for the first will see tons if results if ur eat right and train hard..u want to see how ur body reacts to one compound before you start throwing in if u have a side effect u won't know which compound is causing it. Definently no need for any type of kicker for a first cycle. First cycle is about baby steps, learning how ur body reacts to the test ,how to do a proper pct, how to combat estro.proper diet and training.etc..

grinch12's picture

So I should just save my HCG then Ill do that and just do the test 500mgs a week

McMeanie87's picture

Not sure on hcg..don't see it hurting anything..just run 500 mg hcg every week split up into two shots(mon,thursday)

Coconut's picture

Haha saved 4 seconds before me!!!!

McMeanie87's picture

Haha..still get a thumbs up for trying lol

BawsDawg's picture

Are you going to use an AI? Dbol and Test will both convert to estrogen.
Consider adding clomid to your pct to restart HPTA and your PCT should be at least 4 weeks, not 2

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